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CNN Will Buck Tradition and Put Commercial Breaks in Biden-Trump Presidential Debate
  • We must earn profit off our democracy, that's capitalism

  • CNN Will Buck Tradition and Put Commercial Breaks in Biden-Trump Presidential Debate
  • Yup. Have you ever watched old Civil Rights activists's speeches or interviews? People like Madaline Murray O'Hair. The interviews were calm and seeking to understand. They were slower and less aggressive. Madeline Murray O'Hair was called "The Most Hated Woman in America," and is responsible for many laws enforcing separation of church and state. And they were still able to conduct a better interview then.

    Those old Civil Right's interviews really showcase the regression we've had. It's almost like since we had those few famous activists, we haven't had many real ones since. Unless it's a teen girl like Malala or Greta Thurnberg, who are cute and all, but like, where are all the adults, ya know?

  • What's our stance on sex work?
  • Sex work can have an emotional element to it as well.

  • What's our stance on sex work?
  • I am for sex work, I am against sex abuse.

  • Homeless woman was living inside Michigan rooftop store sign with computer, coffee maker
  • Okay, take another 5 second search and look into why homeless women (and men) do not like staying in showers. Look up the rates of rape and sexual assault in shelters. Shelters are not safe alternatives. Her sign was much safer.

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • Never said that. Strawman. 🥱

  • Homeless woman was living inside Michigan rooftop store sign with computer, coffee maker
  • People always say "there's a program," but actually kook in her city for programs - what are they? Are they shelters? Or real housing? We usually DON'T have those programs, which is why people end up living behind signs

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • I didn't provide a conclusion, I asked you a question - how do you pick the official, global sign for eating? What will it look like?

    come to consensus based on commonality. When the majority agree on a sign, use it So then why even debate? If majority decides, why not just use Chinese sign language for everything?

    If you can't understand the colonization aspect, then please read the books/authors I listed previously. Having a majority decide language for others/everyone is pretty classic colonization. That's part of why native Americans were forced to learn English (many of your arguments are very similar to why colonizers believed English should be established as a global lingua franca)

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • You are simply moving goalposts. My point is that I disagree with your idea of making sign language universal or formally making even a rudimentary universal sign language. I think that would be impossible if you understand language itself. I gave you resources so you could educate yourself about why.

    Yes, the sign for eating would look different in China vs Ethiopia vs the US. So what sign are you going to have it be to imitate eating in your formal language? Do you see how this can perpetuate colonization?

  • Mr Nice Guy $1 Community Fee

    Anyone else on the west coast see this community fee at every transaction at Mr Nice Guy? It's so weird! I called and confirmed it was every store, starting a few days ago. The workers all seem upset. I did get an email to contact their main managers but am thinking I may call my state's weed commission instead.

    It's mandatory even if you're buying a joint for $3 in cash. That's a 33% "fee." It's mandatory even if you're a medical marijuana user (who usually don't pay tax). It also just seems like tax evasion? They said they have to do the community fee or else raise prices on their weed - ok, then raise prices?

    Are they going broke or out of business or something? It's just so so weird to go to a store and be forced to pay an additional "fee" for nothing like that. And it sounds like a donation (almost like a local food pantry or St Jude's donation) but it's part of their business. It's weird af

    Conservative Plan Calls for Dozens of Executions if Trump Wins
  • No, I don't think it would be good to strip felons of their ability to be president. People who protest too hard can get felonies. People who steal too many diapers and infant formula for their kids ($2k worth, which is lower threshold every year due to inflation) can get felonies. The felony system is deeply corrupt. We should restore felon's right to vote.

    We need to fix the issues that elect someone deeply unpopular like Trump in the first place - like gerrymandering and uneven delegates. A vote should just be a vote. We should have approval voting (similar to ranked choice). More fascism isn't the answer.

  • Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut

    Women are six times more likely to end up separated or divorced if they are diagnosed with cancer or multiple sclerosis than if their male partners were facing the same illness, according to a U.S. study.

    The empathy gap is huge.

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • I can tell you only speak one language, or maybe another Latin based language in addition to English. If you'd learned something like Mandarin, you'd understand how complex, regional, and historical language is. It's based on layers and shifts constantly. Sometimes, that's specifically because people don't want to be understood by everyone.

    I really recommend reading academic books about this topic if you are curious. My favorite is Neurolinguistics and Linguistic Aphasiology, by David Caplan. You may also enjoy Chomsky's works because he talks about commonalities in language or universal language.

    There's no need to formally codify those hand gestures, because we innately already understand and make them. Making eating motions (which may look different depending on regional utensils) is pretty universal right? But it looks different in different places.

  • Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut
  • I'm going to be super super real with you right now. Men who demand very specific looks for their women are either 1) projecting their own womanhood, who they'd be as a woman onto their partner or 2) using their partner to be near other men. It has nothing to do with the woman's attractiveness, barring serious disfigurement.

    A simple haircut, outfit, or makeup look being enough to make someone "unattracted" to you, shows that it was about you being their doll from the beginning. OP should buy a wig and wear long hair for himself if he likes it so much. He seems to be projecting being trans onto his wife who stated they are agender.

    In essence, you are either gay or a woman yourself at some level (lesbian or not), if you are demanding specific looks to consider your partner "attractive." This is why most lesbian relationships allow for women to look different btw, because both women are allowed to freely express their genders and don't have to be a performative doll for a man - who has no clue what it's like to live as a woman! And he should! Go! Be women! Wear skirts and wigs and do it. Go to Portland and no one will even notice or care. And stop putting your demands on us women.

  • Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut
  • Women are not meat-based artwork that you own for the sake of looking at them. That's not what marriage is.

  • Struggling to tolerate wife's haircut
  • But OP's spouse was telling a transphobe (OP) who will leave them if they are transmasc. It's possible they didn't feel comfortable telling him the truth since it means the end of their family. That being said, being agender is totally valid as a gender identity ofc

    And yes I feel comfortable calling OP a transphobe, he dislikes the hair because he feels like it could be gender affirming IF his wife is transmasc. That's pretty transphobic. Sinead O'Conner afaik was a ciswoman and she had her head shaved most of her life.

  • Reddit locks down its public data in new content policy, says use now requires a contract
  • I'm actually pretty certain the NSFW/porn subreddits are involved in something nefarious, possibly human-trafficking adjacent. u/spez himself was a moderator of r/jailbait. When caught, he made it so subreddits can hide who mods them. They also regularly delete NSFW/porn subreddits that aren't the mainstream ones (they deleted mine).

    To be approved to post on the mainstream porn reddits, you have to be verified, usually by taking a pic with a sign containing date, username, and subreddit. It's unknown who reviews this (no mod transparency) or how many images reddit has collected over the years. Reddit, unlike onlyfans, also doesn't verify age during this process.

    Posts that are approved tend to be suspicious - it's clear these girls are working closely with the mods to curate certain images. Pokimane for example, or other egirls, will get approved for posts that don't follow sub guidelines or will be pinned to the top. It's just interesting which girls with an onlyfans are allowed to post, and which girls receive permabans.

    It's almost like they are forcing these girls into dating them so they can post on their subs, and they block any competition for their girls. They're porn pimps and spying on us.

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • Actually in the wheelchair community, there can indeed be pressure to use the least assistive wheelchair possible. Chairs aren't 100% seen as liberating and there's a lot of nuance into why people pick certain chairs beyond finances. My aunt repeatedly fell out of her chair because she insisted on one made for a lower back injury than she has. She kept it for status, because she looks more able without the sides.

    I guess 'differently abled,' just comes across as ableism to me. Not using visible signs of a disability, like a chair or hearing aids, can be internalized ableism. Some of the worst verbalized ableism I've heard has come from disabled communities. It's a very complicated topic, not least because disability is used to harm disabled people and take away their agency. And for many, there is a lot of grief with using assisitive devices.

    That being said, I don't think people should be forced to change or to use devices they dislike. My aunt still uses her chair, it's not like we're going to drag her into another one or whatever. I just wanted to point out the internalized ableism that could be contributing to this attitude and word change.

    It wasn't so long ago that the Civil rights Era stopped disabled people from being chained in attics and lobotomized and hid away. It's entirely reasonable to fear that association.

  • First human brain implant malfunctioned, Neuralink says
  • You misunderstand language itself, not just sign language, if you think a universal language is possible or even a good thing

  • LustyArgonianMana LustyArgonianMana

    Dominatrix in the PNW

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