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Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • My driver this morning has a dog in his lap, and I found my "kill me" hat at my friend's apartment. Yes it's literally just a hat that says "Kill Me" on it.

  • Featured
    Digimon World - New General Megathread for the 28th-29th of September 2024
  • I wish I stole more food at work today. I'm on prep and not the line now so I have a lot less opportunities to make myself something. I still had the opportunity to do a little bit of snacking, but I usually get in at least a solid pound of fries over the day

  • It's one last-minute international business class ticket, Michael. What could it cost, $50?
  • Partially true, but they also use that astronomical conviction rate to take more pleas than normal. If you're going up against a 98 percent conviction rate, does it make sense (even if you're innocent) to take on that 2 percent chance? If you never make it to trial and just plea, you don't contribute to the conviction percentage. They use this to convince most people getting federal charges to take a plea deal.

    Not defending Adams, wanna make that clear. I just see people mention the 98 percent conviction rate when it isn't an accurate depiction of the situation. This is carefully picked information to make people feel okay forgoing a trial they have a right to

  • Those of you who get complemented on their scent, what products do you use?
  • I'm partial to vanilla+lavender or snickerdoodle scents, I have some homemade rollers for both of them. However the thing that really made people start complementing my scent was switching from cigarettes to cinnamon flavored nicotine pouches. Apparently they made me smell really strongly of cinnamon

  • [CW: transphobia, suicide] Groundbreaking Study: Anti-trans State Laws Increased Suicide Attempts By 72%
  • Sometimes the only reason I get up in the morning is to spite the people who wanted me to be dead already

  • What's your favorite bass line?
  • Surprised nobody has posted Thundercat yet. Them Changes is an all time classic baseline.

  • vibing
  • Another jacobfuckingjones fan. No complaints on my behalf

  • vibing
  • Jacobfuckingjones is a blessing, I cannot explain why but his videos are fucking hilarious

  • I'm frustrated and angry. Almost 13 months without work, got another rejection today after 4 interviews.
  • Oh the interviewing process is such bullshit. I hope your next interview goes well, I know it can be really stressful on a person. As someone that struggles with really bad rejection sensitivity dysphoria, it's really hard to go through so many interviews to be rejected. You'll find one eventually though.


  • I will donate my plasma every week until I die and give someone the money in exchange for one simple thing:
  • I want all the big Pokemon plushies. Why can't I afford life size Mareep?

  • Major White House gaff as Joe Biden openly praises accused Trump assassin Ryan Routh:
  • This is the first one that's gotten me in months. Good job

  • how do you poor fellows make money outside of work?
  • I have neither but never had that issue. I mostly sold psychedelics and weed though

  • Slowdive - Blue Skied An' Clear [Dream Pop]

    One of my favorite Slowdive songs. I love Slowdive for many different moods. While their most popular album, "Souvlaki" focuses more on the pop side of dream pop that creates insanely catchy yet dissociative sounds, the album this is from "Pygmalion" focuses more on the dream side of dream pop. The intro for the album, "Rutti" is a very progressive track, having so many strange time signatures popped on top of each other. The album is generally more psychedelic than dissociative with its constantly changing rhythms. I love Slowdive.

    Sunday Was Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Weekly Thread
  • I'm playing Mario Kart 8 because I'm autistic for Nintendo. Glad Borderlands 3 is good gameplay wise, it sounds like a fun time!

  • I miss George Santos

    Like holy shit, he was truly at a point in the grift that it was more comedic than anything. He just kept fucking going at every point, every time I read about something he said I laughed out loud. He was just so comically evil and transparent about it. Why can't we have any more funny grifters like him?

    Brown noise, white noise, green noise, violet poopy noise. What does it all mean?
  • It all pretty much means the same thing, just at different frequencies

  • neurotically doing something practically pointless, repetitive, menial and unfulfilling because my brain clicks to it like a puzzle piece
  • I feel that. I often feel like the only reason I like the jobs that I do is because they're repetitive and somewhat unimportant. I spend my time wasted on shit that makes me money now, and I talk about how horrible it is for me at group everyday

  • Hot take: I fucking hate Pearl Jam
  • Because there are a lot of things that I did have to try to like and it was worth it for many of them. I said that in the post.

  • Hot take: I fucking hate Pearl Jam
  • I feel like you're getting me mixed up with someone else, I'm more of a dream pop bitch most days and typically like slower music

  • Hot take: I fucking hate Pearl Jam

    This is one of those posts where I don't mean for it to be bait whatsoever, I am being totally genuine here, but with the reaction I've gotten for stating this opinion throughout my life, I figured I'd start with thatI do not like Pearl Jam at all, save for a song or two I think are good, I like the song Black quite a bit and I heard another song I can't remember the name of once that I thought was alright. But every single time I try to listen to this band's discography, I hate it. At one point, I wanted to like Pearl Jam and listened to Ten a ton to try to acclimate myself to the album like I've done with many others I had an initial sour taste to. I thought it was annoying. If every band from the 90s is Red Hot Chili Peppers but more or less annoying on a spectrum, Pearl Jam is on the lower end of that spectrum. However, I still find Pearl Jam to be annoying and uninspiring.

    Am I just too young to understand them? There are a lot of vocalists I don't understand that I like because of how they use their voice as an instrument, but I find how Vedder using his vocals absolutely indecipherable. Someone will hear some lyrics from him and be like "damn I felt that" when I didn't understand a goddamn word Vedder had said. I've listened to a lot of grunge, really love The Smashing Pumpkins and Dinosaur Jr. the most because I'm also a lover of dream pop and shoegaze. I should be okay with Veddar having indecipherable vocals, it just seems like they way he does it is stupid.

    If you guys have any suggestions for Pearl Jam songs you think I'll like, feel free to comment them, I'm not going to just be a shithead. I'd also appreciate hearing what you guys specifically appreciate about the group or the song you comment. I feel like I'm missing so much context with how many people I like also being Pearl Jam fans, but maybe I'm not missing anything and other people also agree with how annoying they are?

    help hexbear

    Help with DIY orally

    I'm looking into starting DIY, I really just can't wait any longer. However, I am absolutely terrified of needles. I won't be able to shoot myself up with it. I'm looking into the forms of estrogen, and it appears that I can buy the form used for estradiol pills. But I'm finding very little information on DIY that isn't focused on injections. I'm thinking about making a water solution and just taking it out of a dropper, but I know I'd need a preservative to keep it safe for a long time.

    I'm feeling great and have been a total menace this week

    Yeah, no drinking just high on life but goddamn this is shit that I wish I did when I was drunk. I have been a complete fucking menace to the asshole drivers I deal with as a pedestrian this week. I live in a very car dependant area, and very frequently get verbally harassed or almost ran over. Normally I just shrug it off because I just don't want to care, but now it's like I have to react. In the first kitchen I ever worked at, there was a game of just throwing shit. It was a competition to see who could throw the most accurate throw. The best one was a line cook threw a fry into my shirt pocket from 30 feet away while I wasn't even paying attention. So I've been training how to throw quickly and accurately like my ability to slack at work depended on it.

    Was walking to the convenience store the other day for some pouches and someone called me the f slur. At the exact same time, I found a block of wood that had been littered onto the sidewalk, so I threw it at their back window. Yesterday, an asshole was honking and screaming for someone in front of her to turn on a red while I was trying to cross. So I threw a few fries from the dinner I was bringing home into her window. What does this achieve? Nothing really, but it feels really good to throw things at assholes. Today some asshole in a BMW almost hit me while I was crossing the street, and I seriously regret having nothing good to throw.

    Yoshi has Ruined My Life - Jimothy Cool Melee Gameplay

    My favorite Pokemon youtuber released a Melee video. I didn't know I needed this until now


    Recently, I've cut down on the amount of weed I consume. What used to be a multiple times a day habit has now turned into just hitting my roommate's cart once every couple days. Generally speaking, I feel better now that I'm out of the habit. However, I keep waking up throughout the night because of nightmares. I even hit the cart right before I went to bed, but I still woke up at 3 this morning unable to go back to sleep because of nightmares.

    I'd be less confused if I wasn't on meds specifically to stop nightmares, they've been quite effective since I've been on them. But it's been awful the past few nights. I'm not sure what to do about it because it's really disrupting my sleep. Any tips?

    Favorite cozy Youtubers?

    For me, my comfort channels right now are all of Jimothy Cool's channels, and Shortcat. Jimothy makes Pokemon videos, Shortcat makes Mario Kart videos.

    Good Posthumous Albums?

    I mentioned Mac Miller in another thread and it made me think about his posthumous album. It's the only good one I can think of off the top of my head, but they really knocked it out of the park. The people who finished the album clearly cared deeply about him and didn't want to just ride his name into the ground for cash. They didn't even want to overshadow him, with details such as uncredited background vocals from Ariana Grande on one of the tracks.

    The album also kicks ass, and can consistently make me cry with songs like Good News and Everybody. His death also makes the lyrics of the album hit so much harder, like I said Good News makes me bawl my eyes out on the right day.

    Are there any other posthumous albums that were this good?

    Non Chud Sources on Robert Mugabe?

    I've never really looked into Zimbabwe and its revolution, but I'm interested in it right now. Y'all have any books or articles to read?

    billy woods - Spongebob

    Extra points for the Mao references in the song

    Had a bullshit interview this morning

    As many of y'all know, I'm looking for a job right now, new housing and transportation situation and all that. Well I got a call back from a shitty nursing home to be a cook and the person that called was a total bitch, but I scheduled an interview for 9:30 today. I woke up at 7:15 this morning to get ready for the interview. Shaved, got on my cutest dress, everything I could do to make myself comfortable with this interview. Turns out there was no interview. It was all just so I could fill out a paper application. Paid $4 each way to get there, and I'm probably not even going to hear back. I'm so fucking pissed right now. Like holy shit why even waste my time?

    I got to play against the legend FEARxNinetails today, never felt more honored

    For those who don't know (which I'd assume is most), FEARxNinetails is a Pokemon Gen 3 OU player that has been playing with the exact same shitty team for like almost a decade at this point. They're never toxic, and their team is just such a joy to see. The persistence is also respectable. It's a fairly small community of only a few thousand people, but with their ELO ranging so heavily they end up playing everybody eventually and today was my lucky day.

    Finally redownloaded Omori

    Ready to break my brain again. I can't think of anything else that's made me cry so much that I still love
