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Tips on starting furniture making?
  • White maple is my go-to for projects I want to keep. I love how clean it is and the large curvy grain patterns. Titanium bits and saw blades help and getting your saw blade sharpened after a couple of large projects is a good idea but you're going to be burning through it a lot of the time even with high quality brand new cutting tools. I leave an 8th extra on and bring it down with a belt sander to deal with the burn marks. Downsize drill bits by one size and use a file for holes that you will be able to see into.

    If you use reclaimed wood don't assume all of the metal has been removed. Sometimes nails and screws break instead of working out and that can be easy to miss especially for someone checking a large amount of wood. If a saw blade hits a nail you potentially have a very dangerous projectile. Run a magnet over the wood while you're marking your cuts to make sure. If you're going to be working with reclaimed wood a lot a wand style metal detector is a good investment.

  • Pecan for outdoor furniture?
  • Pecan is pretty dense so it will stand up to the elements better than most woods. It will require a good moisture barrier that should be regularly reapplied because water is outdoor wood's biggest weakness and if you use something with a UV protection added that will help.

    I wouldn't use Pecan for outdoor furniture. No wood will stand up to the elements in the long term and you'll be doing lots of refinishing which is easier with a less dense wood. I like cedar or a furniture grade pine for outdoor projects. Cedar is exceptional at resisting moisture damage and they are both relatively cheap and easy to sand and refinish. Plus they are lighter and outdoor furniture gets moved around more. I save better woods and especially visually interesting woods like pecan for projects that I will give to someone or that I can pass down.

    Edit: somehow moisture became moisturizer in the second sentence, edited to fix that.

  • Say what you want about Batman Forever, but these posters slap (1x more in comments)
  • Nolan's got nothing on Tim Burton. Batman Returns was the darkest live action Batman we've gotten so far. Expecting it to be more serious like the two Burton movies that preceded it was a big part of it's negative reception when it came out. It's easier to split the series between the Burton led as good as live action Batman gets first 2 movies and the family friendly second 2 movies when you're looking back on them than it was as they were being released. I also really like it though. I especially appreciated "Holy rusted metal, Batman!"

  • Was Michael Jackson guilty?
  • I don't know but the most compelling evidence in my mind is the personal stories from Macaulay Culkin. Culkin was about as broken as Michael Jackson for similar reasons and I think they had a legitimate bond because of that. I tend to believe Culkin when he says that Jackson's odd behaviors were not a result of ill intent and that Jackson didn't hurt children.

  • If Biden Isn’t the Democrats’ 2024 Candidate, Harris Will Be
  • She did something about the system. She defended it. On two occasions she opposed the release of people who had convictions overturned by demonstrating actual innocence to appellate courts on the basis of legal technicalities, in both cases her office argued that they had waited too long to file a petition to be released. Her office argued against the release of inmates eligible for parole after a federal court ruled that the extreme overcrowding in California prisons was cruel and unusual on the basis that releasing the prisoners would reduce prison labor.

    She helped with a cover up of an employee at the state crime lab who falsified testing results. The truth came out after the employee was arrested for stealing drugs from the lab and hundreds of convictions were overturned. She defended a police detective that falsified a confession to coerce a defendant into accepting a plea deal. She opposed requiring police to use body worn cameras. She opposed legislation that would have required her office to review police shootings.

    She consistently declined to investigate allegations of police and prosecutor misconduct including police shootings of unarmed people. Eventually she had to for the police, it got to the point that the justice department eventually stepped in to investigate an incident where a group of officers surrounded a mentally ill man with a steak knife and shot him 21 times after Harris refused to review the case. While she cooperated with the federal investigation into the police shooting, she backed the prosecutor who had his entire office removed from a case because of proven misconduct including hiding exonerating evidence.

  • Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?
  • Mosquitoes are the only thing that kills more humans than other humans. In fact, if you look at the top 10 animals that kill humans and add up 2-9s per year totals they're a bit less than mosquitoes. Also the list is very bug and parasite heavy.

  • Trump’s Ugly, Hateful Attacks on Media Suddenly Take a Dangerous Turn
  • We used to have laws that decentralized control of media. An entity could only own a certain number of newspapers, tv stations, or radio stations. There were incentives for smaller news companies to insure that there was competition in each market. Congress kept chipping away at those laws letting larger companies buy up more and more of the market, allowing mergers that restricted competition. Now radio is nearly a monopoly, TV and newspapers are oligarchies. The Internet fell into an oligarchy disturbingly quickly.

    The only way to get the media serving the people again is to break up the big companies and restore the guardrails that protected and supported small local companies.

  • Are there any complete foods recipe builders still working? is still up but building new recipes with the recipe builder doesn't seem to work anymore. Are there any recipe builders still working that calculate the full list of FDA rdi vitamins and minerals?

    New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity
  • Bush was at Emma E Booker Elementary School in Sarasota Florida. He was reading "The Pet Goat" to Ms. Kay Daniels' class. He was on a national tour of public schools promoting his education reform plan. He was given a misreport about the first plane as he was arriving at the school, he was told that it was an accident and that the plane was a small propeller craft. He was told about the plane hitting the second tower on live television.

  • New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Complicity
  • Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, did not have wmd's, and was the only major Sunni power in the region. Saddam Hussain was not a good guy by any means but he actively worked against Iranian influence and was a stabilizing presence on the middle east after the first Gulf War. Pre-invasion Iraq was good for US policy. The invasion led to the growth of Iranian influence in the region and the rise of the Islamic State terrorist organization. We should not have attacked Iraq.

    I was in support of attacking Afghanistan at the time and still think military action to go after Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Ladin was warranted. The diversion of resources from that conflict is another reason we shouldn't have attacked Iraq. We probably should have extended that conflict into northern Pakistan where we knew Al-Qaeda's leadership and the bulk of their fighters were hiding.

    We definitely should have invaded Saudi Arabia. They provided training, equipment, travel, and money to enable the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 would not have been possible without Saudi Arabia's support. Saudi Arabia was(is) in the curious position of publicly allying with us while plotting terrorism against us. Curious because by siding with us publicly they gave up Iran's advantage of attacks against them potentially leading to conflict with Russia. Iran had some part in 9/11 but between their having a lesser role and the risk of Russia coming to their defense it would not have been worth it to attack Iran. Saudi Arabia had our backing instead of Russia's. When they used proxies to attack us we should have leveled their royal palace. So far we haven't even pulled our support.

  • Drink up
  • I've never been much of a social media user outside of reddit and lemmy and I've never had an Instagram account so maybe it's my lack of familiarity but does that page list some really unimpressive stats? The original post had "more than 3,000 likes in less than three years" and for the second Instagram post it says"Within seven months, the post gained over 4,000 likes." Do Instagram posts continue active participation for years? I felt pretty good the few times I've posted something that got thousands of likes but it's more personal achievement 'than this is going to be bigger than two broken arms".

  • Men over 30, do you think you are becoming grumpier as you are getting older, or on the opposite, becoming more relaxed and laid back?
  • A mix of both. I put up with less immaturity and am quickly becoming a "git off my lawn" type for people doing dangerous or disruptive things that they ought to know better than to be doing. At the same time I've gotten more patient in dealing with genuine mistakes and with people who lack knowledge or experience. Young kids, other adults, and most coworkers like me better now and I've been asked to take on a couple of mentoring roles. Teenagers and early 20s people in my neighborhood are starting to avoid me.

  • Norway has some surprising stats
  • I'm surprised you have so much trouble with Thai restaurants. The Thai government trains chefs and sends them around the world to operate restaurants and it has a government owned restaurant supply company to support them. They do it as a form of "cultural diplomacy". Because of that Thai tends to be one of the most consistent and authentic types of restaurants.

  • [Unsolved][Country]

    He Walked On Water by Randy Travis

    [Solved] [rock comedy]

    Sheb Wooley - The Purple People Eater

    If LLM continue to be the dominant branch of AI development what affects will they have on spoken language?

    The ubiquity of audio commutation technologies, particularly telephone, radio, and TV, have had a significant affect on language. They further spread English around the world making it more accessible and more necessary for lower social and economic classes, they led to the blending of dialects and the death of some smaller regional dialects. They enabled the rapid adoption of new words and concepts.

    How will LLMs affect language? Will they further cement English as the world's dominant language or lead to the adoption of a new lingua franca? Will they be able to adapt to differences in dialects or will they force us to further consolidate how we speak? What about programming languages? Will the model best able to generate usable code determine what language or languages will be used in the future? Thoughts and beliefs generally follow language, at least on the social scale, how will LLM's affects on language affect how we think and act? What we believe?

    Why would the average person choose a brain implant over a skullcap?

    In the future direct interfacing between the brain and technology seems likely. The rudimentary technology has already been demonstrated and Musk's company is working on an implant meant to be a commercial product. My question is about how you see the interface eventually working. In particular I am curious about what the advantage of an implant is.

    From the demonstrations I've seen things like typing, moving cursors, ect can be achieved with sensors applied to the body externally like an fmri skullcap or a neckband that reads vibrations in the vocal cords. External sensors are much safer to apply than a brain implant, they can be replaced much more easily if they malfunction, and they can be upgraded. I have read an article that said there are advantages to implants for people with medical issues like paralysis because the implant can offer feedback providing a more "normal" experience and interacting with specific nerves gives more precise control and less lag time. For medical applications like restoring lost function that makes the risk of surgery make sense. For the average person what advantages do implants offer over external sensors that make the risks of brain surgery worth it?

    Oral alternatives to Revolution+

    I have a cat that absolutely hates topical medicine. I use Revolution+ because it's an all in one and was what the vet recommended when I got my cats but one of my cats runs when he sees the box, fights when I am putting it on him, and hides for a few hours after he gets treated. My other cat doesn't really like getting it put on but I put a spoonful of wet food down, apply it while she's eating and she's over it by the time her treat is gone. I wish my male cat took it that well, I hate that I have to do it monthly when he reacts so badly.

    They are due for their annual vet visit in June and their current supply of Revolution+ will run out the same month so I'm planning on asking the vet about alternatives then but would like to have some research done and some specific questions to ask and/or products to ask about. The cat that has the strong reaction is a door dasher and occasionally spends 15-20 min outside eating grass and my dog has daily walks near a wooded area so I treat them all as if they were indoor/outdoor. I'm fine with using separate products for flea/tick and internal parasites as long as I can stop chasing him down and fighting with him once a month.

    What are the best options to treat cats who hate topical products for parasites?

    Is there a good store bought alternative for this chickpea salad recipe?

    I've got a simple chickpea salad recipe that I would like a quick and simple alternative for. The recipe makes 10 servings.

    8 cans chickpeas drained

    1 bag frozen chopped onions

    1 bag frozen chopped spinach

    680 grams plain nonfat Greek yogurt

    160 grams hot salsa

    Tajin powder added to servings individually to taste

    I'm not looking to replace this completely, just something for an alternative and to fill in when I don't have any made up. The alternative doesn't need to similar in taste but some nutritional aspects are important. It needs to be 400kcal or less and have at least 20g of protein and 10g of fiber. I know that Soylent and Huel fit the bill but I'm hoping to find something I can get at Kroger.

    [Question] I'm trying to build my own recipe for a challenge, can anyone offer a critique or some advice?

    The parameters of the challenge are:

    Must use an instant pot.

    Must feed 4.

    Must be vegetarian.

    Servings can be no more than 650kcal each. (Max total 2600kcal)

    Must be storable/freezable.

    The challenge is for a meal planning/food prep group so I'm using frozen or canned ingredients.

    Here is the recipe I have right now:

    1 box chickpea rotini (900kcal)

    1 bag frozen chopped onions (120kcal)

    1 bag frozen sweet corn (360kcal)

    1 bag frozen peas (240kcal)

    1 can sliced Spanish olives (175kcal)

    1 can mushroom stems and pieces (60kcal)

    1 can diced tomatoes with jalapenos (75kcal)

    1 can condensed cream of mushroom soup (140kcal)

    1 carton vegetable broth (20kcal)

    Half teaspoon salt

    2 teaspoons black pepper

    It's a total of 2090kcal right now which is 523kcal per serving.

    I can still add about 500kcal and I'm thinking about adding some vegetarian cheese because I'm concerned it won't be creamy enough. I put the tomatoes and olives in because everything had a a similar flavor and I thought adding some contrasting acidity would keep it from being bland.

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