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Everyone moves on, except me
  • I don't like animals. And also no, there's no such place here.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • You ain't doing shit that's right, you feel important or something? Life has fucked me over and over. So I'm done, you're a shitty motivator and another one who thinks that everyone has the same opportunities "get off your ass" isn't a thing. There's different realities, some people are lucky and get everything and fuck themselves, others don't. Is not their fault, it's not my fault.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • You trying to gaslight me won't change my reality. Again, I barely interact with everyone, right now I'm being screwed by people that I don't know yet I'm forced to talk to, don't fucking lie to me. You're not living my life, stop talking in dumb guru lines, improving your environment isn't a thing.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • Healthy thoughts? So apparently I'm supposed to surround myself with gay people or something? Because everyone screws everyone. I don't see that as unhealthy, is just reality

  • It's Tuesday, what made you happy last week?
  • Absolutely nothing, and this week things are going even fucking worse. I seriously wanna punch somebody, I had to deal with so much bullshit.

  • Why is swearing normal for some people?
  • Because life fucking sucks, unless I'm in a church I'll swear all the fuck I want, life is tortuous enough already, let me have that. And right now I'm angry.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • Majority of things we do aren't healthy. Also maybe for the fragile isn't healthy, but for me it is. Be loyal to me, I'm loyal to you, love me and I'll love you, belong to me and I'll belong to you, that's it. Why complicate things with more bullshit?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • Changing your environment is a middle class luxury, do you think poor people have the luxury of "start over again" moving and stuff, that bs is from your Hollywood movies.

    I live with my family in a middle size apartment ffs. There's no start over.

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  • Fuck that, I'm blaming her not only for not updating her info but got being a bitch on the phone. I despise talking to the phone yet when I'm FORCED to do it I'm respectful. This bitch, today, responded, give me another phone number in 15 seconds and closed the call. What kind of professional does that? She didn't even said bye or anything. She's earned it. I'm calling HER a bitch all I want from now on. Fuck her for making me waste my time and delaying my stuff literally months.

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  • I'm sorry but updating your phone numbers and being easy to Google is all up to them.

  • If your family weren't your family, would you still talk to them?
  • I live with my family and don't talk to them.

  • Lemmings of AskLemmy, what are your best dumb jokes?
  • What did the tree said to the woodpecker? Nothing, trees don't fucking speak.

  • Seriously, fuck summer.
  • All of that sounds terrible ngl

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • Stereotype exist because it's a reality. You being lucky has nothing to do with that. I could try to do what you had done 50 times without any results.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • There's nothing that I can do about it dude. Is my reality and my soul, my nature. You just exist, i won't change myself into something I don't wanna be.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship?
  • Is just facts, so I'm a defeatist because I don't wanna fit?

  • Seriously, fuck summer.

    35 degrees and it's just the beginning. I can't understand how anyone can be outside by their own will like this (unless you're forced to work in those conditions, construction workers and similar).

    What's the cheapest thing you had bought that by the end of its usefulness made you say "wow, this was worth a lot more than what I've paid for!"

    Mine... My Xbox 360 slim only costed 129 euro back in 2012 and to this day still work like brand new, you would think that the disc drive would stop working but no. Never had the need of open it or clean it's insides. Still great, I just don't use it anymore since I feel it's outdated and loading speeds are better nowadays.

    So... How was your weekend?

    Mine? As miserable as ever. My little bro wanted to go to a little comic con thing, is just not my vibe, felt surrounded by people in weird costumes is just... Thankfully I was there for like half an hour.

    What universally beloved videogame you just can't enjoy?

    2 picks for me: Stardew Valley, most boring shit ever, I don't see the appeal, seriously how the hell did that thing sold 20 million copies?

    And Witcher 3, I own that game since 2019 and I regret buying it, funny thing is that I've finished Dragon Age 1 and 2, which are kinda same genre but I actually enjoyed those games. I guess the old BioWare sauce carried those games unlike Witcher where there's nothing to enjoy in its massive pointless world.

    Kimdracula Kimdracula
    Posts 6
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