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  • Tja, und ich muss nach Norderney

  • ich🚄⏱️iel
  • Update: Zug erwischt, aber jetzt darf ich noch um die Fähre bangen

  • ich🚄⏱️iel
  • Da übernacht ich lieber auf Kosten der DB in Norddeich

  • ich🚄⏱️iel
  • Hochzeit meines Vaters verpassen, das wäre noch was

  • ich🚄⏱️iel
  • Umso besser, dann kann er ja mein Gebet viel besser hören

  • ich🚄⏱️iel
  • Ich muss bis ganz nach Norderney, und die Fähren fahren nur bis zu ner bestimmten Zeit. Bloß nicht

  • EU recommends outdoor ban on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco.
  • Nice to hear you take proper precautions. Second hand smoking gave me a chronic bronchitis and my cat asthma, so I'm more than aware of the risks.

  • EU recommends outdoor ban on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco.
  • Unless you can walk away 10m+ (depending on if kids are there) you might want to reconsider smoking at all in those places

  • Spinnen im Haus: Biologin gibt Tipps
  • Die Sache ist dass ich keine Angst mehr vor großen Spinnen habe, aber bei kleinen Spinnen kriege ich immer noch Panik. Auch habe ich keine Reaktion auf Bilder und Abbildungen von Spinnen außer in seltenen Fällen. Die Spinnen aus Terraria zum Beispiel lösen merkwürdigerweise eine Reaktion aus, aber Minecraft Spinnen sind für mich kein Problem.

    Vogelspinnen sind knuffig, aber alles was kleiner als ne 2€ Münze ist löst ne Reaktion aus.

  • ich☕⁉️iel
  • Nennt sich offiziell Kaffee Bar, vom Gefühl her waren die damals Starbucks bevor Starbucks nach Deutschland kam. Konnte dort oft in Vegesack Leute Bücher lesen oder am Laptop arbeiten sehen.

  • ich☕⁉️iel
  • Und gleichzeitig häufig auch noch eine Bäckerei. Der Mohnkuchen von Tchibo war eigentlich immer ganz gut

  • Spinnen im Haus: Biologin gibt Tipps
  • Schön dass du keine Arachnophobie hast, aber leider ist die häufig genetisch bedingt. Ich würde wirklich gerne keine Angst vor ihnen haben, aber leider hilft bei mir jegliche Expositionstherapie nichts, und daher habe ich sie lieber gar nicht im Hause.

  • ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • At this point we should turn Rule 5 into it's own joke. Bad vibes? Rule 5. I don't like you? Rule 5. I'm having a bad day? Rule 5. The great servers need a sacrifice? Rule 5. Bitching about Rule 5? Believe it or not, Rule 5.

  • ich🚨🚨🚨iel
  • Und Artikel recyclen tun sie auch. Wirklich Umweltbewusst unser Postillon

  • Google and Apple lose their court fights against the EU and owe billions in fines
  • Those who continue to do business with them will be punished

  • Ich🥒💥🍅iel
  • In Amerika gibt es anscheinend bittere Gurken und Grüne Tomaten. Vielleicht sollten wir uns nicht damit beschäftigen was besser ist, sondern was zum Fick die da drüben überm Ozean machen

  • Xkcd Rule
  • I think a big difference is how seeing it happen in real life is much more impactful than on a video.

    I grew up around butchering animals, and even got to visit a nearby family-owned slaughterhouse on occasion, for me slaughtering and butchering animals is something that I'm much more aware of due to these experiences, I've even been taught how to slaughter animals, and though I would never advocate to have everyone who wishes to eat meat slaughter an animal themselves, I think it's absolutely important to see the process in person and not just on video.

    Something that happens a lot in my experience is that specific animal parts are considered "gross", entrails and such are usually the most common parts considered as such. That's probably the easiest way to figure out if someone is aware of what butchering means or not, no, considering them gross is not directly a problem, but going all "eek" and stuff is a great way of telling me that the other person is ignorant of the meat industry.

  • Xkcd Rule
  • There is very much a problem with a lot of people simply refusing to accept what butchering actually entails.

    There was a public experiment done by a reputable German science magazine where they asked a farmer to set up a stand for freshly butchered geese at a nearby city's outdoor market. The catch was that the geese were still alive and they'd be killed and butchered at the location. So many people reacted with outrage, and in the end only one goose got slaughtered, because the buyers themselves were more than aware of the butchering process. The rest of the geese were rescued by an animal rights advocate who bought them all to be kept at a rescue farm.

    Here's the video, obviously fully in German, but you can see pedestrian reactions:

  • Ich🎶🎙🎧lel
  • Kavinsky - Nightcall - Dusten N'Guyen Remix

    David Guetta - I'm good (blue) - Dj Dark Remix

    Und nen Haufen Zeug von Turbo, weil ich ein Eurobeat Fan bin

  • Sketch of the Warden redesign found in Yamato redesign art

    For those who don't know, Warden's current design is based on his old one from when Deadlock was still Neon Prime, there he was meant to be a riot cop. His story changed though, and now he's an alchemist vigilante.

    He's meant to have a big and imposing cloak, which some characters are already commenting on in voice lines.

    Personal Opinion

    His character is quite interesting to me due to the whole "trained from birth" thing. Dude has to have massive problems, and I hope those get explored in time.

    Katzastrophe Katzastrophe

    AI pictures are for those, who do not respect the art of extremely weird stock pictures

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