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Ukraine Says Supports Israel's 'Right To Defend Itself And Its People'
  • Funny but incorrect quip. The German imperial project ended in the genocide against Ovaherero and Nama, with the aim to exterminate them completely. The Jewish genocide in the "Occupied Territories" is aimed not at physical extermination of all the people in Gaza. In any case the actions and deeds really don't have to be compared in terms of "significance" (as moralistic judging term). They can and ought to be understood in themselves and the similarities in practices can be looked at. Equating the actions of Israel and Nazi Germany is diminishing the holocaust. You can critique the state without doing that.

    The material base and the white supremacist super structure in terms of the German or South African project are much different to the Israeli one if you look at before 1945, or between then and the 1973 war. However I would wish for as principled stances against the USA and that is sorely lacking.

  • Ukraine Says Supports Israel's 'Right To Defend Itself And Its People'
  • Marx famously was known for not being pedantic about use of terms and phrases.

    Israel can't have Hitlerism, though Fascist thoughts and elements of Ethnonationalist support are not a rare thing. Being more or less clear with terms matters as it is a necessary differentiating element for material conditions and intersectional pressures that happen. Antifascism that we do for decades also means to not equate Nazism with things that aren't Nazism.

    It is a problem when Israel and Nazi Germany are equated. It is also antisemitic and this community tries to be both (un)critically supportive of liberation fights (by less than progressive forces instead of only ideal Marxists) in Palestine and the Levant and not to ignore antisemitism.

    I do really did the outdated voice recording of Lenin in regards to Anti Jewish pogroms. Lenin's real voice reading the speech

  • Ukraine Says Supports Israel's 'Right To Defend Itself And Its People'
  • Is for you fascism and nazism / hitlerism the same? And similar to settler colonialism? Israel's genocidal settler colonialism is not Nazism. It isn't Hitlerism either. Though Ukraine's military political complex is filled with Fascists and (Neo-)Nazis.

  • every time I hear the word "content" I die a bit inside
  • At a festival where there is also political input the Content is a tent in which political content is brought to the masses by the masses. I liked that pun. However at a less vanilla festival the content was the place where you could have nice cuddles and just chill out with good vibes.

  • Shawn Fain's lower back must be be killing him carrying around those massive balls of his
  • Only if you wear colonial british western garb and ties are you respactable.

    Wearing stuff that aligns to the working class or with anti colonial movement from states that are oppressed it is bad optics.

    Is shit I did hear too often.

  • She wanta pie? We don't know her. How can she wanta pie?
  • IN my city there was a case in which cops did watch a joint for a couple of days multiple days per week. They noticed that the amount of real customers was much much lower than the earnings reported. So they took quite a bit of money and had that money laundering charge.

  • Sorry sweaty but labor unions are problematic.
  • First of thanks for your extensive response. I do applaud you for trying to figure out why you are an other opinion than a felt majority here. Will read it in a bit completely.

    As a cop in a police union, your job is to enforce the law level-handedly, not to decide what the law should be.

    I would argue that is not the job of the police. Philosophy Tube's Abigail Thorne did a video "How the police makes the law" about something to related to that.

    The idea you write is somewhat of a liberal one that assigns values to the "state of law" that is a good deal class warfare by the bourgeosie against the working class and marginalized sub strata. If you mean that in a Socialist state the police would act in accordance with law, you wouldn't be quite wrong, but some transitory aspects would remain. However the law would be somewhat different in that it then used as a tool in the class warfare against capitalists. How many people responsible for the financial crisis were harrased by the police or jailed? How many - if you see China is socialist - were jailed there?
    I guess that could be somewhat what you mean with governmental position?

    From what I can tell, that isn't really the case in Vancouver because of the extremely large immigrant minority population in the city and the relatively robust system of police oversight in the OPCC.

    I would argue is not quite as good as you think it is, while it is an liberal improvement to the status quo. My question would be do you have contact to affected and what do they and experts in the regard, as well as Marxists in your region say about the police?

    but I do think police unions should be evaluated from their role of protecting workers' rights and maintaining worker integrity rather

    Which they don't. However I do agree that evaluation of Vancouver police unions should be done twofold, analytical due to their position, structure and function in the class warfare and general police critique and also in its specificity in regards to Vancouver.

    There are a couple of theoretical texts and articles that would apply

  • Redditors call for Chinese blood after accidental maritime collision. neither vessel was Chinese.
  • CW

    If it makes it better a school friend of mine did join the military and became an officer. During one lecture about China and the countries structure they heavily leaned on the "mandate of Heaven" and argued that bad economy means people think the heaven doesn't favour the leaders / CPC anymore and there might be a window for "economic reforms".

    Rather than thinking material reality matters for people the Westerners hold up concepts that are at best orientalist caricatures of times long past. He came back from that workshop and was having a hard case of heated-gamer-moment brains.

  • Sorry sweaty but labor unions are problematic.
  • Not every association to support a group is a union. Yours is one way, but we could also say that unions in the sense of labour union / Gewerkschaft means something different. Both ways and likely others are possible.

  • Sorry sweaty but labor unions are problematic.
  • That might be true in relative terms, it is also likely showing that you are in a somewhat privileged position, does ignore their structural impact (i.e. forced evictions actions against houseless and soon to be unhoused comrades, immigrants etc.), but also ignores historic context, their support and enforcement of colonial actions, against single mothers, against neurodivergent people, against LGBTQ comrades and them guarding their fellow cops.

    It might also be unaware of how the Canadian riot cops act at demonstrations. As example. Some of our queer and alike allies do not want police at their protests:


    So it might be interesting to write in a spoiler tag (if it gets long as to not de-rail this thread), why you have that sentiment and try to seek out some voices contradicting your point of view. For example in my city the police regularly jails people for not having tickets in public transport. Multiple hundreds, often people without the means or abilities to deal with the fines are effectively put into a debt tower. Would you find the police is "that bad" then, or when they use force to deport a person, by entering their house at night, restricting them violently and then putting them on a plane with a for them uncertain destination?

  • Let's define what Socialism is.
  • I mean my question honestly. Would you profit from tone indicators telling if something is a joke?

    Hexbear has a left unity approach meaning that RyanGosling's comment is a joke built on re-hashing bad takes from propagandized USA citizens.

  • Cory Doctorow's "The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation" and "Chokepoint Capitalism: How Big Tech and Big Content Captured Creative Labor Markets and How We'll Win Them Back"
    1. What is our conception of Doctorow?
    2. What is "The Internet Con" about and is the analysis somewhat right or stuck at interoperability ask without power or means to facilitate that?
    3. Is Chokepoint Capitalism leftists or a tech utopian collection of pre-existing thought?
    feedback JuneFall [none/use name]
    You reply to a comment, you write something, you don't post it but upvote the comment, your text gets deleted and the answer box closed. Can we somehow safe that text please?
    1. You reply to a comment
    2. You write something
    3. You don't post it yet, but upvote the comment at this point
    4. Your text gets deleted and the answer box closed.
    :thinker-2000bc: Part of a three part emoji collection

    This is the Thinker from Yehud, a statue preceding thinking as something modeled after boxers to look masculine by nearly 4000 years.

    feedback JuneFall [none/use name]
    New layout makes it so that writing a text pressing [TAB] and [ENTER] deletes the text, this differs to previous UI and is not ideal.
    agitprop JuneFall [none/use name]
    Youtube: Example of inner prison solidarity (hunger strike)
    What is a viable contemporary bibliography and collection of texts for freshly radicalized / baby leftists? [2. Half of 2023]

    See title, this builds up on the previous request for reading lists, but is a bit more open ended and is supposed to be a contemporary update that I would like to post twice a year.

    The texts at best are accessible without too much previous knowledge. Open for videos, and other media, as well as group formats, and activities too. You have to participate in protest training and actually cook for others to see how both those things feel.

    I would be more happy with fewer thick works or only excerpts from complicated stuff, than to suggest the complete collection of Marx's works. Some popular and recent books i.e. Jakarta Method, Klein, or recent organizing books would be welcome, too.

    The next time I post this question (and feel free to paste your own suggested template) will be December/January 2023.

    Study: The expansion of capitalism led to a deterioration in human welfare, according to new study aka "Life was shitty for 400 years till workers changed it"

    > Far from reducing extreme poverty, the expansion of capitalism from the 16th century onward was associated with a dramatic deterioration in human welfare. This is according to a study carried out by the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) in collaboration with Macquarie University, Australia, which shows that this new economic system saw a decline in wages to below subsistence, a deterioration in human stature, and a marked upturn in premature mortality.


    > "This is because capitalism is an undemocratic system where production is organized around elite accumulation rather than human needs," explains Sullivan. "To maximize profitability, capital often seeks to cheapen labor through processes of enclosure, dispossession, and exploitation."

    > Finally, the authors find that recovery from this prolonged period of immiseration occurred only recently: progress in human welfare began in the late 19th century in Northwest Europe and the mid-20th century in the global South. Sullivan and Hickel note that this coincides with the rise of the labor movement, socialist political parties, and de-colonization. "These movements redistributed incomes, established public provisioning systems, and attempted to organize production around meeting human needs," Jason Hickel says. "Progress appears to come from progressive social movements."

    Say the line, John Steinbeck!


    Real source:

    > “The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth.

    > There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.”

    ― John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

    Brought to you by leftist text-meme gang

    Huuuge strike in India, between 50 million (western sources) & 250 million (3-18% of total population) joined the strike, many communist, anti modi, socialists

    The upper number is the highest I could find, so it likely is a margin lower.

    While :ukkk: newspapers title:

    > The states of Kerala and West Bengal banned government employees from joining the strike, and Maharashtra invoked an emergency law banning the 80,000 workers in its power companies from striking.

    > The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) congratulates the working class for the successful 48-hour general strike held on March 28-29. Millions of workers responded to the call given by 10 Central Trade Unions and various sectoral federations.

    Note: The 250 million number got removed from the original article I found it in.

    The strike follows the 2020 general strike which might've been the largest in history till that moment

    > Millions of Indian workers to join two-day general strike against Modi’s ruinous pro-investor policies

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    JuneFall [none/use name]
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