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Florida won't light bridges in rainbow colors. So Jacksonville's LGBTQ community did.
  • I think the last white domestic terrorists to be called terrorists were the unibomber and Timothy McVeigh.

    Both were in the 80s - 90s iirc. For some reason since 9/11 the word terrorist has been reserved for brown people who may or may not be Muslim and it's really fucking us over.

    At the same time people have been burning down and bombing abortion clinics since the late 70's and that has never been called out as terrorism, or more accurately christian terrorism either.

    I guess my point is that the US government sucks at indentifying/dealing with domestic terrorists and openly turn a blind eye to privileged groups committing atrocities domestically.

  • Donald Trump faces travel ban to 37 countries
  • Unfortunately it's incredibly difficult to get people to leave cults.

    Voting for him is voting against your own self interest.... it's like some oddly bastardized form of the Heaven's Gate mass suicide, but slower and more political.

    Now that I think about it...That comparison does feel insulting to Heavens Gate. Their leader believed in what he was preaching and he actually seemed more competent and less malicious since he killed himself too. So I guess a cult that performs a mass suicide is less harmful than trump at this point. I hate this reality so much.

  • TIL states that passed laws allowing a married person to seek a divorce without the consent of their spouse saw female suicide decline by 20 percent
  • The fact that there are women who support this bullshit is something my mind can't comprehend. Are they sociopaths, sycophants, brainwashed.. or all of the above? I try to be mindfully empathetic and attempt to understand differing opinions even if i disagree...but I really struggle with this one. I just can't get there.

  • All cats are the same
  • Yeah, these were mini horses. I think mini horses have the same proportions of big horse(just tiny) whereas ponies tend to have their own proportions that are bit different.

    The mini horses I've seen are flexible as hell though. Bend themselves in half to scratch an itch on flank with their teeth.

  • The first social media babies are adults now. Some are pushing for laws to protect kids from their parents’ oversharing
  • Because these sorts of parents are stealing their children's privacy before they even have a concept of it. It's downright selfish to use one's children for internet attention and likes.

    I'm glad I was raised before social media because my mom 100% would've posted every little detail about me and it would've been on fb for fucking ever. It would've been a nightmare.

    It's bad enough having a gossiping, oversharing parent. Having one of those with access to social media must be a thousand times worse. I feel for those kids.

  • Tech company fined by DOJ over ‘whites only’ job posting
  • Since they did say it out loud....Let it be known that Arthur Grand Technologies has racist hiring practices.

    Maybe if Arthur Grand Technologies didn't want their brand associated with racism they shouldn't have told recruiters to hire only white people.

  • Do you avoid discussing some topics online even if you have something you'd like to say about them?
  • I've met some very kind vegans in real life, but the ones online can be downright vicious.

    It cannot be healthy for a person to be that angry all the time. Sorry you experienced that and don't blame you for avoiding it now. People go absolutely insane over weird stuff, especially food related topics. It's weird how much folks stress themselves out over what others are eating/not eating/how their eating it.

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • Maybe not, but female hormonal birth control can cause liver tumors and blood clots. Can't have more kids if a blood clot kills you.

    The moral of the story should be safer contraceptives for everyone...

    Unfortunately for women they weigh the side effects of hormonal birth control against those of a pregnancy. Since pregnancy also increases the chance of blood clots and other things they just say "good enough!" And put it on the market...which is bullshit. Either way we're at higher risk of serious health issues.

    That's why women are angry. I feel confident saying the majority of women dont want unsafe bc for men. We want more research into safer bc options available for us too.

  • Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails
  • If I worked there it would br so tempting to just start writing all my emails in scots gaelic. Can't say I'm using pronouns if you can't read it!
    Plus I'd get to see what form their xenophobia would take. Would they ban foreign languages from email too? How many things are they willing to ban before they simply oust email entirely?

  • Artificial Refugium rule
  • Yes, make sure they don't get on you.

    If the bat isn't afraid of people call animal control because it is sick with rabies or something and shut it in the room it's in. Usually they are very timid and will try to get away from you though.

    I should've added that rabies is very rare in bats where I am so that's probably why I was given the advice I was.

  • Artificial Refugium rule
  • I'm simply repeating what I was told by professionals, so I'm not sure what you want from me.

    Make sure the bat takes flight...some people might not know that and just put it on the ground and go back inside thinking it's fine.

    Holding it up high ensures it does that, no need for it to find something to climb. Being trapped in a house is stressful on the little guys so why not give them the best chance?

    Just trying to provide helpful info to folks.

    Have a nice day!

  • Artificial Refugium rule
  • Maybe it depends on the species of bat? I only know about the ones local to me and what I was taught from a wildlife rehab hotline on how to handle bats that get in the house.

    Super interesting though! Animals are fascinating

  • Artificial Refugium rule
  • My parents attic was a bat haven. Every once in awhile one would get into the house. I'd just put thick leather garden gloves on and GENTLY pluck them off the curtains. Then carry them outside, hold them above my head and let them go.

    Bats can't take flight from the ground(putting them on the ground is a death sentence), so you have to give them some height so they can glide away. Just thought I'd share this in case anyone gets a bat trapped in their house.

  • More true words have never been spoken
  • If I don't wear antiperspiration my armpits start chaffing when I'm doing yard work or working out and have never overheated because the rest of my body is sweating, but maybe that's just me or something.

  • “CSAM generated by AI is still CSAM,” DOJ says after rare arrest
  • I try to think about it this way. Simulated rape porn exists, and yet terrible people still upload actual recordings of rapes to porn sites. And despite the copious amounts of the fake stuff available all over the internet... rape statistics haven't gone down and there's still sexual assaults happening.

    I don't think porn causes rape btw, but I don't think it prevents it either. It's the same with CSAM.

    Criminally horrible people are going to be horrible.

  • “CSAM generated by AI is still CSAM,” DOJ says after rare arrest
  • I'm a professional artist and have no issue banning ai generated CSAM. People can call it self expression if they want, but that doesn't change the real world consequences of it.

    Allowing ai generated CSAM basically creates camouflage for real CSAM. As ai gets more advanced it will become harder to tell the difference. The scum making real CSAM will be emboldened to make even more because they can hide it amongst the increasing amounts of ai generated versions, or simply tag it as AI generated. Now authorities will have to sift through all of it trying to decipher what's artifical and what isn't.

    The liklihood of them being able to identify, trace, and convict child abusers will become even more difficult as more and more of that material is generated and uploaded to various sites with real CSAM mixed in.

    Even with hyper realistic paintings you can still tell it's a painting. Anime loli stuff can never be mistaken for real CSAM. Do I find that sort of art distasteful? Yep. But it's not creating an environment where real abusers can distribute CSAM and have a higher possibility of getting away with it.

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