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Why is the video game industry in crisis?
  • It would also be an issue if they assumed that with their current staff, they could burrow money cheaply in the hopes that it will pay off in the future.

    Now that that isn't an option, cut down staff. Which or course sucks.

  • Why is the video game industry in crisis?
  • You're right they're not high historically speaking, but they high compared to the last almost 15ish years. And this is after coming out of a time of low interest rates, and increased demand from Covid. The shock from covid wore off, and now the shock from increased interest rates is hitting hard as well.

  • Why is the video game industry in crisis?
  • I don't mean that expenses are higher than revenue, just that expenses are higher relative to revenue than these companies would like. This is a bear market, they need to prepare to withstand the bear market until things look better.

  • Why Ukraine Should Keep Striking Russian Oil Refineries
  • You bring up a good point that isn't addressed very well. There's still less refined oil being produced that is demanded. In this case, its for Russia. I suppose this demand is partially reduced as Russia will try to minimize unnecessary refined oil usage (maybe eventually increasing local prices to discourage unnecessary use), but even then I still feel their reduced refining capabilities should have an impact on prices.

    I suppose that other refineries could pick up the slack, but I'm uncertain whether that really makes sense for them, and there's not an easy way to countries against Russia can reduce their own usage of refined oil in the near term.

    Ultimately, time well tell whether these attacks are having a strong impact on global refined oil.

    EDIT: one thing that they do mention, that counteracts my point above is the fact that Russia exporting additional unrefined oil, that would mean unrefined oil pricing would decrease, which could counteract the reduction in production of refined oil.

  • What podcasts have you been listening to the most during the year?
  • The Indicator by Planet Money from NPR: they talk about what they feel are important indicators for the current economy, and expand on various economic topics in ways that I think anybody can understand, and are rather short.

    The 1A from NPR: they talk about various topics that are affecting the US. They like to get people to chime in with their views, and have some experts on the topics to discuss context and how certain groups are or aren't pushing for changes. Its usually close to an hour long, and not all topics interest me, but they do talk about fake news, presidential elections, housing, mental health etc.

    Planet Money from NPR: longer form discussions of economics, somewhat similar to the Indicator, but not as short form and they really expand on economic stories that I think are really interesting. Some topics include how, many, random people, can relatively accurately determine the weight of a cow (and how this defines the economy), the real estate trail that recently occurred and its background.

  • Why is the video game industry in crisis?
  • I would say its an economy thing. Google and those other large companies are letting people go mainly because interests rates are so high at the moment. With high interests rates that means lending is more expensive which also means expansions are harder to make financially work. This also applies to AAA game companies.

    The lay offs will continue until there's an equilibrium of revenue and expenses (because right now, expenses are too high), or until interests rates decrease again. Since the inflation rate is still above the (Fed)Federal Reserve's desired 2% (it was at 3.5 for March, up from 3.2% in February), its very unlikely that the Fed will lower interests rates soon.

    We're basically waiting on companies to reach equilibrium, cut back their spending, for inflation to go down and hoping a full on recession doesn't come about before then.

  • Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?
  • Except the article, that you are currently commenting on, indicates the exact opposite. Flouridated water decreases the chances of cavities as noted by communities studied, some without flouridated water and others with it.

  • Georgia Republican backs Biden, blasts those in party who ‘fall in line’ with Trump
  • Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R)

    I feel this takes some of the energy from the title. Better to have some ex Republicans supporting Biden rather than none of them, but I definitely would have wished it was someone actively in office.

    Great quote from Duncan though:

    Unlike Trump, I’ve belonged to the GOP my entire life. This November, I am voting for a decent person I disagree with on policy over a criminal defendant without a moral compass

  • All badges
  • Nice! how did you complete doom slayer? with only the 1 challenge, or with multiple? I believe I completed doomslayer with only the necessary challenge and was able to do it rather easily since I've beaten the game with 6 challenges. Admittedly, I forgot that not destroying the demon spawners allows harder enemies to spawn. I was so confused to see the scorpions, and evil eyes around lol.

  • How pervasive is antisemitism on US campuses? A look at the language of the protests
  • But doesn't this article also say that some Jewish people liked the idea of being near "their" holy land? I guess what I'm saying, wasn't this an option convenient for both sides? Britain doesn't want a lot/any Jewish people, but also, many Jewish people want to have their own land in current day Israel. Britain's reasons are antisemitic, but they also didn't force Jewish people to live in current day Israel. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • politics Habahnow
    How pervasive is antisemitism on US campuses? A look at the language of the protests How pervasive is antisemitism on US campuses? A look at the language of the protests

    The movement to press for an end to Israel’s war on Gaza has now found itself overshadowed by its loudest voices

    How pervasive is antisemitism on US campuses? A look at the language of the protests

    Article is very interesting and talks about the mix of goals in regards to the protests, and how speech negatively and positively helps accomplish those goals.

    politics Habahnow
    How The DEA's New Marijuana Classification Could Affect California's Cannabis Industry How The DEA's New Marijuana Classification Could Affect California's Cannabis Industry

    As the Drug Enforcement Administration takes steps to move marijuana from a Schedule I drug to Schedule III, we examine how California's cannabis industry could be affected.

    How The DEA's New Marijuana Classification Could Affect California's Cannabis Industry

    A bigger “tax break” (in the form of allowing these businesses to actually deduct expenses like other legitimate businesses) for these dispensaries should mean cheaper products, less struggling businesses and also less black market marijuana.

    Senator Bernie Sander's Speech in regards the Israeli-Palestinian War

    22 minutes long, but still very interesting.

    Better Clarity on Hidden Rooms -ShatteredPD

    I feel like hidden rooms aren't very transparently shown in the game. Currently there are usually 2-3 hidden rooms in each area, with an additional hidden room for every floor that has "many secrets". This is all totally fine, except that its sort of hard to identify them, even as someone that's rather familiar with what they are. By identify, I don't mean to search for them, but to actually identify whether a room is a hidden room or not.

    My suggestion would be that all hidden rooms share some kind of identifier. some suggestions would be:

    • uniquely colored door that, even if burned, has a different color so you'll always know that was an entrance to a hidden room

    • Uniquely colored flooring

    • Uniquely colored walls

    • Indications in the logs when you step into an area or floor ("you have found 1 of 2 or 3 hidden rooms in this area" "There is one discovered hidden room on this floor")

    Hidden rooms can affect your rankings score so allows for easier ways to track that would be welcomed.

    What are your opinions?

    Question about potential career path (Technical Account Manager)

    I'm currently a Technical account manager at a company and I'm uncertain where to go from here. I currently make 150k, with some of my more experienced coworkers making 200k. I'd like to apply to other companies to make more money.

    But I'm wondering, is staying in this sort of role good long term?

    Some additional information on what I do, since I understand this role varies company by company:

    We interact a lot with clients post sales making technical recommendations on the products of ours to use.

    We sometimes help direct clients with integration, or do it ourselves which involves using our REST API.

    We also sometimes have to configure and customize our web application front end, which involves making changes to its HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    We would sometimes also need to investigate and deploy bug fixes for production.

    Now, looking at potential jobs, I'm seeing Technical Account manager, Solutions Engineer, and customer engineer roles that seem really similar to what I'm doing now, paying about 150k average, maybe even a bit more. I'm uncertain what kind of progression there is though.

    On the other hand, as a software engineer (which,despite having a degree in CS, i have no work experience doing, other than what I'm doing now), it feels like there's an, obvious to me, career progression. The issue is that it appears that the average pay for what I think I could work as (junior/entry level software engineer) is closer to 100 - 120k.

    Should I keep trying to stay in my current job type? What sort of new positions should I aim for to make more money?

    Should I bite the bullet and go into software engineering, losing some short term income in exchange for a better career path with better pay in the future? Should I be applying for entry level positions? or staff/intermediate level Software engineering roles?

    any advice is appreciated!

    locking procedure check

    I just recently got into using a bike for commuting and I was wondering if this is a good way to secure my bike? I know, previously, people would recommend only needing to lock the back tire to a solid object, but I’ve seen videos of people easily cutting the back tire, breaking it and taking the frame/front tire. My method of locking is sort of similar, except I do lock around the splash guard. If this isn’t very secure, I’d have to get a longer ulock or chain, because there doesn’t appear to be an easy way for me to lock around the back tire, frame and solid object with my current ulock. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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