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🎉🎉Time theft tuesday!🎉🎉
  • I used to do all my work before 10:00 PM on the night shift and then read in between customers at my local gas station. Got chewed out and then decided to do everything slower while taking 5 minute breaks to "restock" the drinks. Overall, I still got my reading and I did less work.

    Dipshit manager then says he was proud of me for doing more work. Work culture is entirely vibe based and has literally nothing to do with actual productivity.

  • The thread which, along with the blahaj defed, convinced me to leave normal lemmy
  • Do you plan to run a train through every grocery store, stop to unload at each stop, and still expect to get everything there at the same time?

    We don't live in a wildwest train town. Our cities are not built around trains and unless you plan to literally tear down the entirety of New York it will not work.

  • The thread which, along with the blahaj defed, convinced me to leave normal lemmy
  • Even most delivery vehicles should be replaced by either cargo bikes or by spur lines off the railroad.

    I just don't think it'd be practical to fill entire grocery stores worth of stuff on bikes. You're not dealing with a few packages of office supplies. You're dealing with entire warehouse districts worth of stuff having to move across cities. Even with reduced consumption, the amount of people needed to transport that on bikes would probably be more than the local population.

  • The thread which, along with the blahaj defed, convinced me to leave normal lemmy
  • Yep, and that's why most people should ride bikes and then use public infrastructure as needed. But automobiles are still necessary, unless you mean to bike in all the equipment you'd find in an ambulance.

    so a post-personal-car future is still viable

    It takes 160,000 bicycles to incur the road maintenance cost of a single personal car.

    Are we disagreeing here or are you just mentioning a statistic?

  • The thread which, along with the blahaj defed, convinced me to leave normal lemmy
  • I think libs are under the (false) impression that roads are both completely mandatory in society

    They kinda are in local transport to be fair. You can't transport truck loads of stuff by bike to grocery stores. This necessitates some level of automobile road to get there. What's unnecessary is regional/national roads for commerce. Most cities would still require road maintenance just for EMS and local commerce even if they had a robust public infrastructure. The good news is that buses can use these roads as well so a post-personal-car future is still viable. Roadless cities are not.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Mine's name is Claire but now you have to go in the bad-box for being lonely enough to know wtf tulpas are. Unless you're a buddhist monk in which you get a pass.

    For some reason, I always use more formal names like Elizabeth or Victoria for my Servitors. Claire is the only one that stuck around to become a tulpa so ymmv.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Most communists are neurodiverse, LGBTQ+, or otherwise on the lower end of being accepted. The amount of people here who are in an okay position is <5%. The amount of people here who didn't have similar problems earlier in life is almost nill.

    Very few people that aren't outcasts end up here tbh.

  • This is the only way a landlord will ever provide housing.

  • Who is Corey and what did he do?
  • Ketchup belongs on hotdogs scrub.

  • Who is Corey and what did he do?
  • He spent too much time at the White House playing guitar instead of doing his goddamn job.

  • Is there a safe way for someone to keep a gun in their house when they experience suicidal ideation?
  • I haven't done this for guns but put the key for the lock in a big block of ice so you have to wait until it thaws to get it. Alternatively you can dissemble the gun so you have to lookup the manual to make it ready for use. This just delays use by 15-30 minutes at best though so ymmv.

    Practically speaking, pepper spray is the most effective self-defense outside of a gun. Maybe get a pepper ball gun if you need the extra range and you could also threaten someone attacking you into thinking it's a real gun?

  • blahaj has fallen
  • Also, this is the start week of college for most people which is probably a large portion of their userbase.

  • Why was this such a surprise?
  • No, I'm literally unironically soyfacing at the rotato. It's hands down the best emoji I've seen.

  • Locked
    Hexbear federation megathread
  • support Russia and China on the other, where same-sex couples are not treated equally under the law.

    You presumably support Ukraine in the war despite them not treating same-sex couples equally as well. Very few hexbear folk have a positive opinion about Russia. It's an autocratic state that murders political dissidents, but so is the United States and most other countries in Europe. We just recognize that a proxy war between the evil empire that runs the world and the evil empire trying to secure itself is not one to get involved with.

  • What has been your personal experience, so far, with a larger "federated" community?
  • It hasn't changed much for me considering I'm the only real communist on a site filled with liberals even before federation.

  • Removed
    Block instances completely?
  • I'd also support this ngl. I'm trying to defederate from Hexbear as a bit but I don't understand the github.