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Why the price of milk in Canada has increased
  • Beginning of COVID...they dumped dairy down the drain because they didn't want to decrease the cost. Instead of flooding the market with cost effective dairy, then literally destroyed it to keep costs higher.

    Zero excuse for increasing costs right now

  • I Drove A Bunch Of Chinese Cars And They Are Amazing: How China Learned To Build Better Cars While The West Was Sleeping - The Autopian
  • This is exactly my point. They might make something that looks good comparable to anywhere else, but the quality is trash and can easily be dangerous. They care even less then 'the west'.

    The downvotes on my comments I'm assuming are paid actors to push some agenda that China cars are good when the reality is the literal opposite.

    People aren't dumb, they know China's shit standards.

  • Census Bureau will start testing new LGBTQ+ questions on its yearly survey
  • Shocker...but they already know. You don't think you're browser history, chat logs and purchase history isn't already readily available to them..

    They can already get more information about you then you know about yourself.

  • I Drove A Bunch Of Chinese Cars And They Are Amazing: How China Learned To Build Better Cars While The West Was Sleeping - The Autopian
  • Don't chinese EVs catch fire more then the west?

    Also given China's track record for reliability and quality, I'd say this entire topic is just misleading and false. Driving something for a week is NOT the same as owning it for 5 years. High chance the cars do not last the length of the loan.

    You seem...yeah...added to the list.

  • Baby Monitor vs Security Camera
  • I'd skip the baby monitor altogether. Most of them are sub grade garbage dressed to look expensive to prey on new parents because it looks like a baby item or whatever...

    Get a proper security system, and try to keep it locally hosted and not cloud based.

  • The offical new Ambient Music has arrived!
  • The link works, but read the video description. DMCA or whatever against the bohemia audio.

    From the video description itself -

    COPYRIGHTED/MUTED] I've been asked by the DayZ dev team to remove this video under threat of copyright action. Instead I have replaced all music with ambient music from the YouTube Audio Library so that this video can still be used as a resource to understand which areas will play unique music, and how many tracks are in each location. T

  • to anyone who wonders where the comment reply/vote buttons went too

    Go to settings and check off 'show actions bar by default for comments'

    For some reason the default is to NOT show the reply button to individual comments resulting in you needing to long press the comment to unhide the reply button.

    disable swipe to reply

    Is there any way to do this? I keep opening the reply thing while attempting to scroll, not sure if it's my phone being too sensitive or the way I swipe but it's driving me up the wall.

    Is this something I can disable? Going to poke in settings to look as well

    Edit: omg one of the first few options. Feels dumb. This is a non-issue and resolved.

    this week's challenge mode was a pita

    Anyone else find it difficult? Ran it like 20 times and felt like I was just guessing. Ended up completing it because I got 3x revenants. Only evidence I ever got was UV foot prints, so no wraith and well uv ghosties.

    I just don't like the big maps. Really hope the new horror 2.0 brings more small/medium maps

    recommendation for Indian food

    So I've eaten everything from sardines and toast to balut. I have never really found foods I don't enjoy, except for Indian food..and balut but that's a whole other story.

    I find it's always the same, overkill on spices, sauce and rice. It's very unappealing to me for some reason. Almost seems very...lacking in textures, visuals and the flavors are typically just overpowering of cumin. Sometimes it's been fancy and I had sauce on rice, with a side of more sauces. There never seems to be substance to the foods but sauce and rice.

    Granted I haven't explored too much with Indian food but it always looks the same to me. Saying just sauce might be a bit harsh, sometimes it more like stew because there's chunks of chicken or whatnot but it's always the same flavor.

    Can you recommend something from Indian culture that isn't what I have described above?

    Recently came back after 4 years off.

    Is it normal that I just went from 40 to 54 in an afternoon? This seems VERY fast from what I'm used too. Also, where's the gear?

    This doesn't feel like wow, I enjoy it but it's not at all what I remember. I haven't seen gear drop, what do disenchanters do? Is that still a thing?

    I have zero clue what I'm doing lol I have a billion questions and don't even know what to ask, it's confusing but not at the same time.

    I haven't even looked at my old professions. Almost scared too.

    I keep noticing those who sit at dog parks tend to have the most misbehaved dogs

    Sounds bad to be so judgemental, but day after day at the park, the most misbehaved dogs tend to be owned by those who sit at dog parks and chat, smoke, bring random lawn chairs etc..

    The breeds of dog also tend to be the same, 'pitbullish' style or cane Corso, or those dogs so small and yappy.

    It's somewhat frustrating. If I see more then 1 or 2 people sitting, I know there is most likely going to be some altercation between dogs and there usually is..

    Is it the same in your area?

    10's Main Community FiveMacs
    how to unblock accidently blocked community?

    I clicked block on a community I didn't want to block. I can't seem to locate the block list to unblock them.

    How do?

    -UwU- GitHub - virejdasani/pythOwO: an UwU programming language

    an UwU programming language. Contribute to virejdasani/pythOwO development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - virejdasani/pythOwO: an UwU programming language
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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