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Bribery schmibery. Make them pay for their stupidity
  • We even had limits like this when I was a postman.

    If someone gave me a card at Xmas with some lottery scratch tickets or a gift card it was fine as long as the value was under $50. A coworker got in trouble at my facility about it because a nice old guy on his run gave him a thrashed and neglected early 90s dirtbike missing a bunch of parts because he wanted it gone and couldnt be bothered selling it and they had talked bikes before. The guy told his son he gave it to the postman and the son got it in his head that the postman must have pressured him into it but because he didnt declare it the postman got into a bunch of shit. The process exists to protect everyone involved.

  • How should news sites be funded?
  • The problem with that (from a country that has a govt funded channel with news programs) is that if they start being overly critical of a political party when that party gets in they reduce funding.

  • What Video games graphically hold up on their aesthetic?
  • Tried that again for a trip down memory lane recently, couldnt get saves to work which really screwed with my ability to have fun.

    Because the AI is so shit Id focus on building a small but defensibly untouchable base and let the 3 pc teams on hard and cooperating expand massively before going on the offensive, making taking them down a real grind.

  • A burger being "100% Beef" is not a good thing
  • OP probably makes a delicious sandwich, but once you add too much to the pattie it stops being a hamburger. If you want to try something new instead of the Oklahoma smash (which yeah, is a fucking OG burger) make some onion and mustard jam. Shit is fucking tight on burgers.

    The difference between good burgers and fast food burgers is all in the fat content, the grind, the seasoning and the chef. Fast food burgers are too processed, underseasoned and next to impossible to fuck up cooking unless your a 15yo working for peanuts and dont give a fuck. IMO for a classic burger all you need is 80/20 coarse grind beef (2 patties), salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. 2 slices of American cheese (I dont care how fake it is, I'm not American and its what needs to go on a burger) a few pickles, American mustard and some diced raw onions. Oh... and a bun.

  • If Texas Ever Tries for Independence again, the US should Send Mexico the "Come and Take it!" cannon just to rub their idiocy in their faces.
  • Well yeah if you literally demolish everything thats currently federal they are fucked. There would still be banks because international banks would see an opportunity and would move fast, they would still have air traffic controllers because there would still be people who wanted jobs and didnt want to leave.

    Its worth mentioning that Texas is responsible for roughly 10% of the entire US GDP. Has 19000 National Guard troops and 168,000 currently serving US millitary... if 10% of them elect to stay their economy and military would be about 10% of the size of Mexico, with a heavily armed local population (47% of 30 million people) caipable of an insurgency movement... not saying they would be able to hold off a full blown invasion from Mexico if they meant business, but it would sure as hell not be a cakewalk to keep it.

  • Which Band Name Do You Like Better?
  • Now I absolutely mean this with zero disrespect.

    If you guys were a younger harder band, possibly with a punk leaning The Slappers would be an amazing name but having watched the video, Greyson and the Argonauts fits better.

    If someone said "Come see this band "The Slappers" Ive seen them before and they are really good!" you guys arent what Id expect.

  • [Kind of weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going?
  • Get more/better sleep, reduce stress, get more vitamin d3, more zinc, have a healthy cholesterol level...

    All might have huge effects, might not.

    I wasnt worried about it, I was thinking I wasnt seeing the results I should at the gym. So I went looking for a reason.

  • [Kind of weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going?
  • I do have most of the common symptoms to some degree, Ive had it described as "TRT makes men with low test feel the way people wish antidepressants made them feel" You gain muscle and lose fat easier, you're more motivated, more energetic, more stable moods, less irritable...

    So knowing its low enough to qualify me for TRT is like a red-pill, blue pill scenario. If I take the TRT I definitely get the results and the side effects. If I dont and try to bring it back naturally, I might achieve nothing, I might bring it back to "normal" but it could take a long time and be very difficult.

    Now I know its an issue, I kind of have to do something. My biggest worry is that if I try natural I'll raise it just enough naturally to not be eligible for TRT but not get it high enough to really feel great.

    Edit: it is also worth mentioning that as a regular gym goer the idea of being able to dial in my testosterone levels to as high as I can before the side effects really kick in does have a significant appeal. Ive basically got an opportunity to be on prescribed low dose steroids.

  • [Kind of weekly thread] Men over 30, how is your week going?
  • Got my blood tests back and I have low testosterone so I have 2 choices.

    1. do a bunch of hard and long term fixes to try and drag it kicking and screaming up to as high as I can.

    2. Take the results to a TRT clinic, get on "the good shit" be able to adjust my dosage to get to the high end of whats naturally possible, get jacked but possibly have my nuts shrivel up and not be able to have any more kids...

    Shitty decision.

  • Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?
  • Truth be told some of the supposed benefits of TRT are improved sleep, improved moods, feeling more "whole" and being less Irritable. Is it low because I sleep like shit and Im stressed or do I sleep like shit and I'm always stressed because its low.

    Edot: That answer seemed a bit flippant, Theres a bit of light at the end of those tunnels, in that my daughter gets more reasonable every day and we just sold our old place and moved into a tiny shitshow of a place to save money while the new one is built so hopefully in 12 months she might ne going to bed on time in her nice new bedroom. Works always going to be work though.

  • Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?
  • Ive mentioned it in a other reply but theres a private TRT clinic thats happy to take my money and give me what I apparently need. But regular GPs often treat guys wanting TRT like junkies seeking pain meds. They will only prescribe it or recommend it if your levels are utterly fucked mine are pretty damn low but not abysmal.

    Im going to talk to a GP before signing up (If I decide to) but I want to have smarter questions to ask than I have now.

  • Has anyone here been prescribed TRT? Or had a partner on it?

    Got my bloods done and my Testosterone levels are LOW. I'm working out a lot and kind of pissed Ive been doing it on "hardmode" for god knows how long, but before I take the doc up on the script I'm doing my due diligence on the realities. It seems like every article I find is either written by a trt clinic or is a one sided hit piece. So Im after some real world experiences.

    Full movies on YouTube Delphia
    Class of 1999 (1990)
    Is it too late to get involved?

    Just asking, is starting a new character now going to leave me annoyed and feeling like a little brother tagging along or is new character progression pretty forgiving?

    I feel like this could be the Lemmy version of the "Narwhals Bacon" bullshit.

    Even though the Narwhals bacon shit was cringe as hell.

    What Stereotypes do you definitely fit?

    In what ways are you absolutely the stereotype?

    Why does incest result in birth defects?

    Just to be well and truly fuckin clear. I am not now nor have I ever been nor will I ever be contemplating shagging a family member.

    Does anyone have any Jonsbo VR1 parts?

    Im doing a custom case with a Jonsbo Vr1 I picked up super cheap. Im after the screws for the glass sides specifically but if anyone in Australia has one Id be interested in picking up a whole case.

    People who dont particularly care for or celebrate Christmas, Whats your favorite Christmas song?

    I know the Mariah Carey song is hated because its overused, but its also objectively a well produced piece of pop music.

    My favorite though is O Holy Night. Performed well I want to stop and listen to it. It moves me, and I dont give enough of a fuck about religion to call myself an athiest.

    Has anyone on here owned a v6 2014ish Dodge Journey

    Father in law needs a new car and at his wants/needs/price intersection is the V6 Journey/Freemont.

    Just after some genuine owner feedback if anyone has any.

    Ask Lemmy Delphia
    What ways could AI/Machine learning be easily used to improve society?

    A lot of the press about AI/Machine learning is doom and gloom. What do you think are some good use cases that would improve every day peoples lives?

    Knock Knock. (Short story)

    The managers offices have windows that look out onto the main floor, I'm a training officer and sometime supervisor so although I look in the windows before I go in I'm generally "read in" on anything going on so If the doors closed I dont pay it much mind unless the boss is having a closed door with a staff member.

    I went to walk in the door and got it half open before the facility manager bodily slams it closed. He looks out the window and sees its me, and says "Learn to knock!" gives me some paperwork to chase up.

    3 minutes later I come back with paperwork, he is sitting there back to the window... with his coffee. I made eye contact with the other supervisors and went full cheshire cat. I waited till he lifted his cup and I closed fist pounded on that door like I had a fucking warrant.

    He came about 3 inches out of his chair and wore the whole cup.

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