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Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • I am too successful to stop.

    Every day I make hundreds of terrorists and their sympathizers angry. Their anger tastes sweet.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • Always take such accussations with a grain of salt as Hamas is known for lying about pretty much everything.

    Why Gaza-Citizens get handcuffed in Israel hospitals? Because Hamas, PLO and other Jihadists have used ambulances as car bombs in the past and wounded themselves to get close enough to kill Israeli doctors.

    And if the patients are unhappy about the Israeli treatment of wounded they are free to go to Egypt. Oh, wait, the other Arabs give a damned shit about the Gazans? Well, why would be that?

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • Always take such accussations with a grain of salt as Hamas is known for lying about pretty much everything.

    Why Gaza-Citizens get handcuffed in Israel hospitals? Because Hamas, PLO and other Jihadists have used ambulances as car bombs in the past and wounded themselves to get close enough to kill Israeli doctors.

    And if the patients are unhappy about the Israeli treatment of wounded they are free to go to Egypt. Oh, wait, the other Arabs give a damned shit about the Gazans? Well, why would be that?

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • You can not just go somewhere without a permission and occupy other peoples property.

    You absolutely can and people routinely do.

    And then you are regularly arrested for trespassing and damage to property.

    On the other hand, you can simply register the demonstration with the municipal office and then demonstrate in the designated area as often and as long as you want.

    Shame on you if you tell people to disregard the law, ending them up in jail.

    Chose your poison.

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • The suffering is 99% the fault of Hamas by starting a stupid genozidal campaign and then hiding behind civilians.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • I am utterly Pro-Palestinian. And therefore Hamas must go or else Palestine will never know peace again.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • Sure Hamas begs for a cease fire because Israel is tearing them a structurally superfluous new a-hole. They desperatelly need to restructure to fight harder.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

    1. Release all hostages
    2. Surrender and do no longer plan to genozide Israel.

    Then by international Law Israel has to stop fighting. But not one second earlier. International Law is sure about that. Then you have immediately peace. It is really so easy.

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • thats your kink, not mine.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • I am too successful to stop.

    Every day I make hundreds of terrorists and their sympathizers angry. Like you. Your anger tastes sweet.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • I write crime comedy shows for television.

    And HFY for HFY.

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • Gaza detainees shackled, blindfolded and in nappies at Israel hospital
  • Always take such accussations with a grain of salt as Hamas is known for lying about pretty much everything.

    Why Gaza-Citizens get handcuffed in Israel hospitals? Because Hamas, PLO and other Jihadists have used ambulances as car bombs in the past and wounded themselves to get close enough to kill Israeli doctors.

    And if the patients are unhappy about the Israeli treatment of wounded they are free to go to Egypt. Oh, wait, the other Arabs give a damned shit about the Gazans? Well, why would be that?

    Now ask yourself, what could Hamas do to stop the violence?

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • During all of this ask yourself one thing: What could Hamas do to stop the violence?

    Then protest against Hamas for bombing civilians. Current estimates are that they kill more civilians than the Israeli army and the total number of dead civilians is laughable low in light of the overall size of the operation.

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • During all of this ask yourself one thing: What could Hamas do to stop the violence?

    Dude, I fucking don't care for the tears of Hamas-Lovers. The international Law is harsh but straight forward: Israel has the right to self defend and if Hamas fights back by shooting its own people and hiding behind kids - their problem. The current objectives of Israel align perfectly with international Law:

    1. return of the hostages
    2. make Hamas a non-thread. Either by making Hamas surrender and return all weapons or by Hamas dying in g(l)ory and taking some of their civilians with them. See, I laughed my ass off when South Africa sued Germany for supporting Israel because the only outcome by Law would be "Germany is acting by the Law." the same will happen for the current case against Netanjahu - he might be a cretin but he is not a criminal. For Hamas though... I am pretty sure Den Haag will happy sue an arrest warrent for them. You hate this? Well, that is international Law.
  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • During all of this ask yourself one thing: What could Hamas do to stop the violence?

    But don't forget about the motorcycles. They do too.

    Also, protests are only legal if announced and held within the announced and accepted area.

    You can not just go somewhere without a permission and occupy other peoples property.

    The dudes could protest 365 days a year on roads where they have permission.

    They don't have permission and refuse to cooperate?

    Sack them. Fine them. Teach them.

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • Meanwhile, historians are amazed at the comparatively low civilian casualty in Gaza despite very problematic circumstances:

    Mind you, the Palestinians often behave very humanely:

    Oh, and because there are always questions about the author's past:

  • NYPD officer caught on video punching pro-Gaza protester during Brooklyn rally
  • Wait, is it suddenly illegal to protest in favour of a mass murdering genocidal terrorist organisation?

  • In this house we share the bananas
  • Orangs do that. One Orang is collecting food and giving to to another Orang building a bed from leaves.

    Why? Because the first Orang is better at collecting food and the second at building beds.

  • In this house we share the bananas
  • Actually all higher primates do capitalism. Bonobos pay with food for sex, Chipanzees pay with support for a higher rank, Orangs pay with food for other orangs making them a bad out of leaves. I suggest to read Barterverse: Galactic Economics 1: Happy Existence

  • Son, we need to have a serious talk!
  • I still wonder what kind of bear it would be. A Koala or Sun Bear would be OK I guess.

  • Zu doof zum Posten

    Ich gebe es auf. Ich bin zu doof in irgendeinem Forum einen Post abzusetzen. Ich glaube selbst dieser wird nicht durchgehen.

    Ich poste auf Heise dass die Moderation eigentlich gut geworden ist, zumindestens in den Themenforen und Newsforen. Aber auch dass Telepolis nach wie vor nur den Bodensatz der Antidemokraten anzieht und unlesbar ist - wer Telepolis kennt glaubt mir das ungesehen.

    Wurde gebannt für drei Tage :-)

    Ich will auf Reddit was posten. Abgelehnt, Regel Drölfzig. Angepaßt, Abelehnt, zu lang. Editiert, zu viele Umlaute, abgelehnt. Editiert, Regel soundso passt nicht. Anders formuliert, vom Moderator abgelehnt wegen Soapboxing, keine Ahnung was das ist aber auf Rückfrage bestätigt mir der Moderator dass kein Soapboxing vorliegt. Nochmal gepostet, hängt seit acht Stunden in der Moderation.

    Im Newbybereich gefragt wo man einfach mal posten und diskutieren ohne riesiges Regelwerk, abgelehnt wegen Regelverletzung. Anders formuliert, abgelehnt wegen "RTFM". das Fucking Manual gelesen, da steht nix zum Thema drin. Einen Moderator gefragt welchen Punkt er meint, gesperrt wegen Mobbing.

    Poste einen Witz in r/jokes, wird gesperrt ohne Begründung. Fünf Minuten später postet der Moderator den Witz und bekommt 500 Upvotes in einer Stunde.

    Jetzt schauen wir mal wie weit ich bei Lemmy und komme. Ach, ich sehe gerade dass Golem jetzt auch ein paar Themenforen hat. Und wenn nichts mehr geht poste ich bei X. Das ist so broken die könnten meine Beiträge nichteinmal sperren wenn sie wollten.

    PS, diesen Beitrag nicht zu ernst nehmen. Ich bin ja selber grade am kaputtlachen.


    Meine Cousinen sind schon ein merkwürdiges Volk. Das Frauenvolk :-)

    Jeder in der Familie weis dass ich gut mit Technik kann. Also so richtig gut, mit Studium und 35 Jahren Berufserfahrung.

    Situation, Cousine ist nach Umzug etwas knapp an Geld. Beim Umzug geht der DVB-S-Receiver und der Fernseher kaputt. Was macht sie? Rennt zum Expert und sucht sich einen kleinen, veralteten Fernseher ohne DVB-S raus und einen Extra DVB-S Empfänger dazu. Nur einen 43 Zoll Fernseher weil sie ihn nicht tragen kann. Dass Expert liefert und ich auch jederzeit helfen kann und dass sie den 43-Zöller auch nicht tragen kann... ich frage nicht.

    Weil sie die dafür notwendigen €600 nicht dabei hatte geht sie zur Bank. Unterwegs laufen wir uns übern Weg und sie erzählt ihren Plan.

    Ich weise sie darauf hin dass ordentliche Fernseher einen DVB-S-Receiver eingebaut haben und dass das Gerät was sie angesehen hat maßlos überteuert ist. Ich besorge ihr aus dem Internet einen €300 Fenseher mit 50 Zoll ordentlicher Qualität mit DVD-S, 4k, USB-Recorder, Internet, Apps und sonstwas.

    Ihr Argument gegen den Kombifernseher war übrigens "Das ist mir zu kompliziert." Dass es anschliessend einfacher als vorher war hat sie selber überrascht. Dass ich ihr das vorher fünfmal gesagt habe hat sie aber schon vergessen.

    Sie hat einen alten Videorekorder und will ihn unbedingt am Fernseher anschliessen um Sendungen aufzunehmen. Ich erkläre ihr dass Videorekorder aus den 1980ern nicht mehr an modernen Fernsehern funktionieren und schenke ihr eine alte 160GByte USB-HD um darauf Videos aufzunehmen. Mediathek hat sie auch.

    Nach zwei Jahren nehme ich die USB-Platte wieder mit weil sie diese nicht einmal verwendet hat. Genau so wie die Mediathek. "Das ist mir zu kompliziert". Ja, der rote "Record"-Knopf ist schon sehr kompliziert. Der blaue Knopf "Mediathek" ist ein Rätsel.

    Nun gut. Sie will sich ein Festnetztelefon holen. Ich frage sie ernsthaft: Wozu? Da fiel ihr nichts drauf ein. Ich schlage vor einfach nur das Mobiltelefon zu verwenden. Aber das klingt so schlecht. Sie hält mir einen uralten Nokia-Knochen vor die Nase. Ich frage was sie pro Monat zahlt. €40 seit 15 Jahren. Habe sie zu einem €150-Smartphone und einem €10-WinSIM-Tarif mit 15GByte überredet. Festnetztelefon fiel ersatzlos weg. Sie hat nie wieder danach gefragt.

    Jetzt lacht sie sich im hohem Alter nochmal einen neuen Lebensgefährten an. Das erste was er macht: Er drängt sie sich ein Festnetzanschluß für €45 zu holen weil sie damit Fernsehen kann. Dass sie das seit fünf Jahren ohnehin mit ihrem Fernseher über Smartphone-Tethering kann es aber nie verwendet hat - "das ist doch kein richtiges Fernsehen" sagt ihr neuer Freund.

    Achja, vor einem halben Jahr kauft sie sich für €160 ein neues Smartphone. 6GByte RAM, 128GByte Flash, 256GByte SD-Karte mit ihrer Lieblingsmusik Update-Support für fünf Jahre. Neuer Freund: Das ist doch ein Müllhandy.

    Und hält stolz ein Iphone Xirgendwas hoch. Gebraucht gekauft für €400. Mit weniger RAM, weniger Flash und nichteinmal halb so lange Support. Das ist ein echtes Handy. Cousine geifert gierig nach dem Gerät und fragt mich ob ich ihr so eins besorgen kann. Ja aber dann sind natürlich alle Deine Bilder und Filme und sonstwas weg und Deine Musik paßt auch nicht drauf. Der neue Bekannte verspricht ihr dass das alles ganz einfach ist. Und hat es selbst nicht geschafft die Daten seines alten Iphone 7 auf das Xirgendwas umzuziehen.

    Nur zur als Info: Er ist angestellter Malermeister, ich bin studierter EDV- und Telco-Berater und Techniker.

    Jetzt ratet mal auf wessen Rat sie hört.

    Nun, für mich ist der Käse gebissen. Solange sie auf ihn hört helfe ich bei technischen Fragen nicht mehr. Er schwatzt ihr gerade noch Netflix auf. Ich bin jetzt schon zu 100% sicher dass sie das nie verwenden wird, genau so wenig wie sie das neu bestellte Festnetz nutzt um Fernsehen zu guggen.

    Michael Mittermeier hätte seine Freude an ihr: Sie ist Fleisch-Wurscht-Fachverkäuferin.

    Schneechaos in München

    Ich kann mich nicht erinnern dass wir jemals in einer Nacht so einen Schneefall hatten. 40-50cm und die Strassen völlig unpassierbar.

    Ein paarmal in meiner Jugend gab es ähnliche Schneefälle nach mehreren Tagen Schneefall.

    Meinen Gehweg frei räumen war heute eine richtige Kraftübung. Eine Schneeschaufel ist dabei kaputt gegangen. Aber mein Nachbar hat es noch schwerer, der wohnt an einem Eckgrundstück mit viermal so viel Strasse und einer Bushaltestelle die er komplett frei halten muss.

    Schön ist die Schneelandschaft aber trotzdem. Man möchte nochmal Kind sein und einfach in die weise Pracht reinspringen. Ich glaub das mache ich jetzt einfach mal.

    Schneechaos München 1

    Mehr Bilder

    The mathematician who got into a fight with a triangle...

    Philosopher: Hey, did you hear about the mathematician who got into a fight with a triangle?

    Mechanic: No, what happened?

    Philosopher: Well, they squared off, but things quickly spiralled out of control. The triangle kept shouting, "Hypotenuse, hypotenuse!" while the mathematician tried to reason with it using the Pythagorean theorem. But instead of resolving the conflict, it just led to a series of nonsensical equations and abstract symbols being thrown around.

    Mechanic: That sounds odd. What did the mathematician do next?

    Philosopher: Oh, you won't believe it. They decided to introduce an imaginary number into the mix, hoping it would diffuse the situation. But instead, it only made things more complex and surreal. The triangle started spinning in circles, shouting, "I'm acute, I'm obtuse, I'm everything and nothing at the same time!"

    Mechanic: That's... bizarre. Did they ever find a resolution?

    Philosopher: Well, eventually, the mathematician tried to divide by zero, thinking it would bring harmony through undefined infinity. But it only caused a cosmic glitch in the fabric of reality, and the entire scene dissolved into a flurry of nonsensical symbols, abstract shapes, and existential angst.

    Mechanic: Wow, that's... um, not interesting at all. I don't even know how to respond to that.

    Philosopher: Exactly! That's the beauty of mathematics meeting Dadaism. It's like a joke that isn't funny but leaves you pondering the absurdity of existence and the elusive nature of meaning.

    Hypersonic Missile Inbound!!!

    All targeting solutions for sublight speed are computable.

    UN Survey

    Last month, the UN conducted a global survey:

    "Please give us your honest opinion about a solution to the Food Shortages in the Rest of the World."

    The poll turned out, not unexpectedly, to be a huge flop.


    \-In Africa, participants didn't know what 'food' was.

    \-Russia didn't know what 'honest' meant.

    \-Western Europe did not know the word 'Shortage '.

    \-The Chinese did not know what 'opinion' was.

    \-The Middle East asked what 'solution' meant.

    \-South America did not know the meaning of 'please'.

    \-In North Korea they ate the survey sheet.

    \-Switzerland didn't want to give anything for free.

    \-And in the USA, no one knew what 'the rest of the world' was.

    Lemmy Wiki Stuff?

    I got a Wiki at Reddit to list my works and external links. What would be the correct way of doing that within Lemmy?

    I also saw user-wikis under something like the following but I have no idea how to create these neither in Reddit or Lemmy.

    The easiest way would be to just create a Lemmy Community c/crass_spektakel but that feels a bit boastful.

    Is is possible to give users within a Lemmy Community a Wiki or share a Wiki between several people?

    [Resolved] Does Reddit block Links to Lemmy.World?


    Reddit itself doesn't filter. Reddit HFY does.

    It is not possible to link from Reddit HFY to Lemmy HFY directly due to shadow-filtering. The whole message with the link will be only visible for the creator. Working around with eg https://lemmy(dot)world/post/94994 though works as long as the user edits the link while copying it.

    --- old text ---

    Does Reddit block Links to Lemmy.World?

    I just wanted to post a link in a Reddit Answer. To my utter surprise the message was not shown to other people. I as the author could see it without any hint it would be invisible.

    But everyone else couldn't see it. It just wasn't there, even an direct linkt didn't help. Editing the message didn't help either. I had to delete it and rewrite it without mentioning "" in the message.

    Here is a workaround where I avoid a link and it works:

    Reddit Post without Link Workaround

    Reddit Post with Link

    Edit 1: To make myself clear again, you should see at least one message without a link and one with a link to Lemmy. But you will only see the one without a link. The trigger seems to be the exact word “”. Is that a known problem?

    Edit 2: Wow, this goes deeper. A fresh Edge browser does show the link post. A old Edge browser doesn’t. All browsers with strict privacy settings don’t show the link. Firefox in Private Mode and with Adblock doesn’t show it. Edge and Chrome in private mode don’t show it either. A fresh chrome doesn’t show it. An older Installation of Chrome does. Reddit is doing something very strange.

    Edit 3: https://lemmy(dot)world/post/3375662 seems to bypass the filter. So it is true: Reddit filters their biggest competitor.

    Edit 4: The Shadow-Ban doesn't seem to work on r/help but definitely on r/hfy.

    Lemmy is slowly getting better

    Just a little rant. When I first visited Lemmy Sites a couple of months ago it felt empty. Besides the really mainstream community pretty much everything else just felt empty.

    Meanwhile though traffic has increased a lot and I feel well entertained by the traffic in c/hfy c/noncredibledefence c/keepwriting c/worldbuilding and so on. It is certainly less than Reddit but often quality is substancially higher and is "enough" to keep me entertained.

    Also I like that you can actually post something without running into a bazillion deletes, bans and moderator shitshat because your post was two words to short, not NCD enough and so on.

    Sure, the C64 community on Lemmy is laughable. So is the ARMA community. I still use REddit for that. Also I often check up stuff on r/hfy and r/NCD but since one week I have been prefering Lemmy for that.

    Also my longer posts don't get eaten up any more. God, three weeks ago most posts with 3k an more just got lost without feed back. Nowadays I have even manges posts around 20k without breaking them up. Though the editor is still lacking for longer posts. On Reddit I can copy-paste pretty much anything from Libreoffice into Reddits Editor (which is also pretty lacking but differently lacking). On Lemmy I have to run most text through a little perl script to get them even using correct line breaks perl -pe 's/\n/\n\n/' and different sizes for Headlines are much to few to select from.

    Not perfect, not even very good but definitely promising.

    to stoneage or not

    This might be an interesting read for those considering an apocalyptic world and is a revised memory log of a discussion on an discord channel, content is 60% by me, 30% by Chili the Sheep and 10% other people.


    What is the minimum requirement to put a civilization like ours back into stone age?

    To fully analyze the minimum requirements to push a civilization like our current one back into the stone age, it is helpful to first consider what scenarios would likely not achieve that outcome. Scientific analysis indicates that the following events, though catastrophic, would likely still leave remnants of our modern knowledge and technologies intact.

    A limited nuclear war, even with 1000 to 2000 nuclear bombs detonating and killing approximately 10% of the human population while destroying major cities, would probably not be sufficient. Isolated small towns with populations of around 10,000 people would likely still retain early 20th century technology. They possess libraries, manufacturing tools, metalworkers, mechanics and teachers.

    Asteroids impacting the Earth below the level needed to devastate the entire planet, the Yellowstone supervolcano erupting, and other potential natural catastrophes would also fail to reduce human civilization to stone age levels. While the local effects would be disastrous, an estimated 90% of the world's population and infrastructure would likely remain mostly untouched.

    Region-wide famines, though kill many people until food supplies become less scarce, generally do not cause the loss of an entire civilization. With appropriate measures, modern civilization could likely recover within one to five years. Even if famines killed 90% of the population, there would still exist millions of educated people such as mechanics, teachers, etc who could help rebuild.

    My personal estimate indicates that to completely reset human civilization to stone age conditions would require the death of at least 99.9% of the human population, the total elimination of all evidence of our past knowledge, and ensuring that nobody reinvents basic technologies for at least 4 generations. Such an extremely brutal break in civilization approaching 100% mortality would be a miracle if any humans survived at all. I call this the "99.9% dilemma": if an event can kill 99.9% of humans, it could feasibly kill 100%. In that case, we would all be dead and no stone age would exist.

    So there isn’t a way to reset our civilization back to stone age?

    Yes, there are combinations of events which could theoretically remove knowledge from past ages and push human civilization back into the stone or early bronze age.

    A catastrophic event followed by a primitivistic-luddite religion could achieve this. For example, if a global nuclear war occurred where only 20% of humanity survived, and afterward a primitivistic-luddite religion spread around the world eliminating traces of past knowledge. If integrated deeply into society, that luddite religion could simply suppress the delivery of past achievements.

    However, even then it would be extremely implausible. If even a single small nation or mediocre-sized city somewhere survived with knowledge of the old civilization, they would quickly surpass the luddite nations. Remnants of modern technology would dominate a world of "cavemen" with ease, likely without needing nuclear weapons. A few assault rifles and aerial reconnaissance would be enough. The European conquest of the Americas would pale in comparison

    In conclusion, the requirements for a "decline to stone age" are very stringent. You would need an extreme event leaving no town of 10,000 people alive. But it cannot be so extreme that it kills 100% of humans instead of 99.9%. This scenario walks a razor's edge.

    A decline to more modern civilizations though is easier, but still difficult. Even if only a small African village survived, they likely possess the knowledge to restart an early industrial civilization with farming, mining, and manufacturing on medieval levels if they utilize their entire labor force. A larger community, for example New Zealand or Island, could theoretically even sustain an mid-to-late 20th century civilization without help.

    Given division of labor and education, humans are remarkably adaptable.

    The most common counter-argument is that humans are "too stupid" to survive without modern civilization. However, most humans are not stupid. We are remarkably adaptable. If after an apocalypse power is down and farming machines do not work, most people are not "too stupid" to plant or pick potatoes under supervision of an experienced farmer. After harvest, engineers among them could build a wood-fueled generator and fix farming engines so next year labor is not by hand. Humans would improve rapidly where it matters and progress faster than before.

    The only thing which could slow rebuilding civilization is not utilizing every able worker. For example, what still holds back Arab civilization? Not fully using females in the workforce. Maximum resource utilization, though sounding cold, provides huge gains. In a typical civilization without females working, income per worker may equalize a fully integrated workforce. However, only half of possible workers labor. And expenses depend on total citizens, not workforce.

    A nation of 1 million people not utilizing women (or men) might produce 33 million wealth units per year, while a nation utilizing all workers might produce 65 million. Sounds twice as rich? No, it is much worse. Expenses remain around 25 million wealth units. The patriarchal nation retains 8 million wealth units, while the equal nation retains 57 million. The equal nation is seven times more productive. Oh, I just solved the third world problem.

    Stop global warming using technology?

    I don't think human psychology will allow a united approach to global warming. Too man people are too stupid, to egoistic or just in such a tight spot they can not afford being "climate-friendly".

    So I wonder if there are Mega-Projects available to stop global warming?

    Some coming to mind:

    Reflector mirror at Lagrange1 between Sun and Earth - even a 1.000.000km² mirror from ultrathin film would weigh 1000 tonnes at most.

    Giant Air Scrubers and I mean giant. They would dwarf the pyramids and remove pullutants and CO² from the athmosphere.

    In addition I think a originator principle should become common: Any nation not really trying to act clean should simply be burdened with massive tariff measures. Using modern technology it shouldn't be too hard to find nations who polute the ocean unnececerrally.

    Edit, it became reality:

    USA CO² Scrubber german

    Project Cypress english

    Crass_Spektakel Crass Spektakel
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