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Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63
  • I'm not well-versed in Iran's politics, but is there actually any hope that his replacement will be any better for the Iranian people? I'd have to imagine that whoever is next in line would already be very much aligned with his existing policies.

  • Not to brag
  • I've not heard of this project, but it seems quite old at this point. Does this even still have any impact on advertisers anymore? I'd imagine that this would be something that is quite arbitrary to detect and account for, in terms of their ability to track users.

  • Analysts: PS5 Outsold Xbox Almost 5 To 1 This Past Quarter
  • Nintendo console releases have followed a bit of a pattern over the last ~20 years. They'll release one and it'll be great (N64), and then the next one sells poorly (GC), then the next one does great again (Wii), and then the next one flops (WiiU)... The Switch is doing great, so I'm not holding my breath for the Switch 2, unfortunately.

    I feel like the executives at Nintendo get too full of themselves whenever they have a successful release, and get sloppy with their next one, only to get slapped by the industry and player base and realize they have to actually try again if they want to win back their base. With Nintendo riding high on the Switch's success, I'm a bit pessimistic and assuming that their next console is going to sell very poorly. With the new console rumored to be another handheld, it's very likely that the hardware will be significantly underpowered compared to its competition at the time, which will once again hold Nintendo back from a lot of big AAA releases. And I'm not sure players will put up with Nintendo's stubbornness for much longer, especially if the next console isn't another huge hit like the Switch.

    While I don't think it's likely, I think it's very plausible that the Switch's successor may end up being one of the last pieces of hardware Nintendo develops. I just don't have a lot of faith in Nintendo's leadership these days to imagine them sticking around the hardware scene for much longer. Their IPs are absolutely priceless, though, so I have no doubt that they'll continue making "Nintendo" games, but my prediction is that it'll be for other platforms.

    I'm still a Nintendo fanboy at heart, though, so I hope I end up being way wrong.

  • Analysts: PS5 Outsold Xbox Almost 5 To 1 This Past Quarter
  • Sometimes I love to entertain the idea of a timeline in which SEGA never dropped out of the hardware scene and was still a viable 4th option in the console space. It'd be real interesting to see what the gaming landscape would look like today if the Dreamcast had better market performance.

    Though, I kinda expect Nintendo to be the next one of the Big Three to stop making hardware, if anybody. I know they've got plans for a Switch successor already, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if Nintendo decides to either offer themselves up for a merger, or just goes purely software and starts making Marios and Zeldas for Playstation.

  • Deleted
    I tried to give my old Wii and games to my 11 year old son, he refused them.
  • I was making a joke, but this was a really weird response.

  • Deleted
    I tried to give my old Wii and games to my 11 year old son, he refused them.
  • A Crash spin-off and Skate It? Sorry pops, I'd say "no", too.

    If you'd have thrown in some Wii Sports, on the other hand...

  • That time PornHub Accidentally gave an Award to a Minor
  • Yes, and I've seen this brought up a bunch recently. I think somebody has some weird personal grudge against her, and has been editing Wikipedia pages and submitting fake "tips" to gossip outlets to report on it. Most of the actual reports of Elles being underage have been deleted, likely because they weren't true. I haven't found any piece of material from a reputable source reporting this, either. I've looked into this before, and I've found no actual proof that she uploaded anything illegal, or that her award was ever rescinded.

    NSFW LINKS: The most "proof" I could find is that comparing the oldest available backup of the page to the current page shows that some of the header images have been removed, but her name and award title were never mentioned in the text of either version of the article.

    EDIT: Intereting. The account that made the original claim on the Wiki article shares the same name as TraffickingPub, an org founded by Laila Mickelwait who seems to be one of the original people making this claim, and is currently selling a book titled Takedown: Insight the Fight to Shut Down PornHub for Child Abuse, Rape, and Sex Trafficking. The only other Wiki edits I can see that they've made were grammatical corrections on other porn-related articles.

    Now, I'm not one to espouse conspiracy theories, but I don't think it should be ignored that the earliest reports of this claim appear to come from somebody with a financial incentive to make these claims, so interpret these findings how you wish.

    EDIT: I won't be surprised if this thread or OP's video end up deleted soon. From everything I can see, Elles is likely very good at takedown requests by now. Especially considering she got OP once already.

  • Google declares the end of the World Wide Web
  • I hate this change. While these features are neat if I just want a quick answer for something like if I wanna know some random fact about a person, it makes it so much harder to do any level of actual research on something anymore because you have to dig through so much garbage to find the real content.

    And Google isn't alone in this. Bing and pretty much all of the big search engines are doing the same thing now. And while there are definitely alternative search engines out there, they lack the reach and rank sorting that Google and the other big players have already perfected.

    So my options are either spend extra time with every search I perform by switching to various tabs and scrolling past auto-generated nonsense and sponsored results to find the answers I need, or use an objectively inferior product which may not even be able to point me to what I need within the first few pages of results. Neither option is a particularly great experience these days. The internet sucks so much lately.

  • Four US daycare workers charged with spiking children’s food with melatonin
  • Yeah, that seems strangely high. I feel like we'd hear about this much more frequently if it was that common.

  • Deleted
    Discord is allegedly assigning gender to users with machine learning AI
  • Discord: "Then we will define it."

  • 1.000.304 Patch Notes
  • Yeah, I really want Purifier to be good, but I can't find any possible use-case for it where it isn't outclassed by something else in the same weapon slot. There's no task that it's better at than anything else. Its burst DPS is awful, its sustained DPS is just as bad, it can't do add-clear, it can't destroy fabricators/bug holes, you'll take damage using it at close range, the scope is awful for aiming it long range, it has a poor ammo economy... there's just nothing going for it.

    I'm hoping this also gets some reworking soon, too. I think a real easy fix would just be increasing the AOE so that it can actually handle groups of enemies and could act as a sort of wider-area, weaker-damage cousin to the Quasar or something.

  • Helldivers 2 players rally around an unlikely hero who just wanted to make friends
  • Yeah, the HD2 community has generally been pretty awesome. I've got something like 270 hours logged at this point, almost exclusively with randoms through quickplay, and I think I've only had like 5 people who were truly trying to grief anybody else in that time. There's a good handful of people who overreact to getting TK'd, but generally people take it in stride.

    It was a bit worse shortly after release, though I think that was largely due to people not really "getting" what the game was yet (things like kicking people before extract to "steal" their samples, etc). Now that people have a general understanding of how the game works and what to expect when playing, there seems to be a lot less hostility overall, at least in the lobbies I've been playing in.

  • Yooka-Laylee: A Patient Gamer Review
  • As somebody who put probably hundreds of hours into the Banjo-Kazooie games on N64 as a kid, I really wanted to like Yooka-Laylee, especially since they got Grant Kirkhope back to do the music. But something about the controls just felt really clunky and unintuitive, and I never made it more than a few hours into the game. I really ought to give it another shot at some point.

  • Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck
  • Drawing a line somewhere is better than not drawing a line at all.

  • Sucks to suck!
  • This is why they also put the giant notice on the driver's window.

  • Heartwarming democracy: im frend.
  • All aboard the SES Frend Ship.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • Ah, I thought you were referring to the reporting of the article instead of her testimony, my bad.

  • Teacher accused of having sex with two students says she ruined her 'dream job' with stupid 'mistakes', jury hears
  • That's because the victims are children, and there are limitations to what you can publish about children in cases like this.

  • 1.000.304 Patch Notes
  • AR-61 Tenderizer deals too little damage and is not in the final state we are intending.

    This is really good to hear. I kinda like the way the Tenderizer looks and feels, but it's hard to use what's effectively Wish Dot Com Liberator. This will also strengthen an otherwise mostly weak warbond.

  • Chozo Chozo

    Hail Satan.

    Kbin Sharkey

    Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin's development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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