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I modded a scanner into a camera. This is ‘drake V’
  • I could see this in a Jodorowsky film

  • Get rekt oversized oompa loompa

  • Remembering the legend
  • The catalyst for this shitty timeline we're in

    Dicks out, lads

  • Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die | Your Steam games will go to the grave with you
  • With the amount of people that made their account with a fake DOB of like 1900 or something to get around mature content I'm sure they already see plenty of users that age lol

  • Most annoying feature ever
  • I did the same. Paying $11 a month and getting lossless has been a big plus. There were a few songs that were unavailable from my liked songs when moving to Tidal but I also had noticed several songs on my Spotify were unavailable as well too.

    My only gripe so far is the Android app drains my battery more than Spotify did, even in the lowest streaming quality.

  • Just catching up now, but apparently Skibidi Toilet is the source material for most of Generation A's cultural milieu.
  • Honestly I don't hate it, it started as genuine shitposts but evolved quickly into a larger scaled war that's actually decently animated. I didn't find it funny, but I am curious to where this story goes in the future.

    This was my first time watching any of this, too.

  • Reasonable response rule
  • This is not entirely accurate, business reply mail can be parcels as well. Brother and HP ink returns are 2 I can think of off the top of my head. So we see packages with those labels on there all the time. The company will pay the postage automatically through their account (if they're large enough to do BRM they have an account) and just get the mail delivered. Honestly I don't know of anyone at the PO that would say something about it, we'd just laugh like "well we're getting paid for it regardless lol"

  • me_irl BigDaddySlim
    Postal worker caught racing Mustang in USPS van, hitting 105 mph in a 60 mph zone - Inshort
  • It was the Metris van, not the LLV. Thats how she was able to get it more than 55mph.

    I've driven an LLV on the highway (had no choice on my old route) and even at 55 it's terrifying. Everything rattles, the motor screams and the steering wheel is going all over the place.

  • What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?
  • I was at Walmart with my parents, my dad had asked me which console I thought my older brother would like more. He said it was gonna be for his birthday. I looked at the games for both Xbox and PS2 and chose Xbox just because it looked cooler. Little did I know he was tricking me and they bought it for me.

    The rest is history.

  • Unexpectedly Wholesome
  • Honestly I'd do it just so I could see people's confusion and double takes when I wear shorts

  • Truth
  • Yeah I took a couple shots last night with my S21 Ultra and it just made the sky look like the old default wallpaper from like Mac OS X

  • I think it's extremely invasive that amazon is telling me this
  • Jobs a job man, just because it's a shit company to work for doesn't mean you should shame them for it. They're just trying to pay their bills like everyone else

  • Living
  • They creep me the fuck out. I know they're harmless and beneficial to have but when I turn on my bathroom light and see one on the wall above my toilet I have to get rid of it. They're literally the only bug that freaks me out, even roaches aren't that bad to me.

  • I used an original iPod in 2024, and it was pretty fun
  • I'd love to get my hands on even a decent condition 1st gen iPod, but people want insane amounts for them now. Even my 5.5 gen was more than i wanted to pay but nearly mint.

  • Battery sizes explained
  • Dankpods has entered the chat

  • me_irl BigDaddySlim
    Spotify doesn't allow podcast ratings unless you use the mobile app

    I already have the desktop app, what difference should this even make? Pointless gatekeeping by the devs

    BigDaddySlim BigDaddySlim


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