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How does SecureErase work?
  • One thing other answers have missed is that some ssds encrypt data before writing and obviously after reading (this prevents a swap the storage controller type attack) A secure erase on such a device consists of changing the read/write key. Takes milliseconds. Irrevocable (unless you find a way to read previous contents of the key storage)

  • OpenAI Is ‘Exploring’ How to Responsibly Generate AI Porn
  • drawings do not exploit anyone.

    Hmmm. I think you will find in many jurisdictions that they are treated as if they do.

  • UK Government support for greening Port Talbot steelworks significantly lower than other European states
  • Is this Westminster just being Tory or is it Wales bashing?

    I suspect that if you look at all (! There aren't many, if any, left) UK steel works they all have less spent on them by the Govt. than similar plant in other countries...

  • ‘Simply mind-boggling’: world record temperature jump in Antarctic raises fears of catastrophe
  • Temperature is not scalar

    Messers Rankine, Kelvin and even Fahrenheit would beg to differ... Temperature is scalar, however it's effects on living things is generally not mostly owing to chemistry.

    The claim that a 40° C jump in Sub-Zero temperatures is tolerable, but wouldn't be in the UK or whatever they're saying in this article... That's nonsense

    Au contraire my dear fellow. For a human, the article is entirely correct. A rise of 40° C in a particularly cold place is indeed tolerable for a human. A similar rise in, say, the UK today would put the temperature at 52° C - hotter than Death Valley on a well above average day and considerably less tolerable.

    Of course a single recorded rise in temperature isn't a good indication of climate...

  • How can I view / browse communities?
  • I sit corrected.

    I agree, it would be good to be able to browse all communities on an instance.

  • How can I view / browse communities?
  • You can't - I think it's a lemmy/feature of federation thing.

    Use the search function for communities, posts or whatever.

  • The hard lessons of Harvard’s failed geoengineering experiment
  • No one has seen Highlander 2 There can be only 1!

  • Keir Starmer backs review after Gething campaign donations controversy
  • Well I guess so, but they are still further left than the Starmfurher... Which is a plus.

  • Keir Starmer backs review after Gething campaign donations controversy
  • So it begins. The defangng of Welsh Labour by the Westminster elite....

  • Plaid Cymru stalwart calls for immediate end to Cooperation Agreement with Labour
  • I am broadly in favour of independence, however not on the terms currently apparently promoted by Plaid - nationalism has limited use in the world today unless you are big enough and ugly enough to ignore what others might think.

    Whatever the ultimate destiny of Wales, it won't be a success if we are lead by people blaming the current situation entirely on Westminster and refusing to engage with the larger nation next door.

    There seems to be a tendency, here in the Valleys as well as in Wales at large, to abdicate "personal" responsibility - everything is someone else's problem (Westminster, local authority, police whoever can be conveniently blamed but never, ever, the locals or their actions) sadly, in the political arena, this plays right into the Tory playbook - they are masters of divide and conquer, having spent much of history doing just that.

  • Plaid Cymru stalwart calls for immediate end to Cooperation Agreement with Labour
  • The Welsh rosette is rather less blue than the English one... I remember when red and blue were distinct and different.

    I suspect that many Welsh men who vote blue to get rid of "Dripford" would be horrified if their local authority were to go blue. Which is a distinct possibility if the anti-Tory vote is split.

  • Plaid Cymru stalwart calls for immediate end to Cooperation Agreement with Labour
  • So Plaid will team up with whom? Showing their true colours... Nice shade of blue that Ddraig goch!

  • How Does Paris Stay Paris? By Pouring Billions Into Public Housing
  • Yup. The curse of the 'fair to middling'... Too well off for social benefits too poor to be able to ignore money...

  • I'm brown willy, tag yourself
  • Hi it's your long lost cousin Scratchy Bottom (dry valley west of lulworth cove) Our grandpa still lives in Shaggs (hamlet north of Lulworth) but grandma is in Shitterton (hamlet next to Bere Regis) ....

  • Tories fear losing half their seats in May local polls as pre-election budget flops
  • Au contraire...

    They want to lose them so that the Starmfurher has to do unpopular things to counter all the seeds of disaster already sown, so that in 5 years time the Tories will be back in for the foreseeable future. You read it here first.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • If it was an SSD... Its possible you have an SSD that claims to be say 256Gb but actually has a 32Gb chip inside (or smaller) that lies about how big it is and just wraps the writes so they complete... However the format is broken, as is the drive.

  • Scrolling bug
  • And another thing.. It appears to be drawing the post about to scroll on to the screen at the bottom over the top of the one scrolling off at the top.

    Phone is a Huawei P20 Pro running emui 12 if that makes any difference

  • Scrolling bug
  • Yup. Never loses place at all

    Here is a better screen capture that shows it happening... Its really not all threads that show the behaviour and manifestations don't seem to be related to the number of posts in the thread.


  • Scrolling bug
  • It appears I can upload it to imgur but it does involve a lot of dark muttering (sorry old guy here...) it's the first few seconds of the screen recording you are interested in - the glitch only happened once but I scrolled a bit more to see if it would do it again.


  • Scrolling bug


    Voyager native app on Android.

    Anyone else got an issue when scrolling through a thread the rendering flicks all over the place?

    It's random and I can't think of a way to screenshot it. It's like the replies get drawn in one position then jump to where they should be. Sometimes, if I catch it right, sliding up and down with my finger flashes the post/comment on and off...

    Like I say, hard to describe properly.

    Feature request?


    Dunno if I am missing something, but I notice that many times a post is cross posted to many communities, resulting in the All feed being full (well not really full but you know what I mean) of what are, effectively, reposts...

    Does voyager have a "hide posts with the same title in different communities" setting somewhere or is that a feature request?

    Printer Offline (not really offline) issue


    We have an XYZ DaVinci 1.0 Pro, connected by USB to a Windows 10 PC (latest updates etc.)

    The drivers are all correctly installed (both cameras show up in device manager, the printer shows up in device manager as both a printer and a USB-COM3 device).

    The printer has Firmware 1.2.3 installed (as recommended by XYZ.... not sure if that's a good thing)

    • XYZ Printing does not detect the printer as online;
    • Cura does not detect the printer as online;
    • Pronterface does not detect the printer as online;
    • In a massive turn-up for the books.... Microsoft 3d Builder does see the printer on line and will start a print.

    In device manager the com port seems to be set at 9600,8,n,1. Changing this to (say) 115200 breaks printing in 3d Builder. Changing Pronterface to use 9600 baud makes no difference to connecting to the printer.

    I have changed the USB lead, tried different ports on the PC yadda yadda yadda but no change at all - only Microsoft 3d Builder will see the printer online and print.

    Anyone got any idea at all why everything except Microsoft 3d Builder can't see the printer?

    BenM2023 HorseChandelier


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