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Beginner in need of real help!
  • You could try yunohost on the server side. (Not docker based and beginner friendly)

  • Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?
  • Wasn't it in Germany that someone posted an ad to be eaten? Which happened

  • Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?
  • It's called biopsy? Anyway if the doctors won't give it to you, post an ad on the darkweb

  • Why do men call their father their "old man", but their "old lady" is their wife?
  • Probably the other way round when you think about it... Mums/mamas were named this way because it's the first articulate thing babies say all over the world

  • Recognizing when you're living in your best years
  • Terrible means great in the land of the dad.

    Edit: and don't call me Shirley how did I miss the reference 🤦‍♂️

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • You don't need my support to rejoice it seems

  • Why does a moon rock taste better than an earth rock?
  • Well both are fusion cuisine

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Absofuckinlutely in fact I am an observer. Never said I was an eligible voter

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Up to you if you want to paint a reality to your liking

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • You can believe what you want, but it's your problem that you can't fathom someone hating Trump yet not voting for Biden. You're in for a surprise this November

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Not all of them are idiots, and shaming these isn't gonna change their mind. I am no psychologist but there must be a more effective way, involving understanding their heartbleed. For the idiotic ones, when has calling them out ever made them less idiots? I stand firm that all these posts are sooooo wrong thinking they make a difference in the right direction

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Sometimes things have to hit rock bottom to bounce. Good luck fellow humans

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • It is not the right move, just pointing out to the paradox/dissonance of people who KNOW and AGREE with that, yet will let it happen. And for whom such shaming posts won't make a dent

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Also isn't dems freaking out fun? They're the reason there even ARE discussions about Trump's return

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Awww c'mon! What about dancing hand in hand around a big fire?

  • Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be privileged and safe
  • Of course it can get worse, and Trump is a piece of crap, and more Palestinians would die, but maybe we would stop arguing on the semantics of genocide. I have zero faith in humanity at this point and even less tolerance for hypocrisy. Release the kraken so we're all done for. As a species we deserve the worst, period

  • Political Memes BeatTakeshi
    A breather before the end of the world
    Because of smartphones, pocket TVs were never a thing.

    As a kid I imagined the future as being able to hold a TV in your pocket, and flying skateboards. For the latter I guess electric scooters will have to do

    Legitimate interest?

    I never consent to give my data away or being tracked, but how do you deal with so called legitimate interest? I tried several times to untick them but it is a long list (in fact at the bottom there is a "vendors" link with even longer, much longer list. It took me 10 minutes to get to the bottom of it once).

    My questions:

    -how can we trust these so called legitimate interests when they are self defined by companies whose business model relies on your data?

    -how can we find out what these legitimate interests are and what data it collects?

    -are such companies controlled in any way?

    -is this kind of consent form compliant with EU gdpr? (normally opt out is to be as easy as opt in, and there is no "refuse all" for these so called legitimate interests).

    -what are your strategies against such sites tracking you? Or am I just being paranoid?

    The sheer amount vendors is daunting, the Internet really turned into crap

    Edit: when clicking Preferences at the bottom the content of the legitimate interested is spelled out for each vendor, so this replies one of my questions. !

    US foreign aid package: how is it financed?

    I was just wondering how the US (or any country really) can pull out 100 billion on a given occasion ? Is the treasury just "printing" more money, or are taxes raised? (let's say 200million Americans are active, that's still $500 per person) . Or is it just debt passed on to future generations? It goes without saying that I am not fluent in finance

    Are there apps that mimic notification leds on amoled screens?

    I realise I really miss that feature from 10 years ago. Any (foss) app doing that?

    SECUSO - A full suite of privacy friendly android apps and games - available on F-droid


    For some years I have been using several of these apps, and just (re)discovered that they have plenty more than the 5 or 6 I use. Wanted to share. This webpage is in German, but apps description in F-droid are in English.

    Cops Running DNA-Manufactured Faces Through Face Recognition Is a Tornado of Bad Ideas Cops Running DNA-Manufactured Faces Through Face Recognition Is a Tornado of Bad Ideas

    In keeping with law enforcement’s grand tradition of taking antiquated, invasive, and oppressive technologies, making them digital, and then calling it innovation, police in the U.S. recently combined two existing dystopian technologies in a brand new way to violate civil liberties. A police force.....

    Cops Running DNA-Manufactured Faces Through Face Recognition Is a Tornado of Bad Ideas
    Robust, yet compact umbrella?

    So I don't live in a hurricane area, but average storms got the best of my two umbrellas that I thought would withstand the wind. One samsonite, one Taiwanese brand (rainbow) that had advertised it as storm resistant. It is true that both would "pop out" in case of strong winds, which is to prevent the immediate break.

    Still, facing the wind (a sudden burst as I was walking past a tall building) has bent the ribs irremediably.

    Any suggestions based on actual experience?

    Thank you

    Google lens asking me to "donate" them my pictures

    So I opened Google Lens for the first time in years to identify a logo, and got prompted by this. Thank you but no thank you

    List of 2FA enabled services/websites?

    Is there someone somewhere curating a list of websites/apps/services that propose 2FA?

    I have only a handful configured in my authenticator, mostly when such services proactively propose to the user to activate 2FA.

    I would like to have more, but digging in security parameters to find out is not very productive, especially since these parameters are often named a bit differently, or buried in varying submenus.

    An online search mostly proposes comparison of 2FA auth apps.

    Is it available for lemmy by the way?

    Battery management question

    Hello, I just switched to Android 13, and I am wondering what is this toggle doing on top of the 3 options? A bit confused.

    Edit: on Asus zenfone 10, in case it varies from vendor to vendor

    Smart android keyboard respecting privacy?

    Hello, could someone recommended a keyboard for android that is a bit smart in predictive typing? I used to like swiftkeybefore it was bought by microsoft. Not that swiftkey itself was much better but I was not so privy conscious at that time.

    I recall swiftkey would require access to your texts and emails to train itself to your predictions.

    Is there some similar foss keyboard where all the data then remains local?

    I know swiftkey has an incognito mode, but then it stops learning from your typing.

    BeatTakeshi BeatTakeshi
    Posts 19
    Comments 399