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And don't get me started on "Sean"
  • salmon bologna Tucson

  • BREAKING: Hezbollah announces the appointment of Jev Khen Al-Prigo as its new leader.
  • I still don't get it. Is Pringles a nickname for a specific person?

  • on fire with passion
  • that's too hot

  • Funniest answer wins!
  • I agree with you. I've always heard it as jerryrigged.

  • M81 urban
  • That is such a cute coat! If there was a Scottish fold version of that cat, I would think it would be the undisputed cutest cat ever.

  • Nap game
  • I'm jealous of anyone that can nap. It seems so nice and recharging. You just lay down and sleep for a little, then wake up feeling better.

  • Phonebooks
  • How do you know these in particular were named for that reason and not just because the founders liked the name for any other reason?

  • Phonebooks
  • Yep, which allowed us to make great prank calls because people wouldn't expect us to be calling them since they hadn't given us their phone number. If someone had a popular name, like Miguel Rodriguez in Miami, you might have to make a few attempts to get the right one though.

    Fun fact: Phone books are the reason there are some businesses called AAA. Businesses, such as locksmiths, plumbers, and other rarely used services, would name themselves AAA because it would make their listing first in the type/subject by alphabetical order.

  • Phonebooks
  • If anyone gets pictures of me naked, let me know what you think 🫦

  • Phonebooks
  • Fun fact: You could dial without even using the rotary. In a morse-code-like fashion, quickly click the hang-up knob the number you want with a pause in-between numbers. So if you were calling 558-9151 (remember 7 digit numbers‽), you'd do (c = click):








  • Landscape - Luc Leestemaker (2005)
  • This is what I see when I'm dizzy. It happens cause my brains gets too busy. Standers-by ask, "He's not going to vomit, is he?" But I got my balance in order like Ostariophysi: a frizzy fishy in the hizzy playing pachisi vs Aiperi Medet Kyzy.

  • Might not even have to change the acronym
  • That's surprising! I never expected the bank to be that thorough. I'm happy they're that diligent with security. How did you feel in the moment and afterward?

    I think I go overboard with trying to be friendly or human-like when on the phone and trying to seem normal. If it were up to me, it would be straight business, and the sign off would be something like, "Anything else? No. Okay, bye." I think I don't have this problem with other NDs though, just the normies or especially in business situations. But who knows what the other person is experiencing sometimes lol

  • Alright crapshooters, let's hear your predictions on Sean "Diddy" Combs. What are his survival chances (see inside)?

    What are the chances that he stays alive through the following milestones:

    1. Testify on tape
    2. First day of trial
    3. Verdict
    4. Sentencing
    5. Sept 16, 2025 (1-year since arrest)
    6. Sept 16, 2029 (5-year mark)
    Nirvana- Pearls Before Swine
  • He could go up there and do some Skrillex Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites or Eminem Godzilla. I'm certain everyone in 94 would be like, "Wtf was that‽"

  • Might not even have to change the acronym

    Screenshot of microblog post. The OP states, "This is not an email I ever expected to receive or send." The emails read as follows:

    1st email > The AI design of your email is clever, but significantly lacks warmth. > > Would it be possible to be contacted by a human being moving forward instead of AI? > > Many thanks,

    Response email > It's not an AI. I'm just Autistic. > > See you next Friday. > > > Sent from Proton Mail mobile

    New York City Mayor Eric Adams indicted in federal corruption investigation
  • dons aluminum foil hat

    yeah, but what if Diddy was in on some international shit? he had tapes on all sorts of people. those tapes could be used as blackmail by foreign powers to manipulate politicians. check this 7:16 min interview of Gene Deal out.

    doffs aluminum foil hat

    but you're right. they're completely separate issues.

  • The camel was already miserable way before that last straw.
  • Alien 1: Why are there more hungry humans here points at Central America and more obese people here points at Texas? Is there a distribution obstacle?

    Alien 2: Ah, good observation. No, they can get food anywhere very easily. There's even an outpost on that ice part where they can't even grow food. But, the humans drew a line here points at Mexico-USA border

    Alien 1: Why don't they just erase the line?

    Alien 2: Because the people on the northside have better weapons and will kill any humans that try to move the line.

    Alien 1: But they don't need that much food. It's actually hurting them. Are they willing to kill other humans just to hurt themselves with abundance?

    Alien 2: Basically, yeah.

    Alien 1: Wow. Someone needs to tell them about nuclear power so they could all have more than enough then.

    Alien 2: Yeah, soooo, about that. They did figure it out, but made weapons out of it instead.

    Alien 1: WTF. Won't they kill themselves? Someone needs to tell them!

    Alien 2: They already know! They even made a clock about it so that everyone can prepare for the end of their species when the time is near lol

    I don't know where I was going with this, but I guess I had to get it out. 🤷‍♂️

  • Self-Portrait - Francis Bacon (1970)
  • the dude really was bacon with that savory stripe across his face 🤤

  • New York City Mayor Eric Adams indicted in federal corruption investigation
  • yooooo, he gave Sean "Diddy" Combs the key to NYC less than a year ago. Diddy got arrested by the Feds earlier this month and denied bail twice. I wonder if they are connected somehow.

  • Favoirte indepth youtube channels?
  • Primitive technology: A guy using primitive technology to survive in his own piece of jungle

    I've always wanted to make a meal entirely from scratch in memory of our ancestors. That means either growing or catching it with tools that I made myself. I'd have to prepare and cook it from scratch too Everything as if I was living 50k years ago. Just haven't found a tribe to do it with yet.

  • Jim Jordan Website.
  • That governordefascist is scary af. The things he has done as governor is insane. I live in Florida and can't stand the guy, but I hadn't realized how much he has done and tried to do. If you're interested, give it a look. Dude really is extreme.

  • What hip-hop song do you think demonstrates the most impressive artistic talent and why? (pls provide link)

    By artistic talent, it could be anything you find artistic: rhythm, speed, creativity, meaning/message, voice, etc.

    Beach water color

    Learning to water color is so frustrating 😆

    What is some good news you've received lately? Share your happiness!

    Tell us it all. We want details, especially regarding the best parts. Paint the story so we can live it. Let's overwhelm brains with happiness and gratitude 🫠

    Is there a difference in meaning between the words *people* and *persons*?

    I often use the word people to mean multiple persons. However, I've noticed that sometimes people will laugh/smirk when I use it. For example, one time I was talking about how my sister and her family/household travel often, saying, "Those people travel a lot," and the person repeated those people and gave a slight laugh. I'm wondering if I may be giving some sort of unintentional implied message when I use that word.

    Does the word people mean anything other than multiple persons, such as a group of persons united by a common identity (family, experience, nationality, ethnicity, etc.)?

    Following instructions

    Meme: Two panels. Left panel is an Uno card that reads, "Understand situational context or draw 25." The right panel is labelled Me and has a drawing of the number 25 with the pencil placed underneath.

    As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe?

    I'm a fan of FOSS and reasonable privacy with data. I also often look for and install software on my computers for random tasks as they come up. Today, when I was looking to install an extension to Firefox called Wikipedia-EN that helps me search Wikipedia by highlighting a word, the Mozilla page for the extension states:

    > This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing.

    As someone that is not educated in programming or perpetually current on tech news, what can I do to assess the safety of this and other software? Is there a site that transparently evaluates software and publishes its findings?

    Regla de Frijoles (Beans Rule)

    Ever been to the bean section of a Latin grocery store?

    skilled rule

    caption: I don’t struggle with autism. I’m actually very good at it.

    What's a recent personal accomplishment of yours that you are proud of and why are you proud of it?

    cross-posted from:

    > Recent in this question is however you define it 🙂

    It is a solution

    Image: Lisa Simpson giving a presentation with a determined disposition.

    Caption on the screen: The "double-empathy problem" is misnamed because it is not a problem. It is a theory that explains why we observe limited empathy between autistic and non-autistic individuals. Not only is it not a problem, it is a solution because it helps us understand why things are the way they are. Stop calling it a problem. It is now the "interneurotype empathy divide"...or something. Idk, but it is not a problem.

    BackOnMyBS I'm back on my BS 🤪

    I'm back on my bullshit.

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