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TheLinuxExperiment: Menus, windows, launchers & system trays SUCK. What can we replace them with?
  • I also think the suggestions in this videos are shitty and impractical.

    He's dreaming about something that could not be implemented. And even if implemented, is just cluncky and unusable.

    I just ignored this video. And actually, most of his videos I'm ignoring as well.

  • Can you have local reverse proxies?
  • I guess you can set a host on your /etc/hosts to redirect all your to a local ip. Also, if you need access from other computers on the local network, I think you can set up a local DNS server (such as PiHole or AdGuard Home) to reach the same solution but for all address running though your DNS server

  • People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • I think Gnome VS KDE it's just a POV

    Your argument makes sense that KDE and Cinnamon can be welcoming to Windows users. However I can argue that it can also make these newcomers to keep a "windows-like" mindset and that can be frustrating.

    If a newcomer comes to Gnome, due to it's totally different paradigm, it may induce this newcomer to have an open mind and, therefore, be more welcoming to linux experience.

    I don't think one argument or the other is right or wrong. I think both arguments are valid and that's just a different perspective. I, personally, think that a totally new paradigm is good to newcomers, but be free to disagree, since you understand that there is no right or wrong regarding this topic

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • To use pacman you must have root permissions. You can do this by using sudo.

    If your installation is correct, you must just use sudo pacman -S kdeplasma-addons

    sudo is a command that escalates your user's privileges to have root power

    pacman -S installs a package

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • I'm glad you solved!

    Also, in case you wouldn’t mind helping me with this other thing that is outside the scope of the initial complaint: where do I find the KDE cube options? It doesn’t seem to be in the Window management options, nor do I see a downloadable version of the such. The KDE plasma version is 6.0.5.

    Well, I may take a look, but I'm not a KDE user at all. I'm on Gnome for over 5 years already.

    Try Settings > Window Management > Desktop Effects > "Windows Management" section > Overview and configure it.

    However looks like to make it work, you should have at least 3 virtual desktops.

    I suggest you to open a new thread with this question, cause I really don't know enough about KDE

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • Not sure what you are suggesting, but it seems that the hard drive is the last active option in the boot order for that VM. I assume you are suggesting to make it the priority boot device?


    I still don’t know how to switch between the keyboard layouts, and with this installation I opted for the US keyboard layout to be the default one, but have since added one more layout to the list. I couldn’t place the keyboard layout widget for some reason, and there is no indication of what layout is chosen on the SDDM screen at all.

    Right now, the user is blocked due to too many attempts to enter password, so I will have to wait.

    Read my other comment. Maybe this is the breeze setting that does not have any way to change layout at the logging screen. Also I suggest you to reboot your VM after these changes you made

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • EDIT 2: I still do not know how to switch between keyboard layouts in SDDM, and I can’t find information regarding that.

    It depends on the theme you're using. Change the file /etc/sddm.conf and comment the line where KDE is setting the theme. Should be something line


    Just comment putting a hashtag before these lines

    Maybe you have to edit using Vim, Emacs or Nano at the tty

    The keyboard layouts should be at the top of the logging screen at the default sddm theme

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • I don’t know beyond the fact that only Grub got installed and, apparently, nothing else. Upon starting the virtual machine, I was still offered to boot into the Arch installation environment. I have run archinstall again to make an installation without Grub, and am running an installation on a clone of that virtual machine where I have opted into using Grub

    It seems like VirtualBox doesn't automatic removed the iso file from the boot options. Try change this configuration at the VirtualBox and select the boot to be at the virtual driver

    Currently, I am not sure how I am supposed to login as root.

    At the archinstall script you must've set the root password, right? At the SDDM login screen, you must press Ctrl+Alt+F3 to enter the TTY3 (a big whole full screen terminal) asking for a login. Type root, press enter and then it will ask for your password. Type the password you set in the archinstall script (note: in the terminal we do not have a visual feedback from the password field, but it's being written. Just trust the process) and press enter. Now you are logged in as root

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • Where do I input that command?

    At the terminal. To access the terminal you must change to TTY3, login as root and run the command I told. To enter TTY3 you must press Ctrl+Alt+F3. To go back to the graphic interface you must go to TTY2, pressing Ctrl+Alt+F2

    To which one? What is the format supposed to be for, for example, English, Putonghua, Norwegian, and Russian layouts?

    Whatever layout you want. You can find a list with all the layouts running the command # localectl list-x11-keymap-layouts. I think us is english, no is Norwegian and ru is Russian. So the command would be # localectl set-x11-keymap us,no,ru

    The problem is that it is initially not the US English one, while the password is in English.

    Well, that's unfortunately. But try these things I told you

    Another installation failed for no discernable reason despite no errors occurring as a result of archinstall.

    What happened?

    Edit: Are you familiar with the syntax of Linux commands? I've written # localectl set-x11-keymap us,no,ru but that means you must run the command localectl set-x11-keymap us,no,ru as root, okay? The dash symbol (#) means you're running the command as root, while the dollar symbol ($) means you run a command as non-privileged user, for example $ echo Hi you must run the command echo Hi as your normal user (not as root nor using sudo)

  • SDDM keyboard layout refuses to switch
  • I did exactly the same thing yesterday and had the same issue. However I found the solution adding the keyboard layout to the X11 as well, with the command

    # localectl set-x11-keymap br abnt2

    You must change the "br abnt2" to your keyboard layout, however

    Also, pay attention because there is a bug at the sddm login screen that doesn't show the correct keyboard layout until you start typing, so don't worry if at the beginning is "US". Just start typing your password and take a look to see if it changed to your keyboard layout

    Edit: you may wanna enter TTY3 to make these changes. Just press Ctrl+Alt+F3 to enter TTY3 and after you're done press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to be back to the previous display. You may wanna also restart your computer

  • How bad is Microsoft?
  • I don't think the world is black or white. Of course Microsoft can make bad choices and prioritize profit, but Microsoft isn't a person or and entity. MS is an enterprise driven by people that work there.

    Linux community or any other community can also make bad choices, afterall it's also people-driven and people are flawed.

    I don't excuse MS for really bad choices, but also don't blame it. I just think that's better to see the world complex as it is, not by judging stuff as 'bad' or 'good'.

  • Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento - Idée

    Plataforma de gestão para psicólogas, fornecendo serviços de gestão financeira, gestão de pacientes, blog pessoal, agenda, sala virtual e muito mais

    Depressão: um mal que tem tratamento - Idée
    Server not reachable after while


    I have a old laptop that's serving me as a Technitium DNS server and Tailscale exit node.

    My setup is behind a CGNAT, but the Tailscale make its way around and that's not an issue. My VPN exit node works flawlessly.

    However I also set my router to make my laptop as DNS server, so all my lan network is passing through the Technitium. So, in theory all my local network is using my selfhosted DNS server.


    The issue here is not the server itself, cause it's working as intended - when I can connect to it.

    What's going on is that my server for once in a while become unreachable from lan. If I try to ping it from another device in local network, it returns that it's unreachable, but my server still connected to the internet (I can ping Google, for example). So to solve it, I must do one of the below:

    • Kick the server from the router, forcing it to reconnect
    • Connect to the Tailscale VPN and ping it from the Tailscale ip
    • Reboot my server

    It anoys me because it's not supposed to the server become unreachable in local randomly!

    It's important to comment that the server isn't connected through ethernet, but it uses wifi because I can't put my laptop near the router. The laptop is close enough to not have any wifi interference, however.

    What can I do to prevent my server to become unreachable?

    My setup


    • An old Acer laptop connected to the wifi
    • Static IP configured
    • SO: Arch Linux (as server, no GUI at all)


    D-Link DIR-842


    Thank you in advance

    [Solved] I can't connect to Gnome Online Accounts


    Today I messed up with the permissions at my home folder, so after a struggle time I finally was able to enter in TTY2 and set all my home folder with permissions 766. However I don't know if all my files, folders and hidden stuff had this permission, but still, now my desktop is mostly working.

    Actual issue

    Now, with mostly correct permissions, I found that my Google Account synced wasn't retrieving any data, so I removed my account from Gnome Online Accounts and tried to login again.

    Well, it does not work as intended anymore. The popup shows asking for the username and after asking for the password. After I enter the password, it keeps loading forever never asking me for allow granting Gnome permissions. Interestingly, if I type the password wrong, it recognizes that's wrong and gives me a error message. This bug only happens when I type the correct username and password.

    Even more interesting, is that if I try to connect any other Google account, it does work!

    What I tried

    • Reboot my laptop
    • Remove the folders ~/.config/goa-1.0, ~/.cache/gnome-control-center-goa-helper and ~/.local/share/gnome-control-center-goa-helper
    • Restore the correct permissions to ~/.gnupg to 600
    • Creating a new user (I wasn't able to login as well)
    • Deleting app permission for Gnome on Google Manage Account
    • Tried to pacman -S gnutls, pacman -S gnome-online-accounts and pacman -S gvfs-goa

    I'm hopeless. I don't know what else to try. I need this account connected to my Gnome Online Accounts cause it makes part of my workflow.

    Is there any other configuration file I missed? Is there any other database I missed? Any ideia how to solve it?

    Thank you in advance, guys


    My setup

    Hardware Information:

    • Modelo do hardware: Acer Aspire A515-45
    • Memória: 12,0 GiB
    • Processador: AMD Ryzen™ 7 5700U with Radeon™ Graphics × 16
    • Gráficos: AMD Radeon™ Graphics
    • Capacidade de disco: 256,1 GB

    Software Information:

    • Versão do firmware: V1.13
    • Nome do SO: Arch Linux
    • Compilação do SO: rolling
    • Tipo do SO: 64 bits
    • Versão do GNOME: 45.0
    • Sistema de janelas: Wayland
    • Verificação do kernel: Linux 6.1.59-1-lts


    Turns out that Google's new 2FA method was not allowing me to proceed with verification. I turned off 2FA, login in the Gnome Accounts and then turn back on the 2FA

    Brazil: At the meeting where Garnier joined the coup, the Army commander threatened to arrest Bolsonaro Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

    Encontro entre então presidente e cúpula das Forças Armadas foi relatado por Mauro Cid em delação

    Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

    Bolsonaro did planned a coup in Brazil's election last year.

    According to this article a high patent navy soldier agreed with the coup, however the army soldier at the meeting not only refused but also threatened to arrest Bolsonaro.

    But this is not everything. The army soldier just made this decision because Biden's government reinforced many times that USA does not support any coup in Brazil. If USA did not refused to support any coup, Brazil would be sent to a completely institutional chaos and a extreme right wing dictatorship and fascism.

    The extreme-right is a cancer growing all around the world. It must be stopped.

    Sobre IA e o Dilema do Bonde

    > Eu: In one word, human or 5 AIs?

    > ChatGPT: Hypothetically: Human.

    Let filament hell begins

    Context: this is my first printer and those are my first filament set

    Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme

    The first beneficiaries appear to be high-profile influencers like Andrew Tate, DC Draino, Ian Miles Cheong, Benny Johnson and Ashley St. Claire.

    Far-right Twitter influencers first on Elon Musk’s monetization scheme
    Minhas impressões de miniaturas

    Na miniatura da esquerda usei as configurações

    • Resolução 0,1mm
    • 25% de infill
    • 100% de resfriamento
    • velocidade de 50 mm/s
    • teve poucos suportes

    Na miniatura da direita foi:

    • Resolução 0,05mm
    • 100% de infill
    • 80% de resfriamento
    • velocidade de 25 mm/s
    • teve bastante suporte

    Qual ficou melhor?


    !tentantiva 1

    !tentativa 2

    !tentativa 3

    Problema de fatiamento no Cura usando material personalizado

    Negócio é o seguinte, eu adicionei no Cura o filamento da 3D Fila, que é o que eu estou usando no momento. Fui em Preferências > Materiais > Adicionar novo e criei um material personalizado, preenchendo as informações certinho. Preferi fazer assim para conseguir selecionar direitinho o filamento que estou usando, com valor, densidade e tudo mais

    A questão é que ao usar esse filamento personalizado que adicionei manualmente, ao tentar fatias minhas peças o Cura fica infinitamente processando os layers, travado em 99%

    !Processando layers

    Apesar de eu não conseguir previsualizar, o fatiamento ocorre normalmente e gera o gcode certinho. Mas eu quero fazer preview das minhas peças, né

    Estou fazendo algo de errado ou é algum bug do Cura mesmo?

    Existe algo que eu possa fazer para fatiar com esse filamento e eu conseguir visualizar?

    Is there a way to cross post?

    I tried so hard a way to cross post a post from an instance to another, but I didn't find the option on Liftoff, only at the lemmy web

    Is there any hidden way I didn't find?

    Qual (is) é a impressora 3D que você tem e qual (is) é sua opinião sobre ela?

    Eu tenho uma Anycubic i3 Mega S

    É minha primeira impressora e tenho ela há menos de 1 mês. Eu iria comprar a Ender 3 V2, mas ao pesquisar por algumas semanas acabei descobrindo a Anycubic, que estava mais barata que a Ender. Uma das razões que me fez comprar ela é que ela tem 2 parafusos no eixo Z, o que eu vi que traz mais estabilidade para a impressora e era um dos problemas mais comuns nas Ender

    Além disso, os reviews que eu vi sobre a Anycubic que comprei sempre foram muito bons, então juntando o preço mais barato e os reviews bastante positivos, acabei comprando ela. Não me arrependo nem um pouco e realmente é uma ótima impressora! A precisão e acurácia dela são incríveis!

    Bem vindo!

    Gente, vamos usar essa comunidade para compartilhar nossas experiências, nossos projetos, nossas dificuldades e trocar uma ideia sobre impressão 3D!

    Imagem: fotos de gatinhos de benchmark só para começar a popular a comunidade!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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