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Brazil: At the meeting where Garnier joined the coup, the Army commander threatened to arrest Bolsonaro Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

Encontro entre então presidente e cúpula das Forças Armadas foi relatado por Mauro Cid em delação

Na reunião em que Garnier aderiu ao golpe, comandante do Exército ameaçou prender Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro did planned a coup in Brazil's election last year.

According to this article a high patent navy soldier agreed with the coup, however the army soldier at the meeting not only refused but also threatened to arrest Bolsonaro.

But this is not everything. The army soldier just made this decision because Biden's government reinforced many times that USA does not support any coup in Brazil. If USA did not refused to support any coup, Brazil would be sent to a completely institutional chaos and a extreme right wing dictatorship and fascism.

The extreme-right is a cancer growing all around the world. It must be stopped.