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Any of you have a self-hosted AI "hub"? (e.g. for LLM, stable-diffusion, ...)
  • Mostly via terminal, yeah. It's convenient when you're used to it - I am.

    Let's see, my inference speed now is:

    • ~60-65 tok/s for a 8B model in Q_5_K/Q6_K (entirely in VRAM);
    • ~36 tok/s for a 14B model in Q6_K (entirely in VRAM);
    • ~4.5 tok/s for a 35B model in Q5_K_M (16/41 layers in VRAM);
    • ~12.5 tok/s for a 8x7B model in Q4_K_M (18/33 layers in VRAM);
    • ~4.5 tok/s for a 70B model in Q2_K (44/81 layers in VRAM);
    • ~2.5 tok/s for a 70B model in Q3_K_L (28/81 layers in VRAM).

    As of quality, I try to avoid quantisation below Q5 or at least Q4. I also don't see any point in using Q8/f16/f32 - the difference with Q6 is minimal. Other than that, it really depends on the model - for instance, llama-3 8B is smarter than many older 30B+ models.

  • Any of you have a self-hosted AI "hub"? (e.g. for LLM, stable-diffusion, ...)
  • Have been using llama.cpp, whisper.cpp, Stable Diffusion for a long while (most often the first one). My "hub" is a collection of bash scripts and a ssh server running.

    I typically use LLMs for translation, interactive technical troubleshooting, advice on obscure topics, sometimes coding, sometimes mathematics (though local models are mostly terrible for this), sometimes just talking. Also music generation with ChatMusician.

    I use the hardware I already have - a 16GB AMD card (using ROCm) and some DDR5 RAM. ROCm might be tricky to set up for various libraries and inference engines, but then it just works. I don't rent hardware - don't want any data to leave my machine.

    My use isn't intensive enough to warrant measuring energy costs.

  • every worsening cascade of problems...
  • After shopping for solutions online, i cleared CMOS via the button on the mobo. I hoped it would either help the keyboard get recognised by GRUB, or at least deactivate fast-boot. But after powering the pc on again, my screen stays blank and the indication LEDs DRAM and BOOT are glowing.

    I had to boot from a USB stick and regenerate UEFI entries after things like that. Though it specifically said it couldn't boot.

    What does your motherboard's manual say about this pattern of LEDs?

    Try booting a live OS and running memtest? (disconnect all bootable drives first)

    Can you double-check your keyboard works with other devices?

  • How do you search for honest product recommendations?
  • I see!

    And it was a stable OS version, not a beta or something? That's the worst kind of bugs. Hopefully manufacturers start formally verifying hardware and firmware as a standard practice in the future.

  • How do you search for honest product recommendations?
  • Other than what I said in the other reply:

    I live in the USA so getting one would be problematic but I hear perhaps not entirely impossible for me.

    Looks like it has a US release? If you're unsure or getting a European version, double-check it's compatible with American wireless network frequencies &c. Specific operators might also have their own shenanigans.

    Do you know how it compares to e.g. Fairphone?

    Nope, never tried Fairphone.

  • How do you search for honest product recommendations?
  • Very solid, I think (except water protection, but my previous OnePlus also didn't have good water protection anyway; and I'm careful enough).

    I don't tend to use glyphs or the default launcher (and therefore its special widgets that only work there; but the ability to have apps in folders on my main screen while being hidden from the app menu is more important for me than a handful of widgets, so Neo Launcher it is).

    A recent OS update added configurable swap (up to 8GB), calling it "RAM booster". I don't use it, but if you want to run a local LLM (or rather a SLM), you could try making use of it? As long as you figure out how to make the model use main RAM and not the swap.

    I like the battery life (or maybe it's just because it's the first phone where I started charging at 20% and stopping at 80% semi-consistently).

    Termux still works despite the new Android versions becoming more hostile to apps executing binaries they didn't have included already.

    One thing I miss from OnePlus is the ability to deny some apps network access entirely. (I think it was removed in later versions of Oxygen OS?)

  • How do you search for honest product recommendations?
  • I don't focus on recommendations specifically. My typical process is:

    • spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks figuring out which technical characteristics are important for this kind of product, which aren't, why and when &c. This kind of information is usually available (and even obvious SEO garbage can give you new keywords to consider when searching);
    • based on these alone, determine what's acceptable and what's desirable for you;
    • if you haven't already, find some kind of community around the topic and see which brands/manufacturers people commonly complain about and why; also see if there're popular manufacturers only selling things via their own websites;
    • open your preferred store (or several) and filter the entire category based on what you've learned. Pick a few candidates and examine them closely;
    • go back to the community again and look up anything mentioning these candidates - including comparisons with other ones you haven't considered. Perhaps consider them;
    • make the final choice.

    Skip some of these if irrelevant or if you don't care enough. Spend extra time if you care a lot.

    It works well enough for every new phone (the market there is changing fast, so you start anew every time), it worked for my first PC I've decided to assemble with 0 prior knowledge, the mechanical keyboard and the vertical mouse, and pretty much every piece of tech I'm buying.

    And I'd say it's reasonable to use Reddit without an account even if you disagree with what the platform owners are doing. The data is still valuable for such use cases.

  • I just saw a Youtube ad for penis enlargement
  • In my mind, it's more of digital hygiene than victim-blaming. The core issue remains: even seemingly innocent ads ("we sell bananas") are manipulative in their intent, and they introduce interruptions into your flow of thought. That's already abusive.

  • I just saw a Youtube ad for penis enlargement
  • I just saw a Youtube ad

    I'd say you're doing something wrong then already. There's no reason to tolerate any deliberate assault on your mental integrity, e.g. ads. At least when there're solutions as simple as configuring adblockers / using alternative apps. It's harder with ads in your city.

  • [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0!
  • I knew all that except the "darts never break" part and T1 damage (which I also knew once, but the last time I used darts was somewhere pre-1.0 and I forgot the details). But thanks anyway.

  • [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0!
  • Great! I'll try these things with some challenge once I get the update. The trickiest one is to figure out how/when/how often to use darts to make them something better than dead burden when all is fine and an underwhelming response when you're in a pickle. E.g. is it worth upgrading them, or letting them break and buying replacements, or melting other thrown weapons to repair them (as opposed to, well, throwing), or sometimes using them without tips for damage rather than special effects? And sometimes you aren't confident you'll be able to pick a thrown weapon up after using it with the pressure you're facing in some places (especially during ascension, but also in the open areas of demon levels when an eye pops out every now and again).

  • [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0!
  • Oh! I didn't remember anything about cleansing taking care of hunger. Now I can see the food challenge being feasible.

    Identifying things via alchemy is a nice trick! (if the game actually identifies them and it's not you writing the result down on paper or something)

    I thought most traps could either be used against enemies or triggered by throwing some item. Perhaps aqua blast is somewhat useful against the first phase of Tengu if you can't afford the HP to take a longer walk around the traps? If it works there at all. Otherwise idk. Well, poisoned treasure rooms, but they're few.

    Other than death prevention, why would you teleport to a previous shop instead of carrying the things to the next one? I can see the act of going downstairs through the cleared levels taking a toll on HP if there're challenges enabled. If you're out of slots, you can drop things near stairs while you finish the level.

  • [DEV] Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.0!
  • Yeah, I win 1/3 of my runs consistently, but without challenges. I'm still figuring out which challenge would be the easiest to try. Probably the boss-boosting one.

    What do you tend to craft with challenges enabled?

  • Sheet music resources

    How do you acquire sheet music?

    There're IMSLP and musescore, but many things are just not there.

    Bonus points if you know anything with xenharmonic/microtonal music well-represented.

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