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Does anyone know where I can place bets on the Russian election?

It'll be a real nail biter, but I think Putin's got a decent chance this year.

Does anyone even remember Trump pre-2015? The guy was a joke and his show on tv sucked ass and all his brands failed.
  • I think Hildawg was so incredibly unappealing that people decided to vote for Anyone But Hillary. It made absolutely no sense for her to be the candidate right after the Obama admin. People who loved Obama would hate her for the racism and the weird death threat that her campaign put out when she was running against him, and people who hated Obama saw her more or less as an Obama clone without any of his charisma. She was a candidate made for people who write opinion articles and nobody else.

  • What's your favourite colour? Don't say Red you commie fucks. Don't you get cute with me.

    Mine is purple. Specifically lavender or lilac, depending on how I'm feeling at the time.

    sorry anarchists but as a true radical centrist im a lil bit of all this 💅
  • You've got it right, this is just a bad thread.

  • Locked
    sorry anarchists but as a true radical centrist im a lil bit of all this 💅
  • I've never understood leftist paranoia of feds from the 70s onwards. The left does such an admirable job of tearing itself apart that state intervention would be a complete waste of resources.

  • Accidentally OD'd on instant coffee
  • I can't be bothered to ever measure out my instant coffee, so I use decaf instead. You get a robust flavour and a respectable amount of caffeine through sheer volume.

  • The New York Times tries to politically shitpost.
  • Vaping and getting a handy in public sounds like a great date night, I don't know what the failing New York Times is talking about.

  • Just had some authentic Champagne-brand champagne from the Champagne region

    It tastes exactly the same as the sparkling wines that come at a fraction of the price. The wily frogs have bamboozled me.

    neoliberal redditors literally want medical professionals who cheated their way through school and are only practiced at googling shit they don't understand
  • Listen, I can definitely pull off this open-heart surgery if you would just give me a chance. I'm very quick at learning on the go, and if anything goes wrong, it'll make for a fantastic learning opportunity.

  • "Americans are adamant that US economic circumstances are getting worse. They're wrong"
  • Fish hook theory is proved correct once again. Libs and Conservatives are both fully on board with the "facts don't care about your feelings" method of argument and don't seem to understand that being smarmy to people who are miserable doesn't get them to like you.

  • YouTube regrettably exists
  • It makes my heart glad that all the innocent lambs were able to come together to shank the big bad wolf.

  • Amazing
  • Blackface and redface at the same time- that's some very efficient racism.

  • Decade-defining image
  • The dark, gritty Minions reboot is going too far.

  • Joe Brandon won't even call for ceasefire on his birthday cake
  • Honestly that's a pretty decent visual joke, but from a re-election standpoint he probably shouldn't be drawing attention to how he's old as fuck.

  • made an addendum to this liberal meme i saw floating around lefty reddit
  • Oh, you think the bombardment of Gaza is bad? What if it was happening under a president that handled the situation exactly the same but didn't kind-of-sort-of pretend to feel bad about it? Does that sound like the kind of world you want to live in?

  • Rate my fit
  • I like the Super S on the bottom half, real 90s chic.

  • What is a decision or action you made, despite it being clearly stupid?
  • Buying speed from a dealer who was advertising on Craigslist. It all went fine, but that doesn't stop it from being a bad idea.

  • Go on, cry, sadboy.
  • If your nihilism doesn't make you happy, you're doing it wrong. The absence of meaning should be a liberating factor, not a limiting one. It's actually dope as fuck that there's no greater purpose to your life, you can never fail as a person when there's no standard you feel you have to meet.

  • The man I've kept locked in my basement for 18 years broke out and attacked me, completely unprovoked. Can I get some sympathy in these trying times?

    I gave him a warm bowl of my piss to drink at least twice a week, and this is how he repays me? Some people are just fundamentally uncivilized.

    The most pro-union liberal
  • They're 16 years old. It's perfectly natural to be a complete idiot when you're a child. I was a bog-standard libertarian at their age, there's still plenty of time to turn around.

  • Uh, so, if I wanted better odds to survive ecological collapse, where would I move to and what would I do? Mostly hypothetical because I'll probably just stay put and bite the bullet lol.
  • A lot of bougies are building their doomsday bunkers in New Zealand, so based on that alone I'd guess NZ is safe. Then again, if the wealthy are good at anything it's being very confidently wrong, so maybe not.

  • How do I incorporate hair ribbons into my look without looking like I'm doing Founding Fathers' cosplay?

    I've got long, wavy hair that I'm trying to figure out what to do with. I already had my manbun phase nearly a decade ago, and settling for a plain, unadorned ponytail is more than a bit gauche. I've been thinking of putting a nice silk ribbon in there, but I'm worried that instead of looking like a modern man who doesn't feel threatened by wearing traditionally feminine accessories, that I'll instead just look like some sort of colonial re-enactor. I'm trying to find examples of manly men with hair ribbons and I'm coming up with absolutely nothing. Does anyone have suggestions for what I should be going for?

    A meditation on the proliferation of Mommy Dommes

    I've been thinking about the steady increase of porno involving siblings, parents, or some sort of parental substitute (sexy teacher, lascivious nanny, etc). I'm convinced that this is the result of further atomization under capitalism. As social relations and active participation in community continue to degrade, essentially the only people you will have any sort of meaningful connection to will be your immediate family.

    If you're lucky you picked up some friends at school and got along well with your co-workers, but it's very likely that you have no emotional ties or experienced any sort of physicality with anybody outside of who you grew up with. Of course you're going to end up horny for Daddy when everyone outside of the nuclear family is basically an alien that you're incapable of feeling any sort of connection to.

    Somebody's probably thought about this more than I have, but I don't feel like I'm off-base in saying that incest increases in popularity as everyone's social circles continue to contract. Or maybe Freud was right and people have always wanted to fuck their moms, I don't know.

    Is there any way to leave Heaven?

    I'm not trying to be an asshole here. I'm sure I would love to gaze upon the Presence and Glory of God for, say, 1,000,000 years or so, but nothing stays exciting forever. How do I politely tell God that I want to go for that Buddhist final death thing?

    If you were amoral and shameless, what grift would you get in on?

    I'm pretty sure I'd make a pretty bang-up pet psychic. I'm good with reading the body language of most legal house pets, and telling people what they want to hear. I think I could offer genuinely good advice enough times that I could justify what I'm doing and how much I'm charging for it.

    Why do Sovereign Citizens still exist?

    Most wacky conspiracy theories manage to survive by being impossible to either prove or disprove, but Sovereign Citizens love filming themselves trying to talk their way out of being arrested or charged and subsequently eating shit. All the conspiracists these days are downloading their beliefs from YouTube and going wherever the algorithm takes them, so anyone looking at information on Sovereign Citizenery is also seeing the videos of people trying to put it into action and failing miserably.

    How do people convince themselves that this is real when there are so many videos of people with similarly melted brains proving that this absolutely never works? I'm genuinely curious about what the rationale is. Do they think all the videos of judges telling Sovereign Citizens to shut the fuck up are fake, or that they didn't follow the script closely enough?

    AssaultRifle15 AssaultRifle15 [he/him]


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