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What's your opinion on gnosticism?
  • the explanation is the thing that's claimed to have truth value but it's complete bullshit.

    The truth in this example is that you can make iron stronger by adding bones. Being incorrect about the process doesn't make the result any less truthful.

    Observing a process and not having an explanation for why exactly it works is not beyond anything

    In that case, it's elephants all the way down. I can understand how trees work and discover new things about them without understanding how sub-atomic particles interact in their leaves. You think having no understanding of the underlining phenomenon makes the things you observe and discover above it untruthful. But everything we know about the universe today relies on principles we don't understand yet. By your own definition, all of modern science is false because we haven't yet filled in certain gaps.

    the story they made up isn't finding truth at all.

    Was the Plum Pudding model just something J.J. Thomson made up? In a historical epoch in which ghosts, werewolves, and gods were presumed to exist, this was an extremely logical explanation. Being wrong doesn't mean these people were just guessing and talking out their ass.

  • What's your opinion on gnosticism?
  • Alchemists formed the basis for modern day Chemistry. They were wrong and had no idea why they were able to do the things they did but that doesn't mean they weren't able to find truth.

    Vikings commonly threw bones of their ancestors in smelting furnaces because they believed the souls would strength the iron. They were right, bone and poor quality iron formed a rudimentary type of steel which did indeed make a stronger blade. The explanation is entirely chemical, but they were able to reach a truth beyond their current level of scientific understanding.

    Acting like people from the past were just big dummies who did things for no reason is idealism. They couldn't scientifically understand why these things occurred but they still understood the effects of the world around them.

  • What's your opinion on gnosticism?
  • Interesting example of religion being used to gain truth beyond scientific understanding. Gnostics considered themselves strangers in a strange land. They were among the first to reconcile the belief of a good God with a shit world without "might makes right" apologism. They also identified the conflict between the ideals religions preach and the fact that humans are base, unconscious animals. Consciousness/personality is only an ad hoc phenomenon for most people. Their brains make decisions based on instinct then the personality is tasked with justifying those decisions to other members of the social group.

    What the Gnostics get wrong is adding in a bunch of Christian themes and stories to an already complete pseudo-hermetic philosophy. It could be considered a Christian "Skillful Means" vis-à-vis Buddhism. But I think you would have to assign an intention when it was probably just a mixing of religions.

  • Is Hexbear dying?
  • I'd say people were still on the high of Bernie and were decidedly more optimistic about the future at that point. It wasn't that long ago that Chompsky, Bernie, and other faux progressives were very well liked here.

    I still remember when admins made changing the name from "chapochat" to "hexbear" a moral imperative because "We have to appeal to more people and the podcast would prevent that." Then deciding a month later that converting people is hard and no one wants to do it.

  • Is Hexbear dying?
  • Yes and no. Hexbear as a political project is more or less dead. It's been that way since the first year or so. It's more or less just a club for commie shitposting now. I used to do organizing/theory on Hexbear, now I just use it for non-political posting.

    Hexbear, barring some huge shift, will stay around this size for the next few years and experience a slow decline until shutdown. It is a site just past its peak experiencing a slow fall to obscurity that all things must go through eventually.

  • Is Hexbear air-frying?
  • I support them but only as far as they're a convection oven. If you already have a small convection oven then you're more or less set.

    I got a ninja foodie thing that's a pressure cooker, air fryer, oven, and 40 other things in one and 95% of my dinners use it.

  • "You should lose your rights to vote & bear arms if you're terminated for cause."
  • You can tell this one is a troll tbh.

    as only the opinion of the employer matters ... there would be absolutely no right of appeal

    Come on, liberals love bullshit appeals and that's the only reason they say atrocities are okay because "uh technically, you can appeal it so not sucking the boot of the law is actually terrorism commie."

  • Fellas, is having respect for your neighbours bourgeois?
  • I wasn't aware that you could walk into people's apartments and demand a list of their hobbies/actions before deciding to move in.

    "If you don't like the thing you couldn't have been aware of, why weren't you magically per-cognizant of it?"

  • Deleted
  • You probably should report them to the MI6, CIA, NSA, IRA, YMCA and all other organizations just to make sure. In fact, just start screaming at people in the street about this one random college/highschool girl or else communism as a whole will just collapse.

    Watch out China, fucking Hannah from Wisconsin junior college repeated something every white person already says.

  • Lesbian couple refused IVF referral without 'proof of trying for two years'
  • This is in Terf Island so a couple that could conceive naturally but just wants to do IVF for some reason would just be taking up a slot of someone who actually needs IVF to conceive.

    If they want to pay for it out of pocket, then that's fine.

  • temperature
  • how do you calibrate a fahrenheit thermometer? With celsius it's hilariously trivial, if the thermometer says it's about 0 when you see water freeze, it's correct enough for everyday use.

    You do the exact same but use 32 degrees instead of zero. I know celsius is cool and good but most people seem incapable of understanding how its just fucking marks on a line and any non-sciencey advantage is pretty much null.

  • How often had I overlooked women's contributions ?
  • It makes more sense for the former unfortunately.

    The original theory was that it could have been a pregnant women looking down and that's what lead to the proportions. The idea was they wouldn't have been able to see themselves in a river or something. But rivers and puddles, not to mention OTHER pregnant women, were extremely common so it's less likely.

  • Trading socks makes me feel dirty

    I hate the whole publicly traded model of sock exchanges. I hate capitalism. But have to engage in trading socks (I mostly do crew cuts and a small quantity of direct socks) so that my fabric doesn't lose elasticity by sitting in a drawer or hamper.

    Same thing with t-shirts, don't like exchanging shirts and getting marked on a centralised list for that but it's a safer option than using your own.

    Fortunately I don't do laundry so that's a plus.

    Tell me what you're drinking this Christmas Eve or else Santa said he wouldn't bring you any presents.

    I got a hot chocolate with 2 shots of gold rum, a pile of marshmellows, and pumpkin spice with a plate of cookies.

    Edit: You guys are nerds, only one of you is drinking an actual holiday drink. It's just depressed college students slugging down liquor and middle aged dads drinking beer.

    Throwback to When We Were a Subreddit and We Had Cool Takes Like This

    What's your take on post-structural serial killerism vs physical dehumanization sciences?

    What Most Hexbears Don't Understand About Communism is This:

    Communism is about one thing really, the more you do this one thing the more communist you are.

    That is abandoning all your principles and throwing minorities under the bus the LITERAL SECOND a democrat promises you even the slightest concession. You tankies would never understand this.

    In honor of JFK Getting Pwned, Hexbear Asks "Was It A Conspiracy?"

    We all know our boy Oswald was a CIA plant, but what about the assassination itself?

    It's gonna be 15 years until all the records get released so make your bets now on the most likely outcome as well as your favorites.

    Almost Naked Animals

    Canadian animation asks the very important question "What if Animals wore underwear?" for kids.

    Japanese Konbini Store song

    Post your favorite animation version of this song or else. !knifecat

    Zionist SNL Sketch

    Imagine being this cringe and out of touch.

    Peeing in the Shower, Childish or Saving Water?

    Daily struggle session slop here.

    Do you pee in the shower? Do you support this inalienable right open to all humanity? Or are you like my fascist partner who says it's not okay and "childish." As a communist, anyone who would be upset at peeing in the shower should be thrown in jail along with people who tailgate when I'm already going 5 over.

    Just to throw a bone to the ladies and other people who suck dick (literally not metaphorically), you should also wipe your penis after you pee. Even if you think you got it all out you should still wipe. However, this is intersectionality. Obviously the biggest oppression is against shower-pee-pee people but pee-pee wipers can still unite with us as we apply dialectics to hygiene.

    Don Blankenship's Campaign Ad

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    Nipah Virus

    With the advent of the Nipah virus and it's possible spread, I would like to remind all hexbear citizens to say "Satoko is worst girl and she really should have just studied" or else this purple haired girl will infect you with the virus.

    Ryukishi07, instead of giving us Ciconia part 2, has decided to end humanity as punishment for creating Higurashi Gou.


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