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Bored Lord - No More Hiding Who I Want to Be [house / electronic]

seems appropriate for June 1st. Bored Lord is a great artist and this album (Transexual Rave Hymns) is full of bangers

>press release from 2019:

>"Transsexual Rave Hymns is Bored Lord’s recent release from Knightwerk. As evoked from the title, this full album is a meditative, spiritual approach to dance music, specifically situated within Daria’s experience. Amongst the dissonance there is melody, and amongst the resilience there is despair. This duality allows for Daria to present a complex and honest portrait of what it means to exist as a trans woman, all within the context of highly danceable club tracks.

>Pairing distorted pop with acid house, Rave Hymns blends genres to create a hypnotic club sound. The album moves between her signature energized sound (“Spit in Your Mouth,” “My Loneliness Is Killing Me”), to tracks that channel a contemporary take on classic rave sounds (“Broken Heart Broken Hearted,” "You Make Me Feel So Good”), to reflective, melodic trans anthems (“No More Hiding Who I Want To Be,” “Keep Your Hands Off My Body”). Rave Hymns firmly reflects Daria's position not only within the tradition of other trans DJs, but at the forefront of a growing movement and sound."

No Kinkade at Pride

an LGBT Pride festival is simply not the right forum for displaying the paintings of Thomas Kinkade

(cw: discussion of consent regarding children) I think I hate "parents rights" people more than any other group of people in the earth lol.
  • I can't stress enough that everything chuds believe in actively facilitates child abuse and grooming.

    to act like the purpose of teaching children about boundaries and consent is itself an act of grooming is so utterly backwards and absurd. kids not understanding these concepts is precisely what makes them easy targets for predators. child abusers have no power when the child understands that what's happening is wrong and that it's safe to tell another adult about it

    chuds treat children like they're too stupid to possibly understand these concepts. they see children as property who should always trust adult authority figures no matter what. it's a perfect recipe for abuse

  • Had AI gotten worse or is something up with the weird Google AI?
  • "AI" is not an information tool, but it's being marketed as one. These machine learning algorithms do not possess any knowledge. All a LLM is doing is mimicking human speech patterns, it knows how to put words in a grammatically correct order that are relevant to the input prompt and that's about it.

    Machine learning has some practical uses but giving factual information, instruction, or advice are not among them. The idea of incorporating this shit into a search engine is fucking ridiculous.

  • anyone know a good software for generating / translating subtitles for video?

    preferably something I can run locally on my PC. most of what comes up on google are cloud-based services and I don't want to have to upload shit to the internet. I just want a Windows program that can do speech-to-text from a video in different languages, translate to English and generate an .srt file or similar

    Why are people buying records in 2024?
  • it's nice having something to display in your living space. if you have company over having a record collection can give them something cool to look at and can be a good conversation starter. much like a book shelf

    I've bought records even though I don't own a record player because I like album art. you can frame them too

  • man what the hell is this lmao (Rabbit R1 "AI" assistant)

    what kind of lame-ass dork would spend $200 on some worthless plastic garbage that does nothing but give you blatantly false information

    for fuck's sake, LLMs do not possess knowledge. they generate believable text, that's it. you can't trust any information it spits out, it's just a word prediction algorithm AHHHH STOP TREATING IT LIKE AN INFORMATIONAL TOOL

    even if this "AI" shit was even remotely useful, who wants to carry around some stupid orange device that does nothing your smartphone can't already do? whoever buys this trash deserves to get grifted

    PS I hate Swedish minimalist design. this shit looks like a toy for a 4 year-old, which happens to be mental age of anyone who would buy this crap

    Oneohtrix Point Never - Long Road Home

    ``` We don't rely on "There's nowhere to go" We realize that the soul grows We just deny that the truth is untold No one to rally us both

    I don't know why I don't wanna transform Taking the long road home

    Doesn't the sky look like maps to our house? Doesn't the sea look so empty? Even my dreams kissed in digital gloss It's my reality

    I don't know why I don't wanna transform Taking the long road home

    I don't know why I don't wanna transform Taking the long way home Alone

    I don't I don't know why I don't wanna I don't know why I don't wanna I don't know why I don't wanna I don't know why I don't wanna transform ```

    Sydney Sweeney Discourse™ (it's not about her boobs)

    I think the fascists' fixation on Sydney Sweeney has less to do with the size of her breasts and more to do with her blonde hair and blue eyes. They're thrilled to have an Aryan sex symbol in the mainstream again. They've felt threatened by the suggestion that other types of people can be considered attractive as well.

    They also seem to be reveling in the fact that western culture is still superficial and celebrates people for being hot, that physical attractiveness is seen as virtue. Because fascism is an ideology predicated on superficiality, appealing to the most shallow of basic human instincts, they need surface-level aestheticism to peddle their rotten ideas. ___ Now, let me address the two big elephants in the room. I said I wasn't gonna talk about her boobs but they're not entirely irrelevant to the discussion. Skinny women with big tits represent the mainstream ideal of what straight men like, and fascists want to assert that what straight men like is what's right and true. The cis-hetero male-dominated beauty standard is the only one that should exist in their minds.

    In reality, people (straight men included) like all sorts of bodies. But fascists don't like variety and diversity, they want a singular standard for society to adhere to. They want to reduce the complex and subjective experience of being human into something simple, a lie that's easy to understand.

    Angelo Badalamenti explains how he wrote Laura Palmer's Theme

    posting in honor of Twin Peak's Day, the 35th anniversary of Laura Palmer's death on February 24th, 1989

    Laura Palmer's Theme

    Julee Cruise - Questions in a World of Blue

    composed by Angelo Badalementi, written/produced by David Lynch for the soundtrack of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

    choosing your own name should be the norm

    I think that in a rational society everyone should feel free to choose their name, and doing so should be a normal and expected rite of passage.

    It makes way more sense to choose the sound people make when they refer to you, than having your parents choose it for you before you're even a person yet.

    Half-Life: 25th Anniversary Documentary

    this is really fascinating. definitely recommend watching this if you are at all interested in game development, CG art or animation

    Anyone seen the new horror film Talk to Me?

    I haven't seen it yet, wondering if it's worth catching in a theater while it's still playing or just waiting to pirate it.

    The movie has been getting good reviews but I understand it was made by some popular youtubers, which makes me somewhat hesistant to see it lol. But if it's good I kind of want to support it, since it's a smaller movie and not a major studio product.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    AlicePraxis [any]
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