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Reddit has a new AI training deal to sell user content
  • And finally their Logo makes sense.

  • Politischer Geschlechtergraben – Junge Frauen haben keine Lust auf rechte Männer
  • Es ist doch recht einfach:

    In diesem Artikel gibt es folgendes Zitat: "He stresses that many of the men he deals with have positive attitudes to women and feminism, but he says some can feel they are being stereotyped, or blamed for others’ actions."

    Dies beschreibt das Kernproblem des aktuellen Feminismus. Die gefühlte moralische Überlegenheit gegenüber aller cis-männlich gelesenen Personen (was to-be-fair 99 % aller männlich gelesenen Personen ausmacht).

    Stroh-Mann Argumente bei jedweder Diskussion an den Kopf geworfen zu bekommen ist nun mal ein guter Garant etwaige Feministinnen, als Feinde anzuerkennen.

    Stattdessen sollten ALLE sich auf das Principle of Charity berufen und so handeln:

  • Was zum fick ist eigentlich Oklahoma USA extrem: Oklahoma – Weiß, rechts, gnadenlos

    Oklahoma, Kernland der Republikaner: Bei Waffen, Strafrecht, Abtreibung oder Bildung: In dem US-Bundesstaat haben Konservative das Sagen.

    USA extrem: Oklahoma – Weiß, rechts, gnadenlos

    Kinder dürfen Waffen tragen, Alkohol im Auto verboten, Frauen kommen ins Gefängnis wenn der Vater das Kind schlägt, die Gefängniskosten müssen zum Teil selbst bezahlt werden (Kredite)

    Eine Kreisstadt mit 3000 Einwohner hat einfach so viele Waffen, dass selbst die knallharten „Polizisten“ schockiert sind

    Menschen die auch nur 1x ins Gefängnis kommen, auch wenn sie unschuldig sind, werden einfach in Zeitungen abgedruckt und so für immer beruflich geschädigt

    Und das ist noch ohne den ganzen Rassismus und was ich sonst noch vergessen hab

    Most Russians against ending Ukraine war if captured land returned
  • This doesn’t matter in a non-democratic country.

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • the competition would be to stop consuming that much and instead search for the content you like in the remaining free part of the internet

  • I totally forgot how terrible a non-ad-free YouTube experience is
  • Show me something that gets better.

  • 'Online Safety Bill', the UK parliament undermined the privacy, security, and freedom of all internet users
  • Maybe we should abandon the Internet at all, or at least focus on specific communication with FOSS.


  • Why do you use firefox?
  • Apple User quietly steps away

  • What can you do on Linux that you can't do on Windows?
  • Yeah personally, I use Mac for the peace of mind, because generally, I don't trust package managers anymore. Don't get me wrong, Debians repository is extremely well maintained, and I use Debian as server OS, but I like the Mac as a daily driver for banking stuff, because I trust the Mac App Store (people have to pay, Apple checks every App and so on). And for the daily stuff I do with my Mac, I don't need any special software from Homebrew.

  • Does it feel like the fediverse is exclusively used by older tech nerds?
  • mac user here :) at least we can unite in unix

  • What can you do on Linux that you can't do on Windows?
  • Windows has it's package managers. Winget and of course chocolatey and others

  • In Spain, dozens of girls are reporting AI-generated nude photos of them being circulated at school: ‘My heart skipped a beat’
  • Better don't stop posting your life into the internet, this would push people to create more child porn! /s

  • French watchdog halts iPhone 12 sales over too-high radiation - minister
  • ok thanks now I feel save to use my iphone as vibrator

  • The smart(shit)ification of TVs pisses me off.
  • "gaming" and of course NO SMART SHIT

  • Where can I keep all this time that I'm saving?
  • "but let’s be honest, who cares what some film nerd thinks when Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes can objectively"

    Do you even know what "objectively" means?

  • French watchdog halts iPhone 12 sales over too-high radiation - minister
  • So, do I now have cancer? Even thou I bought a iphone 12 mini?

  • The smart(shit)ification of TVs pisses me off.
  • you can buy "gaming" monitors that are 48" big for example (caution! german website)

    or this one:

    Idk at which point they are starting to implement some kind of "smart tv"

  • How to verify if CrowdSec is properly configured?

    Hello Community!

    I installed CrowdSec bare -metal and alongside three bouncers:

    • /reverse-proxy
    • /cs-firewall-bouncer-1690453608v0.0.27
    • /FirewallBouncer-QkP4AkuXfayzknrO4fTT8U2yjG3jHFfa

    So far, so good! But I'm running the official Nextcloud web app inside some docker container with the jwilder/nginx-proxy docker image. How do I know if CrowdSec is properly configured? I already added the nginx logs inside the acquis.yml, but I'm worried. Because there seems to be a difference with just analyzing logs and installing a bouncer. (I tried multiple times and searched alot, but cannot find the answer for installing CrowdSec bouncer with jwilder's nginx image.)

    Thanks in advance!

    Is Coreboot necessary or a issue?

    Hello fellows

    I was wondering which side would be better:

    Having some old Thinkpad but with coreboot/linux installed and the ME therefore disabled, but having security flaws with ancient cpus and no microcode updates?


    Having some new high end device, with proprietary uefi and just linux?

    I‘m bothered about those 2 options.. Privacy and Security are going hand in hand for me and with this consideration Coreboot/Libreboot just seem to be useless nowadays.

    Proton Drive App?

    I want to use Proton Drive, but I cannot find any native App.

    The name of this sub is racist or is recreating structural racism

    The word “Master Race” is clearly equivalent to terms which were used by Nazis and so are today's far right wing and alt-rights.

    There are other communities which created similar narratives, especially from the 4chan side, and I think the origin of “PC Master Race” comes from there.

    Aetherion Aetherion
    Posts 5
    Comments 43