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Bushido Blade (2) was such a weird and cool game.
  • Not sure if they included it in #2, but you could definitely toss dirt or snow in the first game. I think it was considered a "dishonourable tactic" though.

  • Bushido Blade (2) was such a weird and cool game.
  • Never played 2 but I played the shit outta the first one. The blood splatter for a fatal hit was much more satisfying.

  • Dr Disrespect admits that he sent "inappropriate" messages to a minor, says he won't stop streaming on youtube
  • I thought David Icke was the "all Western leaders and the British royal family are blood-drinking humanoid reptiles from space."

  • hexbear has a tankie problem.
  • No gods, no malarkey

  • [Cybertruck trifecta failure news] The Cybertruck's owner's manual specifically says not to put the truck on dirt or grass or in direct sunlight.
  • Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to CyberTruck™.

    Caution: CyberTruck™ may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.

    CyberTruck™contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

    Do not use CyberTruck™ on concrete.

    Discontinue use of CyberTruck™ if any of the following occurs:

    • itching
    • vertigo
    • dizziness
    • tingling in extremities
    • loss of balance or coordination
    • slurred speech
    • temporary blindness
    • profuse sweating
    • or heart palpitations.

    If CyberTruck™ begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

    CyberTruck™ may stick to certain types of skin.

    Ingredients of CyberTruck™ include an unknown glowing green substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

    CyberTruck™ has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

    Do not taunt CyberTruck™.

    CyberTruck™ comes with a lifetime warranty.

  • Louisiana passes into law that the Ten Commandments must be posted in all school classrooms
  • If they're gonna put the Ten Commandments in schools, they also have to include all those rules from the same books about which colour bugs you're allowed to eat and how to properly bathe your mother-in-law. Anything less will probably incur God's wrath.

  • Percussive overton window shift
  • I'd do Bautista first. He's a fine actor and probably a better person than this guy, but the wrinkles on his head really bother me.

  • Another day, another apartheid defense league banger
  • how ordinary Gazans could look the other way as innocent men and women are held hostage in their midst?

    Probably because of all the fucking IOF bombing is a bigger priority. Just a guess.

  • Reddit dipshit says the allies won ww2 and not the communists.
  • Let’s not forget the massive atrocities the Soviets committed. It was said their atrocities are in par with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

    It is known, Khaleesi.

  • I've been unemployed practically my entire life and I don't know what to do about it
  • Have you considered volunteering? Show yourself as willing to work just for the sake of it, and you'll probably find at least one person there who can provide a reference for you.

    Also, having your own job might not be enough for complete self-sufficiency, but don't discount the feeling of being useful and worthwhile that having a job gives you. A job shouldn't be a prerequisite for that, but as things currently are, it does help.

    The fact that you actually want to improve yourself and earn your own way means a lot. Don't sell yourself short.

  • I hate Capitalism.
  • There's only one kind of capitalism.

    All that changes about it is the rate of profit, which inevitably falls.

  • Killdozer guy died 20 years ago today
  • Killdozer was already a technical, under certain definitions.

  • Did you commies know that our rights come from god, not the gubment?
  • He also said that he had read Marxists and recommended that his employee do so.

    Can't argue with that. Unless he's one of those people who thinks that Hillary Clinton is a Marxist (do not read Hillary Clinton).

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • But at what cost?

  • What's with the chud hypocrisy gotchas?
  • How do you all deal with braindead smug gotchas?

    Nitpick their grammar. Make them sound stupid. Purposely misinterpret minor aspects of what they say, and insist they explain themselves clearly. Agree with their talking points, and then suggest something even worse and see if they agree.

    And most of all, demand they post hog.

    Anything else is a waste of time.

  • Daryl Davis is a Zionist.
  • To quote George Costanza, "It's not a lie if you believe it."

    Being wrong pays well.

  • Back on another one of my bullshit(s) Neverwinter Nights, my favorite D&D game.
  • I spent a ton of hours on NWN! And then there are the fan modules, some of which leave the official campaign in the dust. The Player Resource Consortium fan project added a bunch of new classes, so it had endless replay value.

  • I hate LinkedIn, to the last beat of my blackened heart. How do I use it?

    Recently I had a meeting with someone from my government's job seeker assistance program, who recommended I make better used of LinkedIn in looking for a job.

    Specifically, she recommended that, if I find a job posting anywhere, I look the company up on LinkedIn, find someone who already works there, and message them directly to get the name of whomever is in charge of hiring, and even to ask if they'd be willing to give me a referral (which can be especially enticing if the company offers referral bonuses).

    I hate doing this sort of "networking," where every interpersonal interaction is a veneer of courtesy in order to maximize returns, even though I know it's a necessity in today's professional world. It does not sit well with my particular brand of neurodivergence.

    Since Hexbear is the most based community I know, even when it comes to professional bullshit of this sort, I was hoping someone here could sanity-check this approach. Maybe I just don't want to start hassling someone on social media without someone else telling me it's okay (besides a civil servant).

    A little more background:

    • I was laid off last September from an unfulfilling but steady job with a video game publisher.
    • I have several years of experience in entry-level tech support jobs, with a bit of work on things like databases and scripting. I prefer the latter sort of work because people are confusing and frightening, but my last employer wouldn't even let me do minor work on that stuff, and the ones who do work on it are very defensive of their positions so they didn't offer any help either.
    • I know the tech sector is kind of fucked right now but that's all I have to work with.
    • I studied computer science in university but I had to settle for a degree in general studies because I failed integral calculus four times. This was before I was diagnosed with ADHD.
    • I don't have any certifications.
    • I don't have much of a code portfolio. I try to keep working on it but it's already all I can do to stay motivated with the job hunt.
    • I consistently get good feedback on my resume and I've always been a stand-out employee when I am working.

    Now that I've written all this out I realize that my position is pretty envious compared to a lot of people. Still, after months of applications without so much as a callback, I've completely lost faith in my own judgment. So any feedback is appreciated. Thank you, comrades.

    Scottish actor Brian Cox reads poem by slain Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer

    Cox has always been my favourite actor. Nice to hear that he has a soul as well.

    "I swear to God I'll pistol whip the next guy who says 'Shenanigans.' "

    AFineWayToDie AFineWayToDie [he/him]

    "The greatest enemy of authority, therefore, is contempt, and the surest way to undermine it is laughter."

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