My God, what appalling government we are "lead" by. Why don't they just wear uniforms with little skulls on them and be over with it, absolute scum of the Earth a lot of them.
Trying to be the biggest cunts possible before they get hammered in the general election. Let's see if Labour will slam the brakes on this shit quickly.
An older person I talk with (older than Boomer generation if you can believe that) keeps trying to moot that it's an "invasion" and then goes on about how these invaders have paid thousands to some people trafficker to be able to get over here.
I point out that invaders generally don't pay more than their life savings to invade, they get paid to do so. And they usually turn up with weapons.
Bless 'em, I keep having to reset their compassion because the newspapers must be what's putting these "invasion" ideas in their head.
There's a vague chance they might not vote blue in the upcoming elections.
In other news, and riffing on the "skulls" comment elsewhere, I'd quite like for someone to stand up in the Commons and ask what the government's jackboot budget is these days, and whether teaching armed troops to goose-step is coming back into fashion.