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A cool guide for red flags during job interviews.
  • I once had to do three rounds of interviews for a level 1 tech position. I got the job and the company was mostly fine with no major weirdness, but unnecessarily drawn out interview process for a simple job.

    The issue was they have a had of doing interviews and that template was used for all interviews and they're were not prepared to change it based on logic or reason. Independent thought was not encouraged at that company.

  • A cool guide for red flags during job interviews.
  • I will say that the median salary for my career in my area, is quite pitiful relative to the overall industry.

    This is why the industry is so against remote working even though it's obviously one of the easiest jobs to do remotely. It's so they can get away with pain crap wages simply because it's "the local standard".

  • Outstanding idea.
  • Surely the fault lies with the client who decided to sign a contract, fully understanding that it was all theoretical and based entirely on future projections, that may or may not be accurate.

    It's not like he was lied to and thought that the ship already existed, or was only a couple of months away from completion.

  • Outstanding idea.
  • Gwen Shotwell actually. Honestly fantastic name.

    If you're going to hate Elon Musk it might be a good idea to work out what companies he actually is and isn't CEO first

  • Nigel Farage claims Russia was provoked into Ukraine war
  • I am differentiating between votes and seats.

    They are getting fewer votes than the conservatives this will obviously lead to fewer seats and then the conservatives but even under proportional representation it would also lead to fewer seats because they are getting fewer votes.

    What you're talking about is the situation where they have very little support in any one constituency but wide-ranging support generally. That would indeed result in them getting a large number of votes but very few seats. But that isn't what is happening here, they have a smattering of support in most constituencies and a lot of support in some constituencies. They will probably therefore win one or two seats.

    Under proportional representation they would get more seats but they would not get more seats than the conservatives. So by no metric that you choose to use are they "doing better than the conservatives". In terms of the number of seats they are going to get they are tying with the SNP.

  • Nigel Farage claims Russia was provoked into Ukraine war
  • That's a good point, your first comment was utterly irrelevant to the conversation but now you're going to pretend you had some kind of point. I assume it's "vote conservative because they don't like Russia", which isn't true of course.e.g. Boris Johnson

    Please find a better argument.

  • Nigel Farage claims Russia was provoked into Ukraine war
  • Eh, they are predicted get even fewer votes than the conservatives are. The conservatives are due to get a pathetic number of votes for a mainline party, and reform are getting even fewer votes.

    In no universe are they doing better than the conservatives.

  • Nigel Farage claims Russia was provoked into Ukraine war
  • That's what you do whenever you're losing an argument isn't it you just invoke Corbyn. Trouble is he isn't even in the party anymore, so it would be possibly a good idea to get another attack line.

  • Family of taekwondo instructors saves Texas woman from sexual assault
  • It's not required for US police because in the US the police are essentially militarized and have an accompanying attitude. They are not interested in de-escalating the situation they're only interested in seeing if they can hurt someone. That's what happens when they draw their guns in every single interaction including traffic stops.

  • How heterosexual couples met in the US
  • How am I supposed to get emotionally attached to someone when I'm having a borderline one-sided conversation. The People you meet on those apps are not interested in carrying the conversation and it's just mentally exhausting.

    They don't provide any kind of hook that I can respond to.

  • Spoiler text renders as white on white when revealed

    When you reveal a spoiler the black rectangles go away and it then renders the text in white, but on a white background (light coloured theme) The text renders is exactly the same colour as the background and so you can not see it unless you highlight the post, this renders the background of the post as light grey and there is just about enough contrast difference to now read the text.

    When spoiler text is revealed it should render in the same colour as normal text. I'm not sure why it's white.

    See images below for demonstration.

    !spoiler text is hidden

    !spoiler text has been revealed but is invisible

    !text post is highlighted and now you can see the spoiler text rendered in white

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