If anyone is actually worried about meat being used to create cutscenes, and how meat was 'used to create the game'... then surely you couldn't justifiably consume any form of media? Surely nearly every TV show, film or game has staff that are have eaten meat at some point in the process to fuel themselves. Then how can you separate meat consumption from the production of any media? Is anyone actually concerned about this, or is it clickbait?
The headline is click bait imo but the article makes a somewhat valid point about the larger use of animal products in everything. The article lists paper money in the UK as an example so a vegan is essentially unable to use paper money without conflicting with their ideals.
I would say the point of articles like this is a reasonable way to bring awareness of how ubiquitous animal products are in everyday items.
I think it's a valid topic with a headline written by marketing (and their 696 "partners") and an article written by someone with a point to make.
Yes that's fair - I'd certainly advocate every day items using alternative products wherever possible and people generally reducing their meat consumption. But the comparison between processes that use meat products continuously against a case where a piece of meat was filmed once to make a computer model that can then be replicated infinitely seems odd to me and a stretch to argue that 'it's impossible to be vegan and play Dragon's Dogma 2'.
But if the intention is to raise awareness, fair enough!
Well, I'm not going to have any interest in the game now.
My problem isn't that animals died to make the game. That's a bad thing, but my actions can't affect it. They're already dead. My problem is that this game is going to further extremes than any other game to deliberately include and glorify animal killing. I kinda forgive it in games like BOTW or Horizon because it's part of the story, they're just portraying life as it exists for some people. They're not thinking about their actions. The dragon's dogma people are. They are intimately aware of the fact they're glorifying death, they took the time to think about it and said "that's a good thing".