How do you eat croissants without getting crumbs everywhere?
How do you eat croissants without getting crumbs everywhere?
What’s your method for doing it? FYI, here’s a suggested method.
How do you eat croissants without getting crumbs everywhere?
What’s your method for doing it? FYI, here’s a suggested method.
Dunk it in water, squeeze it into a tight ball, and take bites like it's an apple.
I'm not sure if I should upvote this or downvote this...
You angrily upvote it for being technically correct and then sneer while downvoting for being a crime against both humanity and nature.
Angry upvote?
Seriously. At least use milk.
You sir belong in hell
A plate
I prefer to call it a "Platform for Lateral Accumulation of Trace Eatables"
Or a PFLAOTE for short!
If you don't want flakes, don't eat a flaky pastry.
Eat them outside walking to work.
This comment was made by a bird. Likely a pigeon. We are looking into it.
That's the neat part, you don't
All in one bite.
Toss the croissant up in the air, lean my head back, and eat it one big chomp
Eat it in one bite
It’s supposed to be flaky, stop complaining
Okay, anything else?
...a plate?
Soak them in Nutella
The article’s suggestion of “tear and spread” is what I was going to suggest.
I like to peel each layer off and eat them one at a time while I work
This article sounds like the result of assigning a middle school student to write an instructional essay with a required word length. The middle school student asked chat GPT for help.
This shit probably makes up over 50% of the internet by now.
I stick a vacuum hose up my shirt and zip tie it around my neck so that it catches any loose flakes so that I may eat them later.
I don't 👍
Enjoy your pastry
You have to create a vacuuming of air with every bite. Just do strong, deep inhales while biting, ripping, and tearing, prior to the chewing. The crumbs will all be sucked inward towards your mouth and lungs, and you won't have any problems
Except for any issues inhaling the crumbs might cause
I avoid moving around while eating it, eat it over a plate/napkin, and then brush the flakes off into the trash. Eating them when they're warm/moist also helps.
Eat it all in one bite.
I put it in a brown paper lunch baggie and eat it from the top so the bag catches the crumbs… for the most part!
I bite into the widest part of the middle first, then I peel the layers apart individually and eat them with a fork and knife.
Why would you want to? The more crumbs that drop everywhere, the better it tastes! Just like eating hot wings is best when the sauce gets all over your entire face. If you can get some sauce on your forehead then that's a damned fine wing meal!
Lots of people have already tried to answer this but I've not seen the correct answer: in bed
Simply get bad croissants that aren't flaky and leave crumbs everywhere. Like what you'd get from a gas station or rest stop vending machine.
I flatten them on the plate with my hand and then put the jelly on top of it, similar to bread/sandwich.
Way easier to eat, but don't tell the French :)
Sorry, you put jam on croissants? Surely ham and cheese is the only option
It’s all getting flattened by your intestines anyways :D
I always eat messy things by leaning over my plate, or carefully taking bites above a bag or whatever. I like being fastidious.
My stomach gets in the way.
It's not possible. That's like trying to eat a powdered donut and not get the sugar everywhere.
Just pick it up and eat it like a donut, basically no crumbs.
You don't need to add any toppings to them
Hmm no, I don’t recommend! That’s a one way ticket to crumbtopia! I don’t want to downvote you, but I am so so compelled to. I’ll resist, for now..