Granted. Your best friend is caught in a car crash and barely survived. They had gotten a gift for you that was destroyed during the crash. There is no way to mention your wish without coming off as a self-centred jerk.
Granted. Anyone else that ever reads your post title (even if they just scroll past) has something bad happen to them for as long as this post exists. You’re aware of it everytime it happens and instantly know the full extent of the damage you’ve caused in other people’s lives.
Something minor but inconvenient happens to you, like losing your keys or missing an important appointment. This seemingly bad event leads you to a series of unexpected and positive encounters or discoveries.
For instance, while searching for your keys, you might find a long-lost valuable item, or missing the appointment might have you land in the right place at the right time.
Congrats on winning $1M from some excited Youtuber 🥳