Take chances
Take chances
Take chances
I usually am, I am support and I ask questions about features so old and undocumented that no one else knows the answer.
This, but remove the "else"
..yes, not even the author
Or the author left and no one really knew what their job involved. Had one like that recently, tried to contact someone only to find out they have left. Oh, ok well who handles the content template site now? Oh, me? No one told me about this or how to use it.
How the fuck does one get out of junior dev status? I'm at like 3.5 YoE and stuck in it.
Im a mid with two juniors under me, super happy when they take initiative and do something creative
.. instead of following youtrack to the letter, leaving me to rewrite half of it before the merge 😔
Pre-commit code reviews, preferably in person or at least live, are a great way to learn and teach. They explain what they did and why, you suggest alternatives.
Doing it pre commit is best because it it’s done later, they’ve already moved on.
And the learning goes both ways.
I am the senior dev and idk what the fuck I am doing, leave me alone
As someone who is not quite junior, but not quite senior, do it. It might just get me promoted ಠᴗಠ
You did so great on that case, were having a pizza party for the whole office!
Sounds like I’ve been promoted to the guy that eats the entire pizza by himself
… tell me again why you thought plugging into the prod server was a good idea?
I'm the reason we get a safety meeting today, if that counts? 😊
Sure, and it counts double if code you wrote was the reason for the safety meeting.
*Looking at the senior devs JavaScript code
My God, it even has a watermark.
Wait, no, that's a coffee stain. On the screen.
But why is there an exact copy of the coffee stain on my screen as well?
drops rubber duck
Be the reason Legal has to get involved.
Wait until becoming the reason your boss has to get involved
Oh I got a N+3 involved.
Not my fault but I was the only guy who could solve. That was a fun three weeks of daily Is It Fixed Yet meetings...
Be the reason the corporate PR team has to get involved.
Be the reason the Hazmat Compliance team has to get involved
It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission
As staff engineer, I'm far too busy to read any of these comments. Also I haven't written any code in 4 years
What does a staff engineer do? Engineers staff?
Carry a big stick
Is that your staff or are you just happy to see me?
Oh don't worry, I get myself involved in plenty. I prefer to make problems at the architectural or "leadership" level though.
Yooo somebody called me?