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Get your vote in now!!
  • You could book hotels online prior to airbnb. I have done that numerous times since 2000...

  • Get your vote in now!!
  • The fuck is a "white only" country?

  • Get your vote in now!!
  • Interesting perspective I never accounted before thank you. Cabs were notorious for not picking up black people. Can't speak for hotels.

  • Get your vote in now!!
  • Oh fuck off no they didn't

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • If you were not diagnosed until 30 and you're here on Lemmy you're validating my challenge with all the people like you being the exception to the rule. The fact that you are here and can communicate puts you ahead of what I would define as the silent majority of those with autism.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • We've just started him on strattera and seeing some success. The problem isn't so much the autism but how the ADHD manifests. If this makes sense it's like about working memory and more about modeling activities. Because he has issues with muscle tone he lacks a lot of the core abilities many of us take for granted like being able to do something as simple as a thumbs up. Thumbs up took a year.

  • Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • Never said that but you're right.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • Please don't but pay attention to your support group as you move forward. You will learn there are a lot of people that genuinely care about your child and their future. The irony of course is the vast majority of these people make little to no money and are doing what they do because they love it.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • Both my boys stim verbally with my youngest being "worse" at is. The balance is teaching them awareness and also time and place.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • From a diagnosis and classification, Autism = Asperger's.

    From a lived experience, Autism != Asperger's.

    The latter has been validated by every expert I have talked over the years from doctors to therapists to education.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • The more you understand the better you can help. You've made the first and most important step. I'm extremely passionate about this and you will find many around you are also passionate. I'm a grown ass dude and 46 and could cry.

    Talk to their teachers as they get older. The best thing you can ever do is diagnose. There are so many kids in the school system parents bury their heads and it hurts everyone.

    If you ever want to talk I'm almost a decade into my autism journey. Started at 3 and my son is now 11.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • As a parent of two kids on the spectrum my messaging has been just this with a resounding "there are legions of autistic people that are NOT represented. Ever."

    Every representation of autistic people you see in the media, or chatting with online are the exception and the fact that they collectively shit on the fact that there are many isolated and struggling is goddamn frustrating.

    If you're autistic and on Lemmy I'm proud of you. My youngest son can't manage his own diabetes, can't wipe his ass, needs help showering, has worsening anxiety and ADHD. I could go on.

    As a parent I'm supposed to defer to that representation in the media or on Lemmy because "they're autistic bro." disgusts me.

    My final takeaway. Fuck the DSM V for making Asperger's the same as Autism. It isn't. It hurts both parties but I'd argue it hurts Autistic people far more than Asperger's people.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • As a parent of 2 children on the spectrum I need to give you a well thought out "fuck you" in response.

    My experience online is a lot of you "champions" for autism are only speaking for yourselves and those like you, which is to say the ones that have some means of independence be it verbally, physically or emotionally. I have one son like that. He's Asperger's. He will have challenges, but he will live a long and productive life with all the proper tools. My other son is your "traditional" autistic. He is thankfully verbal but at this point there is no plan for him to be independent ever. As parents we hope for the best and take every day at a time.

    To assume that our opinions and decisions are derived as "making about ourselves" is part of the problem. Everything I have done since his birth has been to NOT make it about myself.

    The last thing I need is people like you punching down because you can't look past your own goddamn nose.

  • Washing machine chime scandal shows how absurd YouTube copyright abuse can get
  • This isn't unique to google but if the system continues to be designed to allow companies to mask the true cost of doing business we will never move ahead past it.

    We undervalue ourselves repeatedly at the sake of cheap products.

  • Biden campaign on Trump verdict: 'No one is above the law'
  • I guffawed thank you.

  • Americans shrug over falling birthrate
  • Now let's see 2022 and 2023.

    Edit. Oh wait! It's back down.

    The FAO Food Price Index* (FFPI) stood at 119.1 points in April 2024, up 0.3 points (0.3 percent) from its revised March level, as an increase in the price index for meat and smaller upturns of vegetable oil and cereal indices slightly more than offset decreases in those for sugar and dairy products. Although it registered a second monthly uptick in April following a seven-month long declining trend, the FFPI was down 9.6 points (7.4 percent) from its corresponding value one year ago.

  • Why You Should Self-Host Everything
  • Delicious irony

  • Georgia Republican tries to "set the stage" for a November election challenge, won't certify primary
  • I mean, the majority of us are. Wealth has nothing to do with it except for more resources to avoid conflict.

  • Liurnia Tower Bridge you can see the DLC veil

    Anyone else notice this? Also if you look out into the water where the DLC supposedly is to be you'll notice everything is "pulled in" and closer than it should be. Caelid tower is way too close.

    This all fits because you need to invert the tower and there's so much reference to the DLC in the Carian Study Hall

    Am I alone loving this?

    There's something I just love about big cities that have little pockets where the bones are exposed a bit more.

    How many KM/Miles you run this week?

    I'm up to 19km. Going to push it over 20km tomorrow morning I think.

    Game Threads and possible integration with Swish App?

    For any android users like myself you may have been using Swish which was made by a reddit user but since the API bullshit the app still works for games but there's no live/post game thread access. I just submitted a request to see if we can get it integrated with Lemmy :)

    Anyone got any m3u8 streams?

    Looking to watch some raptors or anyone else

    Industrial Music whoisearth
    Dance with the Dead - Kiss of the Creature [Official Video]
    ysk - your account doesn't exist on other instances and communities don't overlap

    User accounts are fragmented and just because you signed on at doesn't mean your account exists on

    Communities are fragmented and /c/games on is completely different than the one on with its own users, set of posts, etc.

    Lemmy does not currently allow for instance or user migration.

    Nor does it allow for shared communities (ie the aforementioned /c/games is unified across multiple instances)

    We are in the early days. If you're eager feel free to join in the development on these any many other core issues. There's real potential here.
