The Rise of the Pawns
The Rise of the Pawns
The Rise of the Pawns
Unity is powerful.
They use our minor differences as a tool for control.
Nationality, race, religion, political ideology, sex, education, etc.
As an aside, I haven't quite gotten used to the meta-game strategy in anarchy chess, but I felt pretty good about the Mario Kart rainbow road bits.
That pawn talks a good game, but let's see if he changes his tune the moment he reaches the 8th rank and is promoted to queen.
Pawns can be promoted to any piece.
I don't know the exact wording of the rule, so it might be interesting to find loopholes in, but then pawns can't take their own queen either so we're not necessarily following the rules.
The pawn might decide to stay a pawn and retire.
it's "en peasant"
I cross-posted to ! I hope you don't mind!
This is a legal move, it's called a forfeit you knock over your own king and you lose, you don't normally need the pawn but if you're forfeiting anyway I don't think it matters.
Thr guy was playing black and moved white's pieces because he already lost, justifying his move as an "overthrow of tyranny".