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Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • Kagis ok, it's better than Google now, but not the Google of the past and only if what you were looking for is recent and indexed. If not, it just falls back to the same Google results. Good if you want separation and not having Google know what you're searching for, but beyond that...meh.

  • Is there a way to get unbanned from reddit?
  • Chances are you have an ISP that is doing dynamic IP. Clear cookies and cache on everything you ever touched Reddit with, note what your current IP is (Google "what's my IP address"), unplug your ISP modem for about 15-20 minutes and plug it back in. You should get a new IP, check with the Google trick again.

    Might get tricky if Reddit does something like a hardware ID on your computer or something, but I doubt it.

  • Microsoft insiders worry the company has become just 'IT for OpenAI'
  • Someone could legitimately challenge Google on search right now

    Not really, unfortunately, because of the sheer mass of the internet the infrastructure to just support the index of it requires massive funding. Even other giants like MS with Bing struggled with this. Short of a radical new way to run a search engine without a massive index, I just don't see it happening.

  • And they never will
  • I think it would be hilarious if Christianity turned out to be true and the rapture really happens, but they're the ones all left behind and even atheists get to go up. They're minds would explode LMFAO

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • Ah yea it looks like I was forgetting large parts, either way I think it still reinforces my main point, we will probably go through a lot more pain and suffering before we can even come close to Star Treks timeline

  • NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense
  • Iirc, it wasn't just that as far as Star Trek goes. Iirc, most world governments and economic systems were destroyed, humanity was a mere fraction of its peak population. Humanity literally physically came together because it was necessary to rebuild.

    Its one thing to have a common enemy/suffering without changing anything else as far as governments and social systems goes. It's completely different when you not only have the enemy/suffering but to also need to literally rebuild everything from scratch

  • Couple drowns in rip current while on vacation with their kids in Florida
  • I will never understand people's strong desire to live or vacation near the ocean. You pay a massive premium just to live on "the coast", with the ever present threat of hurricanes for what? Some sounds and breeze?

    People will arrange their vacations so that they can visit the ocean, for what? Unless you're a surfer or something, it's boring, it's just another body of water with an increased risk of death or injury by various means.

    I'm not even one of those that's afraid of the ocean or anything, I've been in it, I left in less than an hour because it's boring AF. It's much more fun to go to a water park or even just a public pool, hell your city might even have a public water park/pool like mine does.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • We don't need religion, we did at one time. When we didn't know why or how people got sick, why sometimes crops would be plentiful and other times famine or why the ground shook sometimes or even just figuring out morals

    But we know those things now and when we encounter something we don't we have the knowledge and tools to figure out what's up.

    We don't need churches for a common social place, we have parks, libraries, community centers and community wide events to invest in. We can socialize and learn other cultures around the world in an instant. We don't just have random villages and tiny cities any more, we have large and diverse cities so we everyone can have a little of everything they're interested in.

    At this point, all religion does is serve as yet another thing to divide us.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • Lab grown meat is gonna be even more expensive

    Sounds like the perfect thing to advocate that the government subsidizes while the tech matures and comes down in cost on its own.

    70% is way more than enough there that it's no excuse to support animal abuse

    Like I said, if I could afford it I would have switched already long ago, I personally am fine with the taste and texture. But for many others, that 30% is gonna be a deal breaker.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • 2 things, 1) I can't afford it as a regular item 2) Id say they're maybe 70% there, there's still a taste and texture issue. I personally don't mind it and would happily switch over if it weren't for #1

    Vegans/Vegetarians will never get the vast majority of people out there to give up meat, best shot is that lab meat if they can get the cost equivalent to real meat.

  • Locked
    non vegan pizza time
  • I think you seriously underestimate how much non-human raping goes on in the animal world. Many species have dicks that have evolved specifically to facilitate rape.

  • Is this tree healthy?

    The tree is an adjoining neighbors backyard with large branches that come pretty close to my house (Though there is a sizable gap, if it comes down under the wrong wind direction...) and are actually touching another neighbors roof.

    If it is unhealthy, is it recoverable? I'd rather not have them cut the whole thing down (it provides a lot of shade for my backyard (well, when it's healthy that is lmao)) Should I talk with them directly (I don't really know them, at all) or let the city know?

    datahoarder cm0002
    Looking for some advice on moving 100TBs of data from the cloud to tape

    With Google Workspace cracking down on storage (Been using them for unlimited storage for years now) I was lucky to get a limit of 300TBs, but now I have to actually watch what gets stored lol

    A good portion is uh "Linux ISOs", but the rest is very seldom (In many cases last access was years ago) accessed files that I think would be perfect for tape archival. Things like byte-to-byte drive images and old backups. I figure these would be a good candidate for tape and estimate this portion would be about 100TBs or more

    But I've never done tape before, so I'm looking for some purchasing advice and such. I seen from some of my research that I should target picking up an LTO8 drive as it's compatible with LTO9 for when they come down in price.

    And then it spiraled from there with discussions on library tape drives that are cheaper but need modifications and all sorts of things

    Anybody got a good system for blocking religious artists on Spotify?

    I like to let Spotify leave my playlist and just have it play whatever so I can add new songs to my playlist.

    But from time to time it'll play songs from some religious band (Usually Christian rock or Christian rap or something). The annoying part is it'll sound pretty good, until I start paying attention to the lyrics and then I realize it's a propaganda song lol and have to block the artist and move on.

    Anybody know of a good list of religious artists on Spotify so I can write a script to block them ahead of time? (Or even better an existing FOSS project to do just that lol)

    Star Trek

    cross-posted from:

    > Author.

    NVR software recommendations that supports SSO/LDAP

    Hi everyone, looking for some NVR software to run a bunch of Cisco 6630 cameras I picked up (I know I know, but at <20$/camera....)

    I looked at a few like ZoneMinder and Frigate but they all seem to only support basic HTTP auth and I spent a lot of time and effort getting Authentik working nice and smooth and dammit I want to use it for everything I can lol

    Just "classic" LDAP is fine too, at least it's still using some part of my central authentication infra lmao

    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    I have more in the archives, 200,000 are ready with a million more on the way
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Hi everyone, please take your shoes off at the door
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Soon my precious will be here!
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    What's you best "order mistake" story? 🍕🌮🍟
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Gotta make sure everything is up to code
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    It's the worst blegh
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Normalize High Quality Memes!
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