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Facebook algorithm wont show you anything related to the ongoing Israeli genocide on Palestine, unless you directly follow creators that speak out on the issue
  • That would be ideal, but that will most likely not be the case for a while since Meta owns both FB and Instagram, but I agree with you that we shouldn’t be using bourgeoisie run platforms.

    Edit: However, since many people are using it now, might as well let’s make them aware that they will not be getting any left wing political contents in their feeds unless they directly follow the creators.

    But then again, I agree with you on the sense that bourgeoisie run social media is garbage

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    Ideas for a federated anime tracker
  • Oh I see. Yeah, I never bothered inputting many since the website doesn’t give me any recommendations based on my data so I just ended up inputting everything on the TV Time app.

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    I just finished watching it and wow, I loved it! Can’t wait for season 2 to come out!

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