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I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war - Lemmy.World I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war - Lemmy.World

What I have learned: * Russia has already won the Ukraine war * Which NATO started * A lot of people in the West think that Ukraine should surrender * Also Ukraine was the world’s main provider of CSAM * Also Ukraine is exploited by the West but if they can unite with Russia then their economy and e...

I am genuinely confused by hexbear's opinion on the Ukraine war - Lemmy.World

I am genuinely confused by hexbear too

Is it a site for queer people or for beanis lovers?


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  • You can block them [hexbears], but there are tons of them that have accounts- and post regularly in the political communities.

    You’ll know them when you see them.


    • You’ll know them when you see them.

      Yeah you can tell they're Hexbears by their correct opinions and by the fact they don't need to make up lies about the people they don't like online.

      • The complaints that are like "those tankie assholes. You can always tell it's them because they rbrigade the thread and all post reasonable seeming sources that support their authoritarian tankie bullshit" are my fav bc yes, reality does have a well known tankie bias so nice of you to notice!

    • Hexbear is gangstalking me. You can tell because any time I shit my pants it was actually Hexbear disinfomat on my phone which subliminally said "shit your pants if you love your country" and I fell for it again.

    • You’ll know them when you see them.


      Many of them look like this.

    • It's actually illegal to have an account on more then one website. I gave up my bank account to be here.

    • im unironically convinced that basically all the people who subjected themselves to lemmy world voluntarily and like argue in the threads and stuff arent like long time hexbear users at all really, idk. whenever i peak in at them arguing with liberals on my blahaj alt that i normally just stick to local on it just has a completely different vibe from hexbear. i think most of them are just people who found out about hexbear from libs who thought our whole thing was trolling or whatever and they just wanted to have endless internet fights about dumb shit.

      also i almost never see the people they all accuse of being hexbear users brigading ever comment on here

      idk, ive got a headache so idk if any if that came out clear but basically its just lemmitors arguing with marginally less bad other lemmitors with reddit debate bro brainworms all on and then accusing everyone that they dont agree with of being a secret hexbear or whatever. They've just got hexbear-specter haunting the brain

      • Hexbear brigades Lemmyworld constantly, with all of the posts we make on Lemmyworld, which are things we can actually do, because we are federated with Lemmyworld, and always have been, and always will be.

        • cant imagine caring about lemmyworld enough to make a fucking alt account to their shitbox. I get enough liberalism while existing outside the internet, thanks.

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