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r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • rah got banned. We'll unfortunately never hear their (no doubt incredible) thoughts on fascism and communism

  • r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • I admit it never even so much as crossed my mind that someone on the internet (and specifically commenting all over this thread) might not understand that the phrase "new york crimes" refers to the NYT. So one point to you I suppose.

    This probably also explains why you're confused in the subthread where someone told you this isn't the first time recently you've defended reddit-logo You probably think they're actually talking about the website actually called Stormfront. They're not. They're talking about reddit, which you did, in fact, defend not 20 hours ago.

  • r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • I gotta ask, are you incapable of reading or are you unwilling to read? Because DivineChaos100 responded to you with two links to NYT articles about this issue, in this comment, which was posted before CarmineCatboy2 asked you to comment on those NYT articles. And yet, you're here acting as though this didn't happen. But I can read and I understand what time stamps are, so I know that you have been shown evidence that the NYT believes similar things to the r/Collapse subreddit before this comment where you pretend such a thing never happened.

    So I'll repeat CarmineCatboy2's question to you, and maybe you'll answer it this time: Were you surprised to discover that the new york crimes echoes the same ecofascist genocidal sentiments that we see on reddit?

  • Anti-China posters are having a normal one...
  • So the weirdo you're quoting is angry that parents can't pay for private after school tutors for their kids and also their kids can't play videogames all day every day. But then the weirdo you're quoting says: "No fun allowed. No studying allowed. Only CCP school teachings. Afterschool is for CCP homework and restudying Xi JinPing thought". And I think that's a weird jump in logic, isn't it? "No fun allowed", "Afterschool is for CCP homework", but China is surely not banning hanging out with friends, which is one of the main sources of fun I enjoyed when I was a kid. It looks to me like Xi is mandating that kids touch some grass, not that they become little communist robots.

    Videogames aren't the only source of fun I guess is what I'm saying.

  • Off the top of your head your most hated vidja game boss.
  • I'm one of the few weirdos who actually loves Demon of Hatred. For whatever reason his tells are just so much more legible to me than just about any other Sekiro boss and I like the rhythm of the fight. Also, you can parry him a surprising amount! Parrying his stomps feels awesome once you figure out the timing. He definitely has some really, really bullshit moves, but I've found that if you're right up in his crotch he almost never uses the extreme bullshit moves. It's still a very long fight and when you die halfway through his third health bar it fucking suuuuucks, but I dunno, overall I really like the fight!

  • NSFW
    Support the troops
  • It doesn't look ai generated to me. All the dinosaur back plates are where they should be, the hands we can see look reasonable, there's no eldritch horror of mushed together background pieces the computer hallucinated. I have no idea where this image comes from, but I'm fairly confident it isn't ai

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 15th to April 21st, 2024 - Between The Darkness And The Dawn, There Rises A Red Star
  • I wish cis people understood anything about anything. The number of people who seem to think that trans kids skip puberty entirely is really disappointing. I literally don't understand where this idea comes from.

  • High-level political discussion taking place on r/fuckcarscirclejerk
  • Nope, this is too many layers for me. I'm with you that reddit sucks, but jesus, let me get this straight, we're 5 layers of subtweet deep. I can't do it. That's too online for me.

  • I told you, I only scrub my dishes with the male gendered sponge
  • Right?! It's got a normal sponge on the other side! You get a two for one with that one!

    (I do actually hate scrub daddy's, because boy howdy are they microplastic generators! They fall apart immediately, and it sucks quite a bit. I've stopped buying them because of how quickly they fall apart and just turn into horrible little bits of microplastic.)

  • Please do not approach Hasan IRL and criticize him for breaking the boycotts he promotes, leftist thought leaders are allowed to be hypocrites and consume whatever treats they want.
  • The only posts worth posting are ones that will piss off at least half of the people reading them, completely unironically.

    I specifically like hexbear because (except for the dunk tank) it isn't like this. Hot take, but I sometimes like to read stuff that won't piss me off. Please don't post only to troll, that shit suuuuuucks

  • Economic explanation for piracy and the prisoner's dilemma
  • But what if we grow? What if more people pirate?

    Good. Unlimited piracy on media and software corporations.

    I'm a communist first and foremost. Private property is wrong in all its forms, this wrongness is just most obvious when talking about intellectual property, because intellectual property can be easily copied and isn't something physical like the tools in a factory. Of course corporations will always try to clamp down on piracy, they've been trying to do so my entire adult life. It doesn't really matter how many pirates there are, because corporations don't just want money, they want all the money. If even one person pirates, corporations will try to make piracy difficult.

    I guess I fundamentally disagree with your statement that "The world can handle a stable population of pirates." I don't think that's a meaningful statement. It's not like there's some "carrying capacity" for piracy after which point the intellectual property ecosystem will tip out of equilibrium and cause pirates to become an endangered species.

  • Economic explanation for piracy and the prisoner's dilemma
  • Nah, it's way easier than that: pirate everything, give as much money as you can afford to small creators. Intellectual property is a fuck and the vast majority of any money you pay for media goes directly into the pockets of wealthy executives, not to the people who actually make the media you enjoy.

  • Now gesture control is available in select countries. Control your people with version 3.0
  • It really isn't. One and three aren't even the same gestures and two is such a common gesture, I've done it this week. It's literally yells-at-cloud

  • PSA: it's about the time when US election hysteria kicks into high gear.
  • Thanks for the response, legitimately. I haven't done enough reading and thinking to have a principled position on sex work. I really don't know where I stand. I really should read more about and by sex workers, because these issues are indeed important.

    I do want to say that I haven't actually seen leftists wanting prostitution for the same reasons as incels. I'm not saying this doesn't happen, I'm sure it does in some circles and I'm certainly not trying to cast doubt on your assertions that you've seen it. I believe you have. But I haven't, not from people I'd class as reasonable leftists. Part of this, of course, is I just don't go out in public much or talk to very many people, and when I do, the topic of sex work doesn't come up. So you and I have very different experiences with the types of people we've seen defend sex work, and I think that difference is relevant here. I think I'm much more likely than you to assume that someone I see arguing a pro-sex-work position is doing so not because they're reactionary or misogynist, but actually from a place of genuine feminism. Because those are the kinds of defenses I've seen most often, including in this very thread. Also, and this is a small thing, but unless I've missed someone, none of the people talking to you about sex work in this thread are cis men. So yeah, this thread is a total exception to the general rule that people defending sex work are mostly cis men.

    Another very small thing I disliked about the first comment of yours I responded to is the line "Orgasms do not increase productive forces." I don't believe labor must necessarily exist for the sole purpose of increasing productive forces. Art, conversation, hell, even cooking a nice meal are all examples of labor that doesn't increase productive forces. So to say that sex work is bad because orgasms are unnecessary, well, I just don't think that follows. I don't really see how that argument is any different to the argument that says a barista isn't really a worker just because they're not producing something.

    Ultimately, I don't know if this conversation is worth continuing much longer. I haven't done enough thinking and reading to say anything beyond what I've said, so I think I'll probably bow out here. I mostly commented to point out the unfortunate reality that so many people on the internet make the (shitty, sexist) assumption that everyone they're interacting with is a straight man. And I want that assumption to die already. I admit I did slightly misread your initial comment and I see now that you weren't exactly making that assumption, I just read my own shit into what you were saying. You're also proudly ML (I can't fault you for that), but since I'm coming from hexbear, the fairly extreme anti-anarchist sentiment in your first paragraph was a bit off-putting. But hey, that's fine, this thread is on lemmygrad, not hexbear.

    Sorry, much of this response is me trying to work through what I found off-putting about your initial comment. There's likely not a lot worth engaging with here. Still, I'm going to post it because I've spent 10 minutes writing it. (I need to stop procrastinating the actual work I need to be doing today! Life is hard!)

  • PSA: it's about the time when US election hysteria kicks into high gear.
  • I've been marinating on your response here. There's something off about it that I'm having trouble putting words to. I think maybe the "offness" that I'm sensing is that your comment sort of treats men as humans and everyone else as potential trafficking victims. I don't think you meant to do this, I suspect (hope) you don't actually believe that non-men are not human in the same way men are, but this comment of yours still kind of reads like that.

    For instance, you end it with the following line:

    Fix your attitude toward women, and get a girlfriend, ya horny losers.

    This line really rankles, for two reasons. One, there are women who have read your comment and it just feels weird to tell a woman, especially a marxist woman, to fix her views toward women. Two, there are people who have read your comment who don't want a girlfriend, because they're not into women, because they have a long-term partner already and are monogamous, or because they're ace or aromantic. (Probably other reasons too.) And yet, here you are, implicitly acting like everyone reading your comment is a straight man. But we aren't. I'm not. The people arguing with you in this thread about sex work aren't. You've made an incorrect (and sexist) assumption about the people reading your comment.

  • Lemmy's Image Problem (Updated 02-06-2024)
  • I love lemmy, having been here since the very earliest hexbear days. In my view, the devs are doing the best they can. They're a tiny team surviving on grants, trying to produce software that the users, for some reason, expect to have feature parity with reddit, a large corporation with a large paid dev team. It's weird to say the least.

    My understanding is that nutomic and dessalines survive solely on that 4000 euros per month, because all of their time goes to lemmy. How do you want them to survive? They need to eat and pay rent, you know. The real world exists and they're humans in it, needing food and sleep and shelter.

    It seems to me you want magic. You don't want the lemmy devs to be humans, you want them to be magic coder gods who are infinitely patient, with boundless time and energy. But that's completely unrealistic, you surely must see that, right?

  • You are within your rights...
  • Voting in Cuba is pointless for national elections. It’s a one-party state so each candidate runs unopposed in their district. One-party states are bad. There is nothing the U.S. can learn from voting in Cuba, it is one of the least democratic countries in Latin America.

    Ok, thanks for telling me who you are! I can now comfortably join the group of people telling you to fuck off back to reddit.


  • You are within your rights...
  • Do you ever think about the reasons why voter turnout is so low here? Consider, by comparison, Cuba, which has over 90% voter turnout. What is different there to here? Why do so many more people (percentage-wise) vote in Cuba than in the US?

    Instead of spending your time in here getting insulted (which is what is going to happen if you keep commenting in this thread), you might instead go research voting in Cuba. Try to answer for yourself why their voter turnout is so high. Then ask yourself if we here in the US can learn something from the way Cuba does politics.

    Or you can stay here and get dunked on. You do you.

  • So about Papers Please

    I've always heard this is a super good game and I finally started playing it and I enjoyed the first little bit (heavily eyerolling at the, uh, "evil soviet" aesthetics), but that was ok, not enough to ruin it for me.

    And then the day rolled around when you have to use a scanner on people. It's basically a creepier version of the TSA body scanners, and I must say I'm really not into that. Also, and this could have just been RNG, but all except one of the people I was supposed to scan were women, and I found that a bit off-putting, honestly. But anyway, I finished the day, and was like, well, maybe I'll get used to this, it's only a game, these aren't real people I'm creeping on.

    But then, the next day, the second person to come up to my window "looked like a man", but their passport said their sex was female. Now on an earlier day, I had gotten a violation for mismatched sex marker, which should have been a hint I was going to be in for a bad time later.

    Well, the bad time was here, because I decided to flag the sex marker discrepancy, and wouldn't you know it, the option to scan them came up. So I guess I get to decide on whether someone's sex marker is correct based on their genitals.

    I quit the game right then and there. I'd like to ask all of you whether you've played it, and whether it's worth pushing through this very serious discomfort I feel. I'm a little worried that all the "tough moral choices" are just going to feel contrived and shitty, what with the "evil soviet" aesthetic and the pretty massive oversight on gender. Not to mention we've already an as introduction to a plot about a brothel, which I'm kind of also not into, unless it's done well, but at this point, I don't trust the game to do it well.

    So what do you think? Anyone played it? Is it actually worth playing?
