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Goodbye to Instagram, TikTok, “X,” and a Bunch of Other Garbage
  • It's the algorithmic feed nonsense. At least YouTube lets me look up what I want to see, not roll the dice training an algorithm to not give me skimpily clad teenagers dancing badly, which is apparently the default. I'm here for zoo animals getting enrichment and woodworking content alone

  • Keter level cognitohazard

    Neither of the demons on stage is described by the demon who posted that

    From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • I was at scrabble level 4-5 in the first forge you can reach and landing crits non-stop, using eleonora's poleblade since it combos with the Ranah outfit buff, and I think they're just crazy resistant to fire and piercing. Might try again with the dragon Hunter katana I levelled to kill the lightning dragon in the pool before Bayle

  • From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • Honestly wish they'd drop the pvp entirely. It's a tiny fraction of the player base and they're unbelievably toxic even for souls gamers. The Seamless Coop mod dev got death threats because it removes the possibility of pvp invaders and thus reduces their potential victim pool

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • They innovated having every system on the same wiring to save on materials and labor installing a proper wiring harness where subsystems are isolated so failures in one don't cascade to others. In this case the blown fuse is probably affecting five or six other systems downline.

  • They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • They've probably fingerprinted your machine so proxying won't really work. If you're using chrome you've basically given the whole game away about your web identity to Google. Same deal if it's an android since the native browser is chrome

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • Death to America means the termination of the imperialist, colonialist, capitalist socioeconomic structures that sit between Canada and Mexico, not the literal killing of its people. The State of America is that of an emotionless machine that turns human potential and bodies into numbers on a spreadsheet from which dollars may be extracted. The Nation of America is the people that live inside that machine and are in part its imperial beneficiaries but are mostly its marginally luckier victims. We want to destroy the machine.

  • There's some new icons in the world of adult animated comedy
  • Sure, but all that shit the chuds want to like, like Lady Ballers or this Twitter Norm show, it's basically devoid of value and only gets watched out of spite. They want legitimacy and cultural impact but chud media simply doesn't have the ability to do that because it rejects having any humanity. It's media made out of spite, they'll pump the numbers to make it look like a win, spitefully, and it'll go into the memory hole a month later having done nothing. South Park, while being crass and artless is at the very least enduring, and it believes everything they do too.

  • "Just got 10 years deferred felony probation for THC" - a harrowing glimpse at the prison-industrial complex

    The post title is a hyperlink btw

    This is one of the more upsetting redditor stories I've run into and it's not even that bad for the storyteller. The monstrosity of the system is its purpose, from being forced to call a hotline every day to find out if you're being randomly tested that day or violate parole, to being able to pay off your community service hours, to being told you have to spend time in prison but it can just be nights on the weekends all underscores that the cruelty is the point.

    Trump ranked worst president in history by experts

    Worse than Buchanan, worse than Jackson, worse than Nixon, worse than Reagan

    Landleeches throw party to celebrate being allowed to evict tenants again, fight breaks out Fights erupt at eviction party thrown by Berkeley landlords

    A party thrown by the Berkeley Property Owners Association on Tuesday resulted in multiple physical altercations between landlords and protesters.

    Fights erupt at eviction party thrown by Berkeley landlords
    What the hell does Ted Lasso have to do with fascism

    I don't watch HBO or whatever it's hosted on and !black-mold-futures seems to hate it, and I'm barely online enough to understand half of what they spew into the air

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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