Wait, are you meaning to say that "I just mean it as a general term for ignorant motherfucker" was ANOTHER thing from The Boondocks that I had just assumed was a joke satirizing race relations, but was in actuality a 1:1 recreation of something that real people actually do?
To be clear, I'm quoting the season 1 episode in which Riley, Ed Wuncler III and Gin Rummy try to kidnap Oprah but accidentally kidnap Maya Angelou instead.
Must be confusing it with the thugnifficent episode. Either way. yah, that happened all the time in the 90s and frequently on conservative radio talk shows.
The f-slur just means a lame person. It has nothing to do with gay people! proceeds to call the next effeminate man he sees that word
The b-word isn't misogynistic. I use it as a gender-neutral insult! proceeds to casually refer to women with this term in conversation instead of just saying "women"
and let's not forget
The r-slur isn't ableist! That's just what I call everyone who pisses me off while gaming! makes this the first thing he says when he sees a person with an intellectual disability
Anyone who doesn't mind using these words in these so-called """"non-bigoted"""" contexts most likely will not mind using it to be bigoted.