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Ezra Klein's " Seven Theories for Why Biden is Losing" - guess what's not one of them
  • But I thought a vote for Harris isn't a vote for Biden, and is therefore a vote for Trump?

  • Very nuanced issue
  • What is it you don't have an opinion on?

  • Also, you need to mask. #n95gang
  • So you're saying I have a chance? πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ

  • The United States be like, "Who are you voting for?"
  • A vote for Bofa is a vote for Trump

  • Here's to the state of AmeriKKKa
  • But if trump was elected somehow things would be worse. Somehow.

  • First job interview in a few months is tomorrow morning, requesting the best of vibes
  • Think it went really well! Hoping to hear back by the end of the week

  • First job interview in a few months is tomorrow morning, requesting the best of vibes
  • It's a bit of a step down from where I was prior, but I think that works to my advantage - got to hammer on how I've got experience with startups that grew to billion dollar companies, they're hiring a number of people for this particular team, and they wanna move fast. Overall, I think it went swimmingly! Thanks for checking in! Fingers crossed I hear back in the next few days.

  • Mao had the correct position on the landlord question
  • 3k is a steal! What's the application fee?

  • I get Crimson King from the Dark Tower vibes from this
  • Charles making a deal with the godhand

  • First job interview in a few months is tomorrow morning, requesting the best of vibes

    Widened my search even more this past weekend, and it seems like it paid off! Another tech job, but one that I could temporarily get behind until I'm back on my feet. Just a phone interview, but gonna go read over the description so I know what to hammer on.

    I don't reckon anyone in the US has 2 guitar speakers laying around?

    Could use some to fill an empty 2x12. Have a spare Man O War, but only one.

    Holler at me if you're looking to move them!

    Pretty sure cover letters are just smut for HR to get off to

    Oh yes, im an EXPERIENCED worker who would LOVE to have a POSITION with you. I'd do ANYTHING for a...JOB ;) ;) ;)

    Fuck off outta here with that shit, my resume says everything you need to know, I wouldn't give it to you if I didnt wanna work

    Unemployment almost out, at the end of my rope. What remote jobs are out there?

    Obviously I've been hitting up LinkedIn, Indeed, and all that for remote jobs that fit my tech background. Also have been trying to get into nonprofit work as thats much more my speed, but here we are.

    I've got about a month of unemployment left, and since getting let go in September, I've only had 3 interviews.

    A few Hexbears have pointed me to this site for remote work:

    But unfortunately, over a week after setting up my profile there, no work has been kicked my way.

    Anything similar out there I can use to help myself out here?

    Thanks comrades !07

    Field report - Pro Palestine student encampment

    Just dropped off some supplies to one of the local student encampments in the area. Lots of people extending solidarity. The pro Israel side across the campus was much smaller, and just singing along to Matisyahu songs.

    Lots of anti zionist sentiment in my area. If you're able to, definitely get out there for a while, or drop off some toiletries and other general use protest things!


    Be me, an HR wizard

    > go to post a job

    > mark it down as a remote job

    > "ha ha! You actually have to live in Alaska for this!"

    I am a good HR wizard

    Smdh fuckin call me Ahab cause all HR are bastards

    Frank Turner - Haven't Been Doing So Well [pop rock]

    Ha ha I need a fucking job

    ITT, Corgi talks about guitar amps again

    So, had to sell my Sunn Model T clone today. Made enough to cover rent, meds, and pick up a replacement head!

    "But corg, you play in a super dummy thicc doomnoise band, why sell such a fitting amp?"

    Well, a number of reasons. It was an NVM build, so it was TOUGH to get it sounding good without overpowering the Matamp through its 2x15. What's more, is there was no effects loop to put a preamp on it.

    Grabbed a brand new Hiwatt Super Leeds 150 with the money I had left over. Solid State, but have heard nothing but great things about the Crunch series, which this is an update of. Cool nerd thing - seems like there's only a handful of these in Canada, none in the states, guess Hiwatt only got one shipment over here since these just came out this month.

    Hiwatt has an MV, on top of a direct out for recording. Fuck yeah.

    Aight that's all.

    Didn't get that nonprofit job. Fucking bummed.

    Goddamnit. Have a tech company interview lined up on friday, but still. I was so goddamn excited about this.

    We make jokes about it, but who is in your ACTUAL nightmare blunt rotation?

    3 other people including you (4 total). Has to be names people would recognize (so no 'that one guy Chris from work').

    I'd probably go:

    Matt Walsh

    Sebastian Gorka

    Hillary Clinton

    Please note that I only spent a minute thinking about this.

    corgiwithalaptop corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]

    I dont know shit about fuck I'm just a corgi with a laptop

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