Who/what are racists according to UK protests? Why are they protesting?
I don't know shit about politics. All I know is that in the UK the Labour party won, and the Conservative party lost.
I read some protestors are protesting against racism. What is this about? Protesting against new party that just won? I thought the Labour party was left-wing, meaning they are more on the social-equality side? I'm lost.
Some questions for you as well. Do you agree or disagree there have been more riots in the last few weeks, than the preceding 5 years? This is the topic of discussion I stated at the start. If you don’t want to compare to the last five years, what time period would you pick instead?
“uhhh” - what problem do you have with my initial statement? Do you have any response beyond “uhh”. Would you like to explain your thoughts on the topic?
“Why 5 years” - as a general timeframe to discuss. I am not talking about all of history. Pick 10 years. Pick the time since conservatives took over. Pick the time labour was in power before that. Its arbitrary to allow for a focused discussion
“Why should I pick a date” - because you are replying “why” to every comment. So you decide what time period you want to discuss.
I wasn't asking why 5 years, I was asking why you're saying the violence has ramped up compared to any time period at all? Why are you comparing to a time period?
I wont bother replying after this unless you actually engage in the topic of discussion rather than constantly challenging the topic.
If you have a problem with the topic, then like I have repeatedly said, suggest a different frame of reference.
There has been more right wing violence (you know, the riots going on across the country?) than in the last x amount of years. More than the last 5 years. 10 years. 25 years.
What other right wing violence at the scale of the current riots and violence has there been? If you disagree then share an example.
Stop being obtuse.
Why are you comparing to a time period
What other comparison is there? suggest a different comparison if you have a problem with … comparing today to historical events?