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UK government responds to Stop Killing Games campaign
  • Petition: "Please prevent this shitty behaviour?"

    Government: "There's nothing in law preventing this shitty behaviour."

    "Yes, we're asking you to change the law you dipshits!"

    Our government is just an appalling joke at this point.

  • Introducing "Active Community Members"
  • This is essentially just about gitlab privileges. It seems like you're making a big deal about nothing. Calling a particular category of privilege holders a "team" seems excessive, possibly even deluded. Likewise, describing the collection of different gitlab privilege roles as an "organisational structure" seems silly.

  • Light Saber | Transportation Security Administration Light Saber | Transportation Security Administration

    Sadly, the technology doesn't currently exist to create a real lightsaber. However, you can pack a toy lightsaber in your carry-on or checked bag. May the force be with you.

    "Carry On Bags: Yes

    Checked Bags: Yes

    Sadly, the technology doesn't currently exist to create a real lightsaber. However, you can pack a toy lightsaber in your carry-on or checked bag. May the force be with you."

    NHS charter to stress biological sex when placing patients in wards
  • make trans people more likely to receive incompetent care or no care at all

    I don't follow; why does placing transgender people in wards according to their sex mean they're more likely to receive incompetent care or no care at all?

  • Anyone else noticed an increase in smelly people?

    Over the past few years, I've noticed an increase in the number of smelly people out and about. In particular, it seems like there's been a sharp increase in the number of people unable to clean themselves properly after going to the toilet.

    This increase has been since at least lockdowns ended. It used to be that maybe once in a while there'd be the odd person you'd turn away from or maybe one regular grumpy post office customer who always stank but now it seems like every time I go out there's a minimum of one random person who is utterly offensive and either doesn't realise or doesn't care.

    It makes sense to me that people who live alone would become more lax in their personal hygiene during lockdown. Perhaps it was always this way and I'm being retro-romantic about pre-lockdown times. Perhaps it's because I shop at Asda, I don't know.

    Has anyone else noticed an increase in smelly people in the past few years?

    Edit: bewildered by the downvotes.

    Upgrade Lemmy on to be able to export data?

    Is it possible to upgrade to the latest release of Lemmy so that we can make use of this patch to export user account data?

    Long-running Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales closes visitor centre with immediate effect Long-running Welsh tourist attraction closes with immediate effect

    Even though the site has tens of thousands of visitors a year, including many school trips, visitor numbers have dropped since the Covid pandemic

    Long-running Welsh tourist attraction closes with immediate effect
    Why does scrolling to the bottom of the main feed sometimes load more posts and sometimes doesn't?

    Usually when I'm scrolling, the feed will have posts added to the bottom. Sometimes however, I'll get to the bottom of the feed and there are no more posts. Sometimes if I drag up the posts up, more posts will then appear. Sometimes if I scroll up a bit and then back down, more posts will appear. However, sometimes neither scrolling up a bit and then back down nor dragging the posts up makes more posts appear.

    How is this supposed to work? Why do more posts sometimes not appear? It's quite infuriating. And what makes it more infuriating is not understanding what the program is supposed to be doing.


    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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