In case you didn't get it, I'm joking. I neither want minor miners nor a fascist as president. Luckily for me, I don't live in the US but in a country that already had a fascist dictatorship and puts alot of emphasis in education on preventing from this happening ever again. Sadly, we nevertheless have a fascist party in parliament
My bad, I didn't see the joke for what it was. I'm US based and I'm trying to not be stressed given we have a chance of dealing with fucking Donald Trump again. I do wish we'd do more to teach about how bad fascism truly is, but at least I get to understand given my heritage.
Also: The plague wasn't cause by him, it was world wide and he just handled it poorly. And as much as it hurts me to defend him but the vacation program Biden took credit for was initiated by him.
While you are correct that he didn't directly cause it, his actions allowed it to become as bad as it was. Had he been less of a piece of shit about it, it's quite possible that it could have been limited and had a much smaller impact so I feel fine with my previous statement as is.
For context, consider how the ebola outbreak was handled under Obama. As soon as we became aware of it, we had teams going directly to the outbreak sites and dealing with the problem. There was no "shelter in place" in the states, no global pandemic. Contrast that to covid-19 which people on 4chan were posting about before oompa loompa decided to give a shit.
Wait so you believe because he worsened it that he indirectly caused it? I don't like him at all, but are you serious? The pandemic was inevitable, the death toll wasn't.
I believe that if America has been more proactive, we could have either limited or delayed the infection. As I remember it, the infection spread from Asia to America and hit Europe after us on the East Coast, at least that what I remember hearing from the reports.
So yes, if we had been more proactive and developed a response much more in line with the Ebola outbreak, i believe it could have been delayed or lessened.
I tried to point out how US centric your argument was. You could also compare different nations' reaction to covid like Australia attempt to cut them of and let no one in and out which came with problems on their own (and was easier there than it would be for the US) or New Zealand's 0-covid strategy which also comes with problems (not to mention the various European countries which would be closer to me but you made a point to exclude them). But sure, compare it to a far less contagious virus (Ebola has an R0 value of 1.8 (vs 2-4 with covid) and is transmitted by body fluids vs air) because the US is the only place on earth.
I still don't see any value in this comment. Do you think he could have prevented the spreading across the US? That's not how (global) pandemics work. They will find their way. They did in all countries. Once it's global, you can't just build the fence higher. And do you really think that Ebola is more infectious tha covid? And why did you insist on using the word "global" in your last sentence? I really trying to get how "he handled it poorly" wasn't enough for you. What is the difference for you?