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Nintendo DMCA Notice Wipes Out 8,535 Yuzu Repos, Mig Switch Also Targeted.
  • And if Nintendo has its way (which they did this go round) they won't have to. They got what they wanted and they're not having to spend ridiculous amounts of money (that there's basically no way to re-coup) on litigation. They sued a guy who can never pay them back what the court says he owes them. I doubt they want to go through that again. Easier to just for arbitrate the proceedings.

  • What’s happening at Tesla? Here’s what experts think.
  • GM made an electric car in 1996 (the EV1). It even has a random cult following to this day. Tesla's original founders sort of re-jumpstarted the electric car with new branding but we've been making electric cars for a long time. Range, cost, and infrastructure is what held us back not competition. Now we have the infrastructure (which I will say is what Tesla has largely given us, and what should be the way forward for their business model). The Nissan Leaf was the best selling electric vehicle of all time when Tesla launched the roadster (that same year). The problem really is that most car companies are bad at marketing electric cars to this day. In 2012 Ford launched an all electric Ford Focus. Just about nobody knew about it.

    He did not start the entire thing and I'm sick of hearing people say that. He took a company from other people and ran it into the ground both by hemorrhaging money and with poorer and poorer build quality and I am quite literally sick of his face.

  • Google Play Store is rolling out a new badge for government-made apps
  • Depends on who you are probably. But a poor person who's only access to the Internet is via smart phone might beg to differ. This also might matter if you do taxes on paper rather than using an online service (paid or free). When you file digitally and supply a bank account you absolutely will receive a tax return pretty expediently unless you get audited. But if you file a paper tax return by snail mail and are expecting a check? Different story. What if they never received your return? What if it was lost in the mail? What if the check gets lost in the mail?

  • Nintendo DMCA Notice Wipes Out 8,535 Yuzu Repos, Mig Switch Also Targeted.
  • Here's the thing. The creators of Yuzu folded which is a win as far as Nintendo is concerned and a loss for everyone else who uses the yuzu emulators. Your semantics about the situation aren't helping. All I did was supply a link to a news story that was already available on Lemmy on literally the technology community. This has already been hashed out.

  • Google lays off hundreds of 'Core' employees, moves some positions to India and Mexico
  • This assumes that they aren't hiring the CEO to be the fall guy. Someone who's job is largely (as things stand now) meant to take on the risk that if the company does not increase profits or make shareholders happy, they will blame and fire that person and hire someone else.

    Snce a lot of CEOs kind of bet on this they take ridiculous chances (like getting paid in stock options that only mature at a certain point with the knowledge that they need to make stock options valuable so they can cash out(.

    Valuable doesn't have to be long term. It just has to last long enough for the person in question to cash out.

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    Monthly discussion thread (May 2024)
  • I downloaded the Rubik's cube official guide and did the solve so often that I have just learned how to manipulate the cube from muscle memory. If asked to explain how to solve one I would not be able to. But if you hand me a cube I can do the necessary moves to solve it.

  • Deleted
    The people who made Scrunchies understand this concept better than trash bag manufacturers.
  • I recommend some clips. The kind used to hang laundry. I believe that trashcan comes with a swiveling lid not pictured here and if the bag is installed properly the lid will hold it in place. But if you don't have the lid (they're not made of a particularly durable material or to a durable design spec), the clips do work.

  • A Novel Approach to Youtube Ads Clever workaround speeds YouTube ads up instead of blocking them [Video]

    A super clever workaround for YouTube's crackdown on ad blockers sees YouTube ads sped up dramatically instead of blocking them.

    Clever workaround speeds YouTube ads up instead of blocking them [Video]

    Instead of blocking them, this extension speeds them up to x16 and also mutes the ad. Experiencing a 30 second ad in 2 seconds is pretty funny. And it works on Edge and Chrome.

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