Can't argue with the logic
Because it's beyond reasoning
I love these etymologies where it's just "this word comes from a similar sounding word with the same meaning." Who would have guessed.
Me. I would have guessed.
"Your mom is so old, she could be your parent!"
Ich hab als Kind immer "zurücksprudeln" gesagt und alle fanden das ganz süß
True, 49 million years is perfect but that's where I draw the line
My grandmother often gave us birthday cards with the age we had before. At some point she switched to generic cards with a number on it but a question mark would have done too
"This is my step ladder.
I never knew my real ladder."
There is no excuse for coming naked to a kids Halloween party
I'm thinking art and well, you could argue they often represent the concept of death which is close enough
How can you forget about dead people when skeletons represent dead people in the first place?
Which appears white on black cars and black on white cars. You figured out their trick
Das ist aus der Zeit, als es Samstag 20:15 war. Das kann man sich gar nicht mehr vorstellen! Mittlerweile ist es ja nach Mitternacht. Erinnert ihr euch noch, was ihr damals gemacht habt?