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‼️‼️Hexbear Agitprop U.S. election response/commentary resource post‼️‼️

YOU are speaking!

Have you made any poignant commentary on the recent election in the U.S.? Do you have a good response to liberals who are upset with the results or process of the election? Have you written or seen something as a comment reply/post that you think has standalone value? Did you see a new take or analysis you hadn’t previously considered?

Whether it’s a long idea with lots of context, or a short and sweet one liner, we want those thoughts aggregated here. This post is intended to be a resource for comrades to draw from when having actual discussions outside of Hexbear both online or IRL regarding the election.

Consider this a mini-effortpost aggregator. This is not for shitposts, but humor is completely acceptable if it helps make the point.

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  • This should be a signal for american liberals that the democratic party is not a viable option anymore. Look at what happened, a total defeat, the republicans control both the house and senate in addition to having elected someone who according to your own law is a convicted felon.

    Do you still want to cling to the democratic party as it keeps on recycling the same impotent strategy over and over again magically expecting a different result?

    • Losing the popular vote should be a real wake up call. Hundreds of millions of dollars spent to win over moderate voters and republicans, and they turned out for Trump in even larger numbers than before. The working class has been so deeply gouged that you can no longer keep offering nothing and expect to be even competitive.

      This Democratic Party and its electoral “strategy” are beyond cooked. It’s crazy to think that the election numbers Democrats are seeing are receiving a GENEROUS boost from abortion rights being on the ballot, the incumbent boost, and several very important down ballot races.

      • "ah but what if we blamed the failure on latino sexism?" —liberals right now

        • “We have to have a serious discussion about [NON-WHITE DEMOGRAPHIC that voted for the Democratic Party at a higher rate than any single white demographic] and how they cost [deeply flawed, unelected, unpopular candidate] the election.”

          • EDIT: nevermind (I was gonna say tagline but this one is too easily interpretable as unironically racist for newcomers imo)

      • tbf they had half an incumbent boost, they should have run Biden and then had him step down, or had him step down earlier so she could run a full campaign.

        • AFAIK there is no proof of this, but it seems obvious to me they deliberately left Biden in to avoid holding a primary election. The man had obvious cognitive issues back in 2020. They knew he was out to lunch the whole time. When you have a competitive primary, candidates actually have to start working with constituencies and organizations, granting concession (or simply making promises) in return for support.

          What we saw in this "election" cycle is what happens when a candidate makes it on to the general election ballot with no prior commitments to their constituents whatsoever. Every aspect of the incoming administration was for sale. The entire campaign was targeted at gathering "donations."

    • The dude is a criminal, an Epstein associate, a creep, an absolute loser and a nepobaby failure of a businessman who is a clown that just says the first thing that pops into his head and makes decisions based on whatever the last thing was told to him in a flattering or convincing way.

      And the democrats lost to that. Twice.

      Nearly three times if not for the fact that people were desperate for respite from him and they got sold on the Obama-era myth of promising progress and change that, shockingly, went unfulfilled once again.

      Anyone could have tripped him up in a debate by making reference to the importance of reading to a president and saying that there should be a mandatory test for literacy before someone becomes president so they can fulfill their duties. You could have gone for a one-two punch and followed that up by saying that you don't believe that literacy is a barrier to being successful in life because even if you are illiterate you can still inheret your father's fortune and run crypto scams, although it does limit your ability to star on TV unless of course you go for the bottom of the barrel reality TV shows where scripts are little more than a suggestion, but you still believe that it's important for a president to be able to read.

      Trump is so unhinged and incapable of managing his emotions that saying something like that to him would make him so infuriated that he wouldn't possibly be able to think clearly after that point. Sure, it wouldn't win you any points with his diehard supporters but I can tell you that at least half of the American population would love to have seen Trump getting publicly dunked on so hard that he became a bumbling fool for the rest of a debate, plenty of conservatives included. It brings me no joy to say it but something like that would be a media coup that would win over so many undecided voters where policy and voting records would not.

      But Kamala suffered a resounding defeat at the hands of that buffoon.

      Ask not how Donald Trump could become president (twice) but ask if anybody could manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory the way that a DNC presidential candidate can.

    • I don't think this kind of messaging can be effective on its own without making explicit how capitalist democracy will always reproduce this result even if you manage the genuinely impossible task of slotting a third party in as one of the two majors. That's the real hurdle when it comes to bashing the democratic party. They always come back with a correct observation about FPTP.