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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Morocco, a retreat for Israeli soldiers leaving Gaza: As "Israeli" war crimes in Gaza, the West Bank, and now Lebanon draw international censure, will Morocco continue offering a luxurious retreat for occupation soldiers, or will mounting public outrage and legal action force the kingdom to confront its controversial alliance with "Tel Aviv"? | The Cradle

    Now, outside of Gaza, the cries of children and the echoes of shattered lives linger in "Israeli" soldier Moshe Avichzer’s mind. Blood splatters, refusing to fade, stain his occupational army uniform, and the dust of leveled neighborhoods clings to his skin.

    The mission is complete: Gaza is left in ruins, its people without water, electricity, or hope. Now, the need to decompress calls for a new task.

    But where does an "Israeli" soldier like Avichzer unwind after committing such atrocities? The answer is Morocco – Marrakesh, to be exact.

  • Mystical rabbi
  • Kill Six Billion Demons >> Kill Six Billion Humans

  • Teamsters Presidential Poll: close to 60% choose red Hitler over blue hitler
  • look it takes a lot of skill to make that "beep beep" noise consistently when you are in reverse

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • I know the Rambo title card is a hoax.

    I dunno I'm not convinced. I remember seeing this shit on VHS

  • "Hawk Tuah? How about a "WALK TUAH" the POLLS and VOTE ON THAT THING!
  • but I can't walk, because this joke broke my legs

    (GOOD post)

  • Palantir CTO basically confirming their involvement in Israel's pager attack
  • Princess Leia Organa : Governor Tarkin! I should have expected to find you holding Vader's leash. I recognized your foul stench when I was brought on board.

    Grand Moff Tarkin : Charming to the last. You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your life.

    Princess Leia Organa : I'm surprised that you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.

    Grand Moff Tarkin : Princess Leia, before your execution, I would like you to be my guest at a ceremony that'll make this battle station operational. No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now.

    Princess Leia Organa : The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

    Grand Moff Tarkin : Not after we demonstrate the power of this station. In a way, you have determined the choice of the planet that'll be destroyed first. Since you are reluctant to provide us with the location of the Rebel base, I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.

    Princess Leia Organa : No! Alderaan is peaceful! We have no weapons, you can't possibly...

    Grand Moff Tarkin : [impatiently] You would prefer another target, a military target? Then name the system! I grow tired of asking this so it will be the last time: Where is the rebel base?

    Princess Leia Organa : ...Dantooine. They're on Dantooine.

    Grand Moff Tarkin : There. You see, Lord Vader, she can be reasonable. Continue with the operation; you may fire when ready.

    Princess Leia Organa : WHAT?

    Grand Moff Tarkin : You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration - but don't worry; we will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.

  • The war in Ukraine is already over—Russia just doesn’t know it yet | Reason

    we start with a paean to historical idealism

    >Wars end long before armistices are signed. A war's end, after all, is a matter of will, of spirit—and popular will is only haltingly, grudgingly reflected in the political machinery of peace talks.

    "it's not a contest of production and material resources, it's just a Triumph of The Will."

    it only gets worse from there, as the author argues that Ukrainian morale is "nearly euphoria" while Russian morale is in the gutter, as evidenced by their civilians' failure to dig in and fight regular troops:

    >Its citizens in Kursk fled the Ukrainian advance like smoke in the wind, leaving homes and possessions without so much as a whimper.

    AUDIO: Harrowing Phone Calls Expose Global Campaign of Repression | Drop Site News AUDIO: Harrowing Phone Calls Expose Global Campaign of Repression

    The story and video we’re sharing today is probably unlike anything you’ve seen before, yet it reflects a growing and worrisome phenomenon that goes by the fairly clinical term of “transnational repression”—which is when a government represses dissent from ex-pat citizens or residents of separate co...

    AUDIO: Harrowing Phone Calls Expose Global Campaign of Repression

    Pakistani diaspora worldwide being targeted in sick ways to maintain imperial control of Pakistan

    US quietly reaches agreement with Qatar to keep operating largest military base in Middle East | CNN Politics [January 2024] US quietly reaches agreement with Qatar to keep operating largest military base in Middle East | CNN Politics

    The United States has quietly reached an agreement that extends its military presence at a sprawling base in Qatar for another 10 years, three US defense officials and another official familiar with the agreement told CNN.

    US quietly reaches agreement with Qatar to keep operating largest military base in Middle East | CNN Politics
    Satellite images reveal Israel building new land corridor inside Gaza: Report | The Cradle Satellite images reveal Israel building new land corridor inside Gaza: Report

    The new corridor is located east of Gaza City and serves as further indication of Tel Aviv’s plans for a permanent presence in the strip

    Satellite images reveal Israel building new land corridor inside Gaza: Report
    Aaron Bushnell Banner in Beirut

    >Aaron Bushnell, from the people of loyalty and sincerity, to your pure soul. Your devotion and loyalty to the Palestinian people will remain a [trust in?] our necks for eternity.


    little known fact, roqchams is a former Chapo guest (Episode 15) who turned on them for iirc being "bros" (maybe because of Hillary but I can't remember)

    I'm Speaking

    Kid Killer Kamala


    miz miz [any, any]

    only the Polytron reduces an entire mouse to a soup-like homogenate in 30 seconds

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