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I'm not racist, I'm just Adolf Hitler
  • Yeah exactly, europe should act as the world's hard-border containment zone for the disgusting white subhuman hordes that have ravaged humanity for centuries.

    Nobody should have to be forced to move to any of those utter run down failed state shitholes listed in that tweet.

    (Other than Greece ig they seem alright.)

  • [Everyone GTFIH] Supreme Leader Black Red Guard is chatting with Nakoichi's buddy live on youtube Decolonial Marxism with Comrade Sungmanitu!

    BRG's Book/Flatcap Fund:

    Decolonial Marxism with Comrade Sungmanitu!

    >inb4 the steam ends within 10 minutes of this being posted

    Join if opsec is not a problem, huge happening

    Wealth of the Top 1% in US Hits All-Time High of $45 Trillion
  • If you took as much needed to pay down the debt it would leave enough money they’d still never have to work again.

    Correct me if im wrong but is it the 1% of the US themselves (+ other billionaires) that the US government is indebted to?

  • /r/ask_transgender calls people who refuse to vote for Genocide Joe "anarcho-kiddies"
  • I'm legitimately having a panic attack. These airheaded anarcho-kiddies are genuinely going to land us all in camps.

    Imagine blaming anyone but the fucked up police state that materially throws people in the camps. This is how demoralized the average american liberal is, their fucking capitalist dictatorship is like a force of nature to them that you can do nothing about but concede more and more of your life away to.

  • Holy shit, lemmitor's annoying liberal self righteousness is off the charts
  • as you're going around then whole thread injecting yourself into any conversation.

    See, you're so blindingly stupid that you can't even understand how a public forum on the internet works.

    This is a graffiti wall, you are the village idiot, the sacrificial lamb, everyone is free to mock you when they want.

  • Holy shit, lemmitor's annoying liberal self righteousness is off the charts
  • nice stealth edit buddy boyo

    constantly wishing fascist re-education camps on people is not quite "venting against their boss"

    1. Bosses aren't people.

    2. Its ok to anonymously hyperbolically punch up against "people" who take the vast majority of your earnings and make your life a living hell.

    3. Re-educating fascists to be not fascist... is not fascist.

    4. Thank you for letting us know for certain that you are in agreement with that slimy neoliberal fuck and have thus been acting out of pure bad faith this entire time. "MUH SECRETARIANISM, MUH CHARITABILITY!!" lmao stfu you utter moron

  • Holy shit, lemmitor's annoying liberal self righteousness is off the charts
  • lets report the creature lol these reddit neoliberal types are all the same, i mean

    it's not my instance that is pretty much globally reviled as a toxic source of drama and de-platformed from all interaction with the larger fediverse 🤷‍♂️

    as if "the larger fediverse" is anything more than a bunch of terminally online rabidly neoliberal reddit rejects with 6 figure tech jobs whose opinions mean less than nothing

  • Holy shit, lemmitor's annoying liberal self righteousness is off the charts
  • as a fellow neoliberal (demon from hell), do you think people who vent about their boss on the internet should instead stfu, watch andrew tate and wash they genitals until it improoov their life enough to own the company itself?

  • How to understand Mao's "On Contradiction"?

    The contradiction between my brain capacity and the genius that went into Mao's writings gave me a headache. I need an adult please.

    Lets start by asking, in reference to:

    >"It is evident that purely external causes can only give rise to mechanical motion, that is, to changes in scale or quantity, but cannot explain why things differ qualitatively in thousands of ways and why one thing changes into another. As a matter of fact, even mechanical motion under external force occurs through the internal contradictoriness of things. Simple growth in plants and animals, their quantitative development, is likewise chiefly the result of their internal contradictions."

    I kind of understand what is meant here, but isn't plant and animal growth governed by multiple different chemical reactions?

    I don't have a biology degree but there aren't just two chemical reactions acting in opposition to each other, or a set of pairs of chemical reactions, right?

    How can something so complex be reduced to pairs of opposites? Doesn't that impose a limitation? What if instead of a dialectic its an n-alectic where n can possibly reach the thousands or millions (since things "differ qualitatively in thousands of ways")? Is this really what Mao wanted to convey?

    Obviously his ideas were "right" because they helped develop a correct understanding of reality such that Mao won wars. I just don't understand what is meant.

    [BREAKING NEWS]: Old famous now left-wing youtuber with approx. 1 million subscribers appropriated our soyjak

    One of the Amazing Athiest's latest videos has none other than pronounjak:


    in the bottom right corner.

    Did pronounjak spread from hexbear to other sites? Or is it confirmed that the Amazing Athiest lurks on here?

    Either way, this is an intersection of internet culture 10 years (at least) in the making.

    Bro what happened to the Buddhist community?

    I was looking forward to posting there when I found out it existed a few days ago, why b&

    "iTs bETteR t0 bE a waRrIOr In A gArDEn thAn a gARdeNer iN a wAR."



    Thank you very much

    >dimensional rift occurs

    >other lemmy instances show up on my feed

    >click through random posts

    >witness based people from likeminded lemmy instances


    >witness lib, amerifat libre techbro, and rddit behaviour in the comments for the first time in years \

    >develop aneurysm

    >go to settings

    >set posts back to "local"


    Thank you all,, for not being fucking cancer.

    (Also is there a way to choose the specific instances whose posts you see on your homefeed?)

    *Technically its not that bad, its just that I personally have a low tolerance for this shit after spending years on a more civilized website.

    [Bible Study]: Chapter 1 - Genesis - Question on interpretation

    Hi everyone, if I may I would like to ask a question about possible progressive interpretations of the events during the beginning of Genesis?

    I am confused as to why God was angry enough at Adam and Eve for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge and gaining knowledge of good and evil to sentence them to lives of suffering? It seems really unfair to me on a surface level so I am curious as to what this means in the context of Christian history and struggle against the romans, for instance.

    Could someone redpill me on Lee Kuan Yew?

    Just got a video recommendation about him defending the death penalty for drug traffickers and I remembered all the western propaganda about him being "le great man" who singlehandedly raised Singapore out of poverty or some shit.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
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