Have a new crush but every time you sleep like shit next to her
More hair in the shower drain than you feel comfortable with
Really good looking person who is probably single and in your league, but you will never, ever take the initiative to strike up a real conversation with
You bother a poor underpaid sysadmin that works for a non-profit because someone decided to be a jerk.
Poorly applied window tint, complete with hundreds of air bubbles
Watching the sun come up after spending a fitful night recovering from surgery 🥳
Gleeful toddler likely up to no good
Your password working the second time you typed it, even though you're absolutely positive you entered it correctly the first time
The dog you've had for 9 years suddenly decides that getting on the bed while you sleep and licking your ear is the best thing in the world
Big fantastic butt cheeks
Making a snow angel beneath evergreen trees
Dust particles dancing and flickering amidst the rays of light, beaming through old, sheer curtains on a still, summer afternoon
Delicious cookie, but you probably shouldn't, because you're trying to watch your figure
Sitting on the toilet for so long that your legs no longer work
Stepping in the one wet spot on the kitchen floor while wearing socks
Pattern on a wood wall that kind of looks like a dog
Large man wearing basketball shorts in the dead of winter
Idiot that doesn't know how to zipper merge
Mystery smell in the fridge
Friendly neighborhood cat