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Need to clone 16GB partition on 128GB disk to 32GB disk
  • I’d use clonezilla

    E: It’s not that it can’t be done other ways, it’s just clonezilla will work and has worked for nearly 2 decades. Plus, it’s a nice tool to throw in the toolbox once you know how to use it.

    E. Why do you feel like you have to use something like dd for this particular task? Less than 16 GB of data? Ya probably could have copied it over manually by now.

  • Useless Calendar Widget
  • We all do what we can. For example my calendar is self hosted and managed personally. Apple is simply a client using Caldav.

  • Useless Calendar Widget
  • Wow. What a zinger? No really, great addition to the discussion. Thank you.

    No, probably not. Love em or hate them, they have a pretty good record on privacy going back decades.

    Google though. lol. I mean that’s THE largest advertisement company to ever exist. The same company who finally admitted they were selling their browser’s incognito data.

    That 3rd party app with the better widget calendar is for sure selling.

  • Help connecting on IPhone
  • If it’s accessible using primary IP on the main system , firewall is set or completely disabled and both client and server are on the same network, then I’m not sure. Unless there’s some kinda of network setting mismatch on the laptop or a configuration in Jellyfin not allowing connections outside the host , then I’m not sure. We did cover the basics, so I’m sorry it’s not working.

  • Help connecting on IPhone
  • Ok. So you’re definitely not trying to use remotely.

    So on your phone’s web browser ( using the same WiFi ) if you visit http://<ip of mint system>:8096 and nothing happens then it’s the firewall on the mint system. You would need to allow ports 8096/8097.

    I’ve never used Linux mint, but if it’s Debian based then it might be using UFW firewall.

    First, check that if firewall is running. Open a terminal and type:

    sudo ufw status

    Step 2: Open ports 8096 and 8097

    To allow traffic through ports 8096 and 8097, use the following commands:

    sudo ufw allow 8096/tcp
    sudo ufw allow 8097/tcp

    This opens both ports for TCP traffic. If you also want to open the ports for UDP traffic, you can use:

    sudo ufw allow 8096/udp
    sudo ufw allow 8097/udp

    Step 3: Verify the rules

    Once you’ve added the rules, you can check the firewall status to verify the changes:

    sudo ufw status

    You should see entries for ports 8096 and 8097 allowing TCP (and/or UDP) traffic.

    Step 4: Reload firewall (if necessary)

    If the changes do not take effect immediately, you may reload the firewall using:

    sudo ufw reload

    Now, the firewall should allow traffic through ports 8096 and 8097.

  • Help connecting on IPhone
  • Ok. What address are you using when trying access the server on your phone or Jellyfin client?

    Edit: An address like this or this http://<ip address of Linux mint system>:8096/

  • Help connecting on IPhone
  • How? Like http://<ip of mint>:8096 in a web browser? On the same system running the server or is this a separate computer?

  • Help connecting on IPhone
  • How do you know the server is worker fine? How are you accessing it to know that?


    Do you have a firewall running on your mint installation? If so have you allowed the ports (8096/8097)

    Can you access the web client on the Mint installation http://<ip of mint>:8096

    Can you use that same address on your phone / another computer to access it?

    FYI If you’re using that will not work on your phone or any client that’s not running the Jellyfin server.

    When you use the Jellyfin app which server address are you putting in?

  • I've just been introduced to Taco Bell. What should I be trying?
  • don’t act like taco bell is somehow the first chain to give someone food poisoning.

    It’s one of the only chains with that reputation. It’s kinda of weird to brag about liking it so much but hey, you do you.

  • I've just been introduced to Taco Bell. What should I be trying?
  • If you’re still eating from there, then it shouldn’t be long now.

    I joke, but not really. You have to ask yourself, how is it possible that a little chicken, lettuce tomatoes with some sauce on a “tortillas” can make so many people sick.

  • Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • Which is unfortunate. Hiding projects, code and support behind discord is just wrong.

    There are Linux and open source communities on discord. I mean, just think about that for a second. These people have chosen to put their stuff on a platform that has refused to acknowledge the existence of their OS / development platform. Every other post on Reddit in the Linux community before I left was about some half assed discord workaround.

  • When will we ever get the option for a custom search engine? (Safari)
  • I’m not saying it’s the right way, but I thought this had been possible for quite some time by using a safari extension like

  • Wroom 32 + Core1262-868M
    I was able to create my own variant under DYI. I took a look at the ai-c3 ( Core1262-868M ) and DIY v1_1 (esp32doit-devkit-v1) variant and combined them into a working configuration.

    I'm going to call this new variant of the firmware, "aspec". Simply because when I first found out about this project, I assumed the SX1262 Core1262-868M and wroom-32 would just work out of the box with one of the million firmware variants available. "Amazon Special" ( aspec )

    I also have a GPS that I'd like to add, so I'm going to keep playing around before I submit anything to the metastatic firmware repo.

  • Wroom 32 + Core1262-868M

    I read through the Meshtastic firmware code and found the file variant.h for the Meshtastic-DIY-v1_1 build. Notice it’s not the DIY-v1. Instead v1_1. My understanding from that file is that I should be able to wire the following:

    ESP32 WROOM-32 dev Pin,Core1262-868M Pin,Function

    ``` 3V3,VCC,Power (3.3V)


    18,SCK,SPI Clock

    19,MISO,SPI Data In

    23,MOSI,SPI Data Out

    5,CS,SPI Chip Select

    33,DIO1,LoRa IRQ

    32,DIO2,LoRa BUSY

    27,RESET,LoRa Reset

    14,RXEN,RF switch RX control

    13,TXEN,RF switch TX control ```


    Unfortunately after building out the DIY_v1_1 firmware, wiring it up and flashing it I get thrown into a boot loop only after setting the region.

    I will provide logs once I’m able to do so, just wanted to submit this while I had time. I’m curious if I was misunderstanding the compatibility with a Core1262-868M or if anyone has any tips. Thanks.

    Update : I have it working

    why doesn't my xbox controller connect on reboot?
  • Is there a firmware update for the controller when using the Xbox accessory App on windows?

  • Invidous auto add to playlist
  • If you’re using invidious and have the web client, iOS or android client like Yattee.. wouldn’t your default feed essentially be a playlist of all new videos?

  • I've just created a GUI for a journal viewer
  • Thanks for sharing!

    While there are existing tools like journal-viewer (, which uses WebKit, I found that its GUI doesn’t integrate well with the Qt/Plasma ecosystem.

    I was going to bring that up. I’ve never heard of journal-viewer, but I have used:

    • GNOME Logs
    • KSystemLog
    • QJournalctl

    You mentioned specifically integrating well into QtPlasma, what improvements do you hope to have over the native KDE KSystemLog?

  • Neil Young gives Tim Walz permission for his song – after he sued Trump for using it
  • This thread is about whether or not Walz was aware of the lyrics of a Neil Young song. Being a fan of The Grateful Dead added to the discussion.

    Walz seems like a respectable person. We will see how that plays out. Charles Manson and Mark Chapman were obsessed with Beatles, but I don’t associate them to everyone else who enjoys their music. So I’m not really clear on the point being made here.

  • Useless Calendar Widget

    The most useless calendar widget is made by Apple. I constantly forget that someone’s birthday or something important is coming up later in the week.

    Now I understand that you can set up alerts and you can set up reminders for stuff. I also understand that you can choose a different size widget. But depending on the size and the amount of events it’s possible it won’t even show you what’s going on the next day in the larger widget as well.

    This is forced me to use third-party widgets to display calendar events for the week on my home screen. I hate it because I have no idea if it’s stealing my data.

    Bonus Edit! The large widget fails to show you what’s happening today!


    Any recommendations for a DIY smart doorbell?

    I now have access to a 3D printer and a bit of time. I’d like to skip this dance of smart doorbells kinda working , kinda not with home assistant. Any DIY doorbell projects out there the community can recommend?

    As apps make their way to Lemmy, how do we handle server costs?

    It feels like more Lemmy apps are going to make their way on to the app stores. With more apps, comes more people. More people, more API calls. How do we scale this server and hopefully all of the others to come, financially?

    There are some REALLY interesting Podcast 2.0 features in the works. Especially using “value4value” and “boosting” as a way for listeners to tip their favorite podcasts and fund them directly. I wonder if somehow we can learn from it?

    For those who do not know, hopefully these Podcasting 2.0 features will help podcasters continue to thrive in world where companies like Spotify and Amazon have decided to destroy our incredible open and free podcast networks by making “exclusives” and putting them behind paywalls that don’t follow the open standards.

    I’d really love to integrate Podcasting 2.0 RSS and the fediverse. How cool would it be if every podcast episode just had its own place in the fediverse with a place to chat and it all worked together somehow automatically.

    I dunno. Just a thought.

    Here’s some info:

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